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The rain was pouring outside, the students looking outside the window with frustrated eyes as they sighed, the gloomy weather not helping the fact that christmas exams were coming up.

Jungkook was in his classroom, fooling around as usual, imitating their english teacher vulgarly, in a way that certainly was not respectful.

His best friend, Seokjin, laughed loudly in his particularly loud laugh, thumbling over and clapping his hands, making even more noise, another one of his friends, Jimin, hitting Hoseok, his boyfriend of seven months, the boy also laughing as loudly.

They were on their lunch break, eating in their classroom, with all they're tables pushed in a small circle to face each other. Seokjin and Hoseok, being third years, came from another class, but had come here especially to spend time with the two youngers.

"it's raining pretty hard." Jimin noted as he recovered from his fit of laughters. "And we have practice today so we have to stay extra long." He then sighed, his boyfriend stroking his back in empathy seeing as they were in the same dance crew.

Hoseok and Jimin were both in dance and soccer, making them grateful for all the time they got to spend with each other.

"well," Jungkook smiled. "My teacher is absent so i have the rest of they off." He bragged, winking at the discouraged Jimin.

"What a brat." Joked Seokjin as he slapped the back of his head affectionately.

"If you're too mean, i won't come over for Mario Kart." Jungkook teased, packing his things before ultimately leaving the classroom.

The two didn't live far apart, hence why both of their families had been pretty close for a long time, only a five minute bike ride separated the Jeon family from Seokjin's apartment, that was in the same street as his parent's old house, before their divorce.

Seokjin had an apartment of his own, when they had been in court to slip Seokjin's custody, they had deemed it easier for their son to have his own place to which Seokjin agreed since he couldn't find it in himself to have to choose between his parents.

Jungkook however, lived in a house with his mother, having grown up alone with her ever since birth, when his father had decided he was too young to be father, and leave his mother (that was only sixteen at the time), alone with a kid.

The boy didn't really mind not having a father, he had a very good relationship with his mother and almost forgot he even had a father in the first place (though it was a little awkward for them when he hit puberty...).

He walked down the hallways, saying his goodbyes to his multitude of friends before reaching the locker area, taking off his indoor slippers and exchanging them for his beat up sneakers.

The halls were empty, most of the school's population being crowded in classrooms or near the vending machines. It wasn't that exceptional for teachers to be absent, making their students happy with the extra hours of free time, but apparently all the people in Jungkook's class had already left.

Checking the weather outside, he smiled, happy to see the storm had calmed down, now leaving a small opening in the dark grey clouds to make his escape back to his house possible.

Throwing his bag over his shoulder, he whistled a soft tune, thinking about the usual things most boys of his ages thought about.

Video games, sports, girls...

His mind wandered to the the girl, Sunhee, he believed was her name, who had admitted liking him during the morning break. He had declined the offer to date her simply because he didn't really want to be in a relationship with her.

Some of his friends had said he was an idiot for refusing such a pretty and popular girl, going as far as to call him a gayass for never taking on girls' advances.

The comment had stirred something into Jungkook. Because was he gay?

He'd never thought about until that day, his friends were, and he found it pretty chill, but was he?

When he pondered about it long enough, he found it quite plausible, first because it had taken him years, to even dare look into a girls eye, and secondly because he just never really got turned on by the girls' bodies in the porn he watched (if that even meant anything), neither did he with the ones he slept with.

Which could seem quite stupid, but when he would go to partied and the most wanted girl in the entire house flirted with him, it was hard not to give and make himself proud with yet another name to add to his list.

So then was he gay? Bi?

He didn't know the answer to that question.


His thoughts were interrupted by a small drop of rain, landing right on the middle of his hair, making a chill go down his spine.

He cursed, he still had some time to walk until he was home and seeing how the number of droplets drastically increased in a short span of time, he found it wise to try and find a shelter.

Cursing, he started running to the closest he could find, a bus stop.

Panting slightly, he took his blazer off as to not get colder with the damp material, leaving him only in the sweater he wore during cold autumn days even though it was strictly forbidden by the dress code.

He sat on one of the seats provided, looking up at the clear ceiling that was being poured on, tracing the way of the water with his eyes, finding it quite relaxing.

A few seconds later, he heard the faint sound of feet splattering against puddles, looking down for his eyes to meat a sight he sure as hell was not expecting.

A boy was standing on the opposite side of the street, his head tilted backwards almost as if welcoming the large amount of raining crashing on his pale cheeks.

Through the thick layer of rain separating them, Jungkook couldn't quite see his face, but he looked young, probably around his age, jet black hair that fell against his scalp, revealing his forehead.

Jungkook got the urge to laugh, because he honestly found it amusing to see someone willingly get soaked to the bone while he had been running to find a place to hide.

Nonetheless, he stood up, walking to the edge of the bus and cupping his mouth with his hands.

"Yah! Don't stand there you'll get sick!" He shouted.

The boy jolted, suddenly letting his head fall back straight and turning to Jungkook, he ran a hand through his hair, before crossing the road to join him.

His shoes emitted really amusing sounds as they seemed to leak of water each step the boy took, his clothes were completely patted down flush against his slim body and his hair was almost damp, falling messily over his eyes and dripping down his face.

Jungkook had to admit, the boy was stunning.

His features were bold and symmetric, jawline sharp and nose straight, his body thin and lean, legs long. He was looking down, so Jungkook couldn't quite see his eyes, but from what he saw, he was a pretty boy for sure.

The squeak of the boy's shoes stopped as he stood next to him, a reasonable distance between them, finally made him snap out of his staring daze.

Upon seeing the stranger's clothes, Jungkook was taken by surprise, recognizing his school's uniform.

"You go to my school." Jungkook said with a smile as he patted the school's emblem with his index finger.

The stranger looked at him, going from the emblem, then looking into his eyes.

Oh god his eyes were captivating. Dark and bored orbs staring through his soul.

"I'm in your class." He simply said.

Jungkook was surprised by the very deep tone of his silky voice, but then felt the most embarrassed he had ever felt in his life when his mind registered the words.

"Really?! How embarrassing." He chuckled, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "What's your name?" He asked, trying to keep the conversation going and not leave at his clumsy remark.

"Kim Taehyung." The boy voiced, his words velvety as he pronounced his own name, making Jungkook feel really tight in his pants for some reason.


"Jeon Jungkook, I know." Kim Taehyung said.

An awkward silence started to weigh on Jungkook, though the other didn't seem bothered.


hey friends!

 What do you think of this first chapter? (sorry if it's a little boring).

 I thought it'd be better to write longer chapters rather than smaller ones where nothing really happens (this is like 1500 words rather than the 400 words chapters in "Picture Perfect" and "Wish").

 Is this too long? Tell me what you think :)

Btw thanks for your cute ass comments on the teaser and the chapters i posted on "Picture Perfect" and "Wish".

Love youuu

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