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"Mom! I'm home" Jungkook yelled from the entrance as he took off his shoes and put them on the rack, Taehyung mirroring his actions.

A woman quickly appeared in the doorway. She looked very young, so much so it made Taehyung confused if she may have been Jungkook's sister, a soft smile graced her lips, eyes still lit up with a youthful spark. She had short black hair, falling just above her shoulders, making her look even younger.

She smiled warmly to Taehyung, surprising him, then walked over to Jungkook and hugged him loosely.

"Welcome home sweetie." She said, before turning back  to Taehyung who quickly bowed.

"Good evening Mrs Jeon, My name is Kim Taehyung and i'm Jungkook's classmate;" He said, the long sentence letting Jungkook enjoy the sound of taehyung's speaking voice a little longer than usual.

"My," Mrs Jeon smiled. "what a polite young man." as she said those words, she raised her hand to his height as to place it over his shoulder.

The action seemed to startle Taehyung greatly, as a violent jolt shook his body.

Mrs Jeon seemed to notice, because her smile faltered slightly as her hand gently touched Taehyung's shoulder, her thumb rubbing at it as if to reassure him.

Taehyung looked down at his feet, and the situation quickly became very awkward.

"Well!" Mrs Jeon suddenly said, breaking the silence. "Why don't you two go upstairs while i finish up dinner." She smiled.

They nodded, and Mrs Jeon smiled.

"Taehyung will be staying over mom." Jungkook said.

"No problem, just don't stay up too late you have school tomorrow"


Once the two boys had placed their school bags in Jungkook's room, Taehyung crashed on Jungkook's bed face first, making Jungkook chuckle as he took off his shirt.

"I'm going to take a shower, care to join?" he asked, and if it weren't for the small scene down stairs and the fact he had been worried for the entire day over Taehyung's well being, he would have accompanied that question with a smirk and a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows..

Taehyung rolled over to his back, letting out a loud sigh before sitting up and looking at Jungkook's naked torso.

He shrugged, before he stood and made his way to the bathroom, not sparing the other a glance as he passed next to him.

Jungkook smirked and followed after him, taking out a towel for his guest.

As they arrived in the bathroom, he didn't waste a second to pin Taehyung against a wall, kissing his lips gently as to not open the wound on the corner of Taehyung's mouth.

Whilst he slowly made out with Taehyung, his finger slowly unbuttoned the other's shirt, then brushing it off his shoulders and letting it fall to Taehyung's feet.

His mouth trailed wet kisses to Taehyung's neck, though he kept the hickeys for another time seeing as his mother would see both of them for dinner.

"I'm cold." Taehyung breathed out as Jungkook kissed down his neck.

Jungkook pulled away, leaving a last peck on Taehyung's lips before he undid his own pants and slid them off, then hopping into the shower and turning it on to a high temperature as Taehyung finished to undress.

The hot water soon hit Taehyung's skin, making it glisten beautifly through the steam that had started to cloud the bathroom.

Jungkook couldn't help but to stare at Taehyung as he stood there, his face catsed down, letting it hit back as he stood motionless under the water.

It's then that he noticed another bruise, this one the side of his hip and partially going to the low of his back.

Jungkook didn't know where they came from, he didn't really get bruises on his own body that often, though Taehyung seemed to have gotten mysterious hues of blues and purples painted on his pale skin a few times since they had met (though, thankfully, it was far from often)

His hand reached out to touch it, simply grazing the wet skin, but it made Taehyung jolt out of his daze.

Jungkook didn't ask about the bruise, because he knew Taehyung wouldn't answer his question, instead he just pulled the other's face to his own and kissed him.

"Turn around, i'll wash your back" He said as their lips parted.

Taehyung didn't protest and simply turned around, Jungkook squirting some shower gel into his palm and spreading it against the other's surprisingly broad shoulders.

The skin was so soft against his hands it almost felt calming.

Jungkook made sure to massaged the very tense muscles of Taehyung's back, the sope gradually rinsing away with the water that still fell over the both of them.

He bent down to leave a small kiss on Taehyung's shoulder, biting him playfully.

That made the boy turn around, but he ignored the cheeky smile Jungkook offered him to reach behind him for the bottle of shampoo.

Without a word, he skirted some on the palm of his hand before spreading it into Jungkook's hair, surprising the younger completely.  Their faces were so close, yet Jungkook didn't want to close the gap because he felt it would ruin their tranquil moment in the shower, letting Taehyung play with his hair, feeling him spiking it up.

That's when Jungkook saw Taehyung smile for the first time since they had met. It wasn't even a full, toothy smile, only a meer chuckle, a simple rise of the corner of his lips, yet the image was so precious to Jungkook he wished he could print it straight out of his mind.

Taehyung was cute when he smiled.

Their relationship had always been only sex, it was weirdly refreshing not to do anything sexual with him, simply enjoying his presence and, mostly, the short smile he was blessed with.

Having Taehyung shampoo his hair and smiling because of how ridiculous he looked with shampoo spiking up his hair, now became one of Jungkook's guilty pleasures.

He closed his eyes, concentrating on the feeling of Taehyung's long and thin fingers massaging his scalp.

With the steam and the head massage, Jungkook suddenly felt dizzy.

His body tilted forward, but Taehyung caught him, Jungkook opening his eyes to see Taehyung rinsing his hands and reaching up to grab the shower head.

He then places his hand on Jungkook's forehead softly to make sure none of the shampoo got in his eyes, and Jungkook chuckled at just how cute the considerate action was coming from Taehyung.

The rinsing of Jungkook's hair marked the end of their shower, Taehyung cut the water and stepped out first, followed by the other, who couldn't help but to look down at Taehyung's plump backside.

Once they made their way back to the room, Jungkook handed Taehyung a pair of plaid pajama pants and a loose white sweater, he knew Taehyung hated feeling cold when he slept, and felt safe in sweaters, though he didn't like hoodies because the hood could be troublesome, judging from the way he would hug himself when Jungkook lent him his

Jungkook was never one to be warmly dressed to go to bed, even in the winter, he would just hop into the covers naked, or with only a pair of boxers if Taehyung was with him, though he slipped on a loose shirt and some sweatpants for dinner.

The clothes fit Taehyung well, expect the pants that were a little too loose on his waist, making him have to tie a tighter knot. Jungkook somehow found the gesture sexy, looking at him fiddle with the two strings of the waistline with a slight pout on his plump lips.

He took the towel Taehyung had used and threw it over the boys head, shuffling his hair to dry it, making the older look up to him with questioning eyes

"Don't catch a cold." Jungkook said, chuckling.

The slightest pull at the corner of Taehyung's lips, hinting at a small smile made Jungkook's heart do a backflip.

He stopped with Taehyung's hair, but kept both of his hands on his head, and bent down to place a kiss on Taehyung's lips.

Pulling away, he sighed and threw his arm over Taehyung's shoulder, his hand bringing the boy against his chest by pressing on the back of his head softly, the other arm snaking around his waist

"Please tell me if people are bullying you." He whispered.

"No one is." Taehyung mumbled in his shirt, but for some reason Jungkook didn't let himself believe it.


okay if you haven't seen Spider-Man new generation you are missing out!

I watched it for like the fifth time today and god damn it still gets me.

Also hope you liked the fluff ;)

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