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!Trigger warning!

domestic violence,

if it triggers you then you can skip to the '>>' ( or the paragraph in bold, you honestly can't miss it.)

the part will be summarised vaguely to put you back on track

"Why did I ever marry you?!" The yell broke through the house as soon as Taehyung stepped inside it.

The sound of a plate shattering against the floor soon followed.

"You good for nothing woman! What would you ever do if I wasn't here huh? Who would love you?" The loud voice of Taehyung's father continued, accompanied with muffled hits, immediately alarming the boy.

"Shut up! Who would put up with your bullshit huh? I'm the one who makes sure you have food on you plate when you get home from work! You men are always so disrespectful!"

Taehyung rushed inside the kitchen, finding his father infuriated, a death grip over his mother's wrist as she kneed him in the stomach, his empty hand came down yet again, hitting the side of her face before she snapped it back at him to glare through his soul and send a punch of her own.

"Yah!" Taehyung yelled as he dropped his bag on the spot and ran towards his parents.

He grabbed his wrist, prying his hand off his mother and pushing them appart. He then turned to his mother, quickly bending down to collect her in his arms when she fell from his push, but then a strong hand grabbed a fist full of his hair and yanked him backwards, his body falling on the floor.

"Leave us alone Taehyung. This is an adults conversation." His father spat, grabbing his mother's arm and pulling her to her feet.

Taehyung quickly got up, taking his mother's other arm and pulling her out of the kitchen.

He ran down the hallway, but was stopped by a kick to his ankle that swept him off his feet, his body falling on the floor painfully.

We winced, but tried to get up nonetheless, before his father's foot came pushing him in between his shoulder blades, back into the ground.

"Don't get involved kid." The older spat, delivering a very strong kick to Taehyung's side, landing in the soft spot just below his ribs. "When a kid does mistake, he gets a slap. When an adult makes a mistake, they get something a little harsher."

"Don't you fucking touch my son." His mother then growled, pushing him away from Taehyung.

"Our son!" He shouted back, shoving her.

"Ten fucking act like he is." She roared, shoving him back.

The old man pulled the fuming woman up yet again and dragged her to the room, before locking it.

Taehyung's eyes widened, he got up, wincing, and stumbled to the door, banging against it furiously.

"Mom!" He yelled, tears guiding up in his eyes. "Mom! Are you okay?!" He asked.

He heard a grunt from the other side, probably from his irritated father.

"I'm fine Taehyung-ah!" A yell came from the door, before a loud 'shut up' followed, then another 'no you shut up'.

"Mom!" Taehyung cried.

"Get out Tae!" The feminine voice yelled again. "I'll be fine, just get out of the house."

"Shut up!" His father's voice roared. "Or I will kill your child."

Taehyung's eyes widened.

"I dare you to fucking try!" His mother yelled, straining her voice.

>>for those who couldn't read the chapter: basically Taehyung's parents were fighting pretty harshly (verbally and physically) and his father ended up menacing his mother of killing Taehyung (of course it wasn't serious but just in the heat of the moment)

Fear paralysed Taehyung's system, then letting his limbs act on their own and rush out of the house.

He stumbled into the hall of the apartment complex, still wearing his school uniform, and with his bag that he had grabbed on the way out. Unfortunately, he fell, his landing on the rough floor owned him a large scrape on his upper arm, adding on to his long list of bruises.

Before he could get up and run, a door flew open, though it wasn't the one he had just come out of.

It was his neighbor.

"Taehyung?" Said boys head shot to the side to meet another boy's worried gaze.

He was the manager and water boy of the soccer team, though he had no idea what his name was, and didn't have a clue how he knew his name.

Taehyung certainly wasn't in his best condition. Tears poured down his cheeks, his eyes were wide open in fear, the cut at the corner of his lip still hadn't healed and the sleeve of his uniform blazer was torn slightly.

"Come in" Seokjin ushered, reaching a hand out to Taehyung, who weakly got up without using the help offered to him.

He stumbled slightly, thankfully, Seokjin caught him, snaking an arm around his wait to help him stabilise.

Unfortunately though, he happened to press on the fresh bruise on the side of his stomach, where his father had kicked him angrily.

A hiss left Taehyung's clenched teeth, but it didn't go unnoticed by the taller male, who frowned.

"Come on, let's get some ice on that."

He led Taehyung into his house, helping him lay down on the couch.

A few seconds later, he came back from the bathroom with a first aid kit.

"I'm Kim Seokjin by the way. I go to your school." He said softly, pulling a chair to sit next to Taehyung.

The wounded didn't answer, his eyes were closed. Seokjin looked at him worriedly, not commenting on the screams that could still be heard from the apparemment on the other side of the wall.

He rubbed his clammy hands on his pajama pants, before pep talking himself into starting a conversation with Taehyung.

"Should I call the cops?" He asked.

Ever since he'd moved to live on his own, Seokjin had been quite concerned about his neighbours. Once in a while, though rarely, he would hear loud yells coming from next door.

Of course, a couple arguing was completely common and even natural, if it weren't for the sounds of pained cries from both of them and furniture and cutlery being thrown around.

Upon the other's question, Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, looking up at the ceiling in a gaze Seokjin could only see as apathie.

"No. I've tried already." He said, wincing again as Seokjin placed the ice on his stomach.

"And?" The other urged.

"And my mother lied to them saying everything was okay."

"What did you say?" Seokjin applied antiseptic onto the scrape on Taehyung's forearm.

"What would you have expected me to say? I was seven. My parents always tousled with each other, there's nothing i could have done."


hey guys!

Just dropping by to say sorry for the gloomy chapter and thank you for all your suggestions :)

Also if anything in this book triggers you and I didn't put a trigger warning, please tell me so I can add one.

(I think this will be the most violant chapter, but different people get triggered by different things, don't hesitate to let me know)

Anyway, on a positive note, thanks for 800 reads!

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