welcome home kookie

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I dropped my ice cream as soon as i heard that familiar voice and my body froze with fear...

Why is he back so soon....

If hes here, then she must be here as well...

My father stood up from the couch and slowly walked towards me with an evil grin. "Did you have fun while i was gone?" I was speechless. My breathing got heavier and my legs started to shake.

I instantly knew what this meant...i would freeze up and not be able to move...this usually happened.... God damn it!! Why does my body always refuse to move in these situations!! Why am i just standing here waiting for shit to happen!!??

I quickly shut my eyes when i noticed that he was infront of me.

"I said did you have fun while i was gone?!!" He asked the Same question from earlier, just louder..

I opened my mouth to answer, but the wind was knocked out of me when i got slammed into the wall. My eyes opened widely as i struggled to catch my breath. Before i could even breathe in, my dads filthy hands went under my shirt and started feeling me up.

I felt absolutely disgusted with this man...but what could i do? He was bigger and stronger than me....

The worse part is that this isnt the first time...

He forcefully smashed his lips on mine and i put my hands on his chest, trying to push him off. He didnt budge..so i bit his lip. Hard. But that didnt stop him...infact, he moved even closer. He unbuttoned my shirt at the top and pulled down the shirt around my shoulder area, and started bitting my neck.

But suddenly he stopped. Im not complaining. I hate him...

"Why are there marks here?" He asked in an angry voice." I didnt make these!!" He slapped me. Oh shit! I forgot about the hickeys that taehyung gave me while we were on the roof... Lord help me if your out there.

"WHO THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN WITH??!! YOU DIRTY WHORE!!" He screamed, making me wince.

I didnt want to put taehyung into any danger, so i just said the best thing i could... Even if it meant mire trouble for myself...

" n-no one sir" i stuttered with tears in my eyes.

"Im not stupid you slut" he said before grabbing my wrist and flinging me on the couch.

"But its ok. Ive got you now " he grinned at me and winked  which made me barf in my mouth. Disgusting.

He unzippered my pants and shoved his hand inside of them, reaching for my length. Once he found what he was reaching for, He squeezed and i whimpered in pain.

"Ahh!" It hurt so much and he was being more rough than usual. By now i was full on crying, but he didnt care. He just started to pump my manhood.My drunk dad grabbed my by the hips and flipped my over so that i was on all fours. Of course, i tried to roll over, not wanting to be in this position, but he held me firmly in place...

"P-please"i begged.."Please dont do this" i choked out through my tears.

"Awwww baby..you know i love it when you beg" he purred before ripping my pants completely off. To say i was terrified would be an understatement. I was well beyond scared.

All i could do was cry into the sofa cushions and try to block out any sounds as he grabbed my ass.

I was being forcefully taken. If there is a god out there, please help me...

"A nice ass for a skank li-" i heard a loud crash sound and his hand flew off of my butt. As soon as i no longer felt his hands on my body, i whipped my head around to see him on the floor with a broken table underneath him.

My eyes widened in surprise. What made me even more suprised was the person who was there. My eyes slowly traveled up and down a panting taehyung. He looked furious. Taehyung gave me a quick look or sympathy, before angrily looking at my father.

"YOU DISGUSTING PIECE OF SHIT!!HOW COULD YOU!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs and kicked my dad. I flinched as He coughed up  blood, but tae didnt care. He just kept on kicking that scumbag until there were no more coughs or grunts coming from the man on the floor, but even then, he still kept on going.. I couldve sworn i heard some bones crack....

At least i was safe... "t-thank you so much taehyung...." I said shakily. I sniffled and rubbed my eyes, and that caught taehyungs attention. He walked over to my and cupped my face in his hands and wiped tears off my face with his thumbs.

"Im so sorry i didnt come here sooner..."he pulled me into a tight hug and continued what he was saying..

"I came here to say sorry for earlier...i didnt expect to see that motherfucker touching you......." He stopped before he said 'rape you'. Instead of saying those words, he just pulled my body closer to mine.

"Come sleep at my house. I cant allow you to stay here anymore.. Ok?" He asked in a gentle voice. I just nodded.


Weeelllpppp heres something i wrote because i was extremely bored. In the last chapter, i did mention that there would be an early update. The only trouble i had was deciding who was going to save jungkook. Yoongi or tae. I decided on tae because i thought it would be more interesting i guess. I think if this actually happened, taehyung wouldnt stop until someone was dead 😂😂😂
Anywaayss vote and follow me lol


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