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"Make me forget her"

As soon as the words left taehyungs lips,my face turned redder and i felt my heart pounding against my chest ...i wanted to make him forget her, but something made me feel extremely wrong about this...why did i feel wrong about this?

I know i said he could use me....but i dont want that to happen..

I dont wanna be just a toy for taehyung...

I want him to love me.

Without giving it much thought, i pushed taehyung away from my neck, preventing him from making more marks.

With my hands still on his shoulders, i shakily breathed out "t-taehyung" he looked in my eyes.

"Hmm?" He hummed and i squirmed slightly under his gaze.

"I...i dont think this is r-right..." He looked very confused when i pushed him completely off. I stood up and dusted myself off and backed away when he stood up.

"You said you would always love me" he murmered and walked towards me.
"This isnt love...this is you using me.."i said softly.

I became cornered once again when he pushed me against the wall. Taehyung had both hands on each side of my head and was staring down at my slightly shorter form. And when i say staring, i mean intense staring.

" but you said i could use you.." He kissed me roughly and his hand slowly traveled up my shirt. I bit my lip to not let out any small moans....

but my body is betraying me,as i let out a small whimper.

"T-tae please stop"i was afraid that if i talked any longer, it would come out in moans and be breathy...

I was starting to get scared because he wasnt stopping like i told him to...

Why isn't he stopping?!

He just continued to touch my chest and his hand slid more and more down until it reached my belt, but he was stopped when i shoved him away from me. Hr staggered backwards and stared at me with wide eyes, while i had tears in mine..But they didnt fall.

"im so sorry" he looked concerened and like he felt extremely bad." just sad about....Mia.." Taehtung drifted off, and i felt slightly bad for stopping him.

"Its ok...its just that when we do...." I blushed" want it to be because you love me..and not because you're trying to get over your girlfriend..Ive changed my mind. Im not going to be used anymore... Not by you and not by anyone else" i said before smiling. in my mind i was giving myself high fives and dancing. For once im actually proud of myself.

He looked speechless.

(Awww imagine smiling jungkook)

"Well..see you later taehyung" i smiled  ,turned around and went down the stairs to the bathroom to fix myself up. I had to fix my belt and my shirt to hide the hickeys... Before entering the classroom, i took a few breathers, because my face was ptobably still slightly red..

~~time skip (home)

once i got home, i threw my book bag on the floor and threw off my shoes. As i made my way to the kitchen, i sighed. Thinking about the stuff that happened on the roof, was making me more exhausted...

Did i do the right thing?

Will i never get to feel taehyung kissing me again?

Will he even love me?

Maybe i should've just let him use me....


I shook my head, trying to clear those thoughts. Whenever i made a desicion, i would start to automatically overthink...i hated it.

" right. I deserve to be respected i guess..."i spoke to myself outloud and i did a small smile before grabbing the icecream from the fridge. I headed back to the living room to play some ps4 or watch some tv, but before i got to sit down, i noticed that there was something on the couch.

As i came closer, i saw that it was a person. Wtf. I think my heart actually stopped when that person spoke.

"Welcome home jungkook" and he smiled evily.

I dropped my icecream.


R.i.p icecream 2017😂😂😂

Im soooo sorryy for this shitty chapter. Tbh, i didnt really have this chapter well thought out, so in sorry if it seemed rushed or if it sucks. Just let me know if u liked it, and also who you think is sitting on the sofa. Heheheheee (evil laugh) i actually have the next chapter planned out tho. So be ready. It might be out before friday.

so ye..

Thnx for readddinnggg my shitty fanfic.



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