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"Boys! Dinner's ready!" They heard a yell from downstairs, making both of them run down the stairs to be greeted with the mouth watering scent of black bean noodles, one of Jungkook's favourites.

They both stopped by the kitchen to wash their hands, before sitting at the table together, Jungkook next to his mother with Taehyung across from him.

"So Taehyung, you're in Jungkook's class is that right?" She asked as she served the boys generously.

"Yes, Mrs Jeon." He nodded, thanking her for the bowl she handed him.

"Oh just call me Sangmin." She smiled.

He nodded again.

"Is that how you two met?" She asked.

Jungkook had told her about the fact that they had already slept with each other, to which she had just shrugged (she was used to her son sleeping around and frankly, she couldn't care less as long as he used protection), though he had insisted that they were not a couple.

"Actually, we met at a bus stop when it was raining." Taehyung corrected, Jungkook enjoying seeing him talk more than he usually would.

"How romantic." Sangmin traded as she smirked Jungkook's way, to which he glared back.

"This is really good." Taehyung complimented as he motioned to the black bean noodles with his chopsticks, clearing his throat making him look a little uncomfortable.

Sangmin got the message and didn't push it.

"Thank you dear." She said as a wide smile made it's way to her face. "Now, Jungkook mentioned you were really good in class, do you know what you'd like to do in the future?" She asked.

He looked down at his meal, Jungkook taking the opportunity to stare at his face. God was he a sight for sore eyes.

"I'm not sure yet." He mumbled.

Sangmin smiled warmly, Taehyung recognising Jungkook's traits in her, like his large smile and the way his eyes squinted a lot when he did. And the shape of his lips, a thin upper lip with a defined cupid's bow and a plump bottom lip.

"It's fine, Jungkook isn't too sure either." She said, ruffling her son's hair affectionately, earning an adorable chuckle from Taehyung. "What clubs are you in, maybe that can help you know what you like?"

Taehyung place his chopsticks over his empty bowl, taking a sip of his water.

"I'm in the arts club" he said, looking down.

Taehyung seemed quite different around adults. With Jungkook, he always seemed carefree and relaxed (though it did take some time for him to warm up and let his guard down), he seemed at peace and calm, though with his mother he seems tense and alert.

"Oh that's great!" She said, surprising him. "Jungkook liked drawing too, right kooks?"

Jungkook snapped from his daze of staring at Taehyung and nodded.

"Yeah but it's only like a small hobby." He said, rubbing the back of his neck as he shyly looked up at Taehyung.

Sangmin chuckled.

It was so cute seeing her son being flustered in front of someone.


"Your mom is nice." Taehyung mumbled from his seat at Jungkook's desk, the light from the desk lamp being the only thing illuminating the room more than the lights from outside Jungkook's window.

Taehyung said he had a few assignments to finish, so there he was, glasses perched on the bridge of nose (Jungkook then learned he had a bad eyesight, but prefered to wear contacts. He wished he would have known sooner, because he found Taehyung gorgeous with those thin, golden framed glasses.), eyes reading over the exercices before his pencil scribbled on his paper.

Jungkook layed on his bed, that was in the corner of his room, right next to his desk (that also served as his nightstand), watching Jungkook work with admiration.

The more he looked at him, the more beautiful he discovered him to be.

And the warm light of his desk lamp over his skin giving it an orangy glow made him look straight out of a photo shoot.

"Yeah, she's cool." Jungkook finally answered, piercing the silence.

"You're lucky." Taehyung said, to which Jungkook nodded.

They stayed silent for a few more moments after that, before Jungkook spoke up again.

"Hey, Tae?"

"Mhm?" he answered with that silky smooth voice of his, a chill going down Jungkook's spine.

"Do you remember how we met?"

Taehyung chuckled, showing off a rare smile that made jungkook's cheeks heat up. he then shook his head slightly.

"Which one, the time you asked me my name when i had been in your class for four months or the time you just kissed me to make me like you?" He teased.

Jungkook turned completely red at that, rolling over to bury his head in the pillow in embarrassment.

"Shut up." he mumbled inside the pillow, peeking to his side to find Taehyung still taking notes.

He seemed so mature. With his concentrated face, now illuminated with a soft smile, and his bony hand writing on his paper. It was then that it really settled in to Jungkook that Taehyung was older, even though to him, he'd always been someone younger to please since he was alway the submissive one in their endeavours (it sounded better when he didn't voice his thought out in his head, but the point was, that he realised Taehyung was actually a mature man, who was hot.)

"You're lucky I'm gay, though it was super risky of you to just assume my sexuality." Taehyung spoke up, his deep voice not helping in Jungkook realising how much more masculine Taehyung was, when he wasn't moaning under him.

"You're gay?!" Jungkook asked, voice coming a little over a whisper.

Why was he surprised? he had no idea. He had just never assumed Taehyung was capable of love? He just felt like some foreign entity that couldn't be thrown in a box of sexuality (god Jungkook was so confused at his own thoughts.), it just felt weird to associate him with the term "gay".

Taehyung snorted.

"No, i've just been having sex with you for like three months to experiment." he teased, rolling his eyes as he put his pencil back in his pencil case and closed his notebook. "Besides, if you didn't think i was gay then why did you even kiss me in the first place,"

Jungkook ran a hand through his hair, he was so angry at his past self for being so incomprehensible.

"I don't know!" he whined, watching Taehyung put his things back in his school bag and then take his glasses off, placing them on the desk. "You're hot?"

Taehyung snorted again.

"You think i'm hot?" He asked, seeming surprised but also a little smug with the opportunity of teasing the younger.

Jungkook's cheeks were now completely red. Why was he so flustered, he'd said that to countless girls.

"Well yeah? I don't just sleep with you because you're good in bed." He mumbled scooting over to make some space in his bed, Taehyung turning off the desk lamp and then slipping under the covers.

"So i'm good in bed?" Taehyung teased, getting comfortable in his side of the bed, leaving a small distance between them.

"W-well, i mean yeah." Jungkook mumbled, completely embarrassed as he tried to place his cold hands on his burning cheeks.

Taehyung grinned, a few giggles getting past his smile and to Jungkook's ears. The younger felt disappointed that all the lights were off, and he couldn't stare at Taehyung's smile.

"You should smile more."

The sentence slipped past his lips before he could register it. Damn it Jungkook, you'll make things awkward.

"Sorry." he mumbled. "I just meant your smile is cute, a-and erm." He felt nervous all over again.

"Well, you're cute when you're nervous." Taehyung said.

"I-i'm not nervous!" Jungkook tried to defend, but he was cut off by a pair of lips pressed to his own (though it wasn't that accurate, the kiss a little off on the corner of his lips.)

"Sure you aren't." Taehyung mumbled, tucking his head in Jungkook's chest and nuzzling in his bare torso, Jungkook's arms soon pulling him closer by his waist.

Taehyung let out a satisfied sigh as Jungkook's breath started to settle into a more slow rythme, his heart beat finally being distinguished in the soft silence. He matched his own breathing to the younger's, another smile pulling at the corners of his face.

He felt safe.


i'm in need of a good fanfic to read right now,

got any suggestions??

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