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"Alright guys! Let's take a small break!" He yelled across the field, a few of the player letting their bodies fall to the ground on the spot, not even caring about how cold they would get in the freezing weather.

Jungkook quickly jogged past Seokjin, who was making his way to the field with water bottles like the great water boy he was.

He told the older he'd be back, having to excuse himself to the bathroom.

At the lockers, he changed his muddy shoes for his indoor one and walked back inside to get to the bathroom, the ones in the locker rooms being closed because some first year thought it would be fun to flush a roll of toilet paper down the toilet, thus making it completely unusable for the week.

Jungkook jogged down the halls, not wanting to give his teammates the pleasure of having a longer break than needed.

Not paying attention to where he was going in the empty halls, he quickly turned a corner and bumped into a someone who also seemed to be in a hurry.

"Oops"Jungkook let out as he quickly wrapped a strong arm around whoever had just hit his body to try and stabilise both of them, then looking down to see who it was.

"Oh! Hey Taehyung." He smiled, helping the other tighten his grasp on the multiple tubes of paint he tried to balance in his arms.

"Good afternoon, Jeon Jungkook." Taehyung answered in a such a formal tone it made Jungkook snort slightly.

"You can drop the formal talk, we are classmates." he smiled.

"Says the guy who didn't even know we were until yesterday." Taehyung mumbled. It made Jungkook laugh this time, because he sure as hell did not expect Taehyung to be so forward.

"Damn feisty." Jungkook joked. "me likey."

Taehyung seemed to visibly cringe, trying really hard not to roll his eyes.

"Well, you're annoying, me no likey." He rolled his eyes, trying to get around Jungkook and continue his way.

But Jungkook blocked him again, standing in front of him. Not that he was some kind of egocentric jerk that found it unacceptable to be rejected, but he really wasn't used to be so flatly turned down, he wanted to make this last a little longer, especially because Taehyung was unpredictable and he liked that (also because he was hot but that was beside the point).

"Don't judge so fast." He smirked. "Just wait for me at the school gate after soccer practice, I'll give you reasons to like me."

Taehyung rolled his eyes again and dodged Jungkook to continue his way down the hall.

Was Jungkook a little mad to see he had no effect on Taehyung?


Was he embarrassed at his cringey fuckboy self?


Was he surprised at himself for making a move on a guy he had found out the existence of the day before?

Even more.


"I'm surprised you actually waited for me." Jungkook said with a smirk as he looked down at the boy who sat on the stairs of the school's entrance, his bag next to him and some weird tube, a cylindrique case with a strap connecting either ends (Jungkook supposed it was to carry it easier), with a use that Jungkook had no idea of.

Taehyung looked up to him with his beautiful dark eyes, partially hidden away by his black bangs. He stood up, taking both his school bag and the weird tube to swing them over his shoulder.

He shrugged, looking down at the ground as he kicked pebbles along their way.

"this silence is kind of harsh, come on, cat got your tongue?." Jungkook laughed, trying to lighten the atmosphere, slapping the Taehyung's back as he chuckled.

The other jolted more than necessary, stumbling slightly forward.

"Sorry." Jungkook mumbled as he scratched the back of his head, god he was regretting asking Taehyung to wait for him.

Taehyung shrugged.

After a few more minutes of heavily awkward silence between the two second years, Jungkook finally had enough and decided to spark up a conversation.

"What's that?" He asked, pointing at the weird tube that was slung over Taehyung's shoulder.

"It's to protect my drawings." Taehyung mumbled.

"Are you in the art club?" Jungkook asked, remembering Taehyung carried tubes of paint when they had bumped into each other.

Taehyung didn't answer, he simply nodded silently.

By now Jungkook had figured Taehyung just didn't like to speak. he hadn't figured out why, if there was even a reason, but he was sure it was not out of shyness. It seemed more out of boredom or laziness.

"This is my house." he said.

Taehyung didn't answer, looking at him disinterested as Jungkook unlocked the door.

As soon as the door was back closed with the two teens inside, Taehyung was slowly backed against a wall.

"So what's the plan to make me like you?" He asked, a seemingly neutral expression all over his face.

Jungkook smirked and placed his hand on the wall, next to the other's head to pin him against the wall.

"This is the plan." he smirked, lips only a few centimeters away from Taehyung's, who finally had an expression upon his beautiful features, one of complete surprise.


holy fuck guys this story is already over 100 reads !!

Thank you so much.

Anyway what do you think about this chapter?
Isn't Jungkook such a cringe fuckboi?

Btw, I'll be updating this daily until further notice so rest assured.

Also good luck for all the people still in finals (aka me, I have math tomorrow...)

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