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"You're being a fucking asshole." He said coldly, making all of their eyes widen. "I hope you realise that."

Taehyung was never one to stand up for others, he would just close his eyes and walk away, and he sure as hell never insulted others. His friends knew that, and the ones who knew him well (essentially Namjoon and Jungkook) believed it was partly because no one had ever  stood up for him and because he didn't want to unnecessarily get himself in trouble.

But apparently Jimin had thinned out his patience, because he slowly made his way to the door, grabbing his school bag along with Yoongi's, and placing his hand on the handle under the silent gazes of the five others.

"You know," He said after halting in front of the now open door. "I really thought Yoongi-hyung was going to beat you up, so i think you should at least respect his self control."

And with that, he was out the door, slamming it as well leaving the others to deal with Jimin and the awkward situation.

Taehyung walked hastily through the corridors lined with doors of the large karaoke place, making his way to the exit. Though as soon as he turned the corner, he found Yoongi, crouching down with his back against the wall, both of his arms resting limply on his bent bent knees in front of him, his head down.

From this angle, Taehyung noticed Yoongi's knuckles all red, the skin ripping at one spot and leaking with crimson blood. That meant the older had surely swung a punch at the wall.

He sat down next to him silently, the older raising his head and letting it hit the wall softly, folding both his arms to come rub his face with his veiny hands.

"Wanna rant?" Taehyung asked, extending his long legs in front of him and staring at his beat up sneakers.

The other chuckled next to him.

"I'm fucking tired of putting up with his shit Tae." He breathed out. "Like seriously, it was cute at first i guess, this young midget bickering with me about nothing. But he's in a relationship with my best friend, and i can't ever see him anymore, and whenever i do, Jimin's there an i can't even get within a meter radius of him. And he barks random shit at me, keeps getting on my nerves on purpose. And what does Hoseok do? Nothing. Fucking nothing. We've known eachother since fresh out the womb and it only takes some fucking mochi cheeks to just sweep him off his feet and forget about me."

Taehyung nodded at his words, having noticed how irritable Jimin seemed to be when they were in the same room, he also notice that Yoongi seemed a lot more hurt then he had expected. He knew the older had been slightly aggressive in previous years, he usually blew off steam either beating people up or ranting all his anger out verbally. But while talking to Taehyung, he seemed mostly tired.

"Maybe he's just jealous?" Taehyung suggests. "He's scared of being second place in Hoseok's heart."

"That doesn't make any sense!" Yoongi blurted out frustratedly, throwing his hands in his hair to tug at it. "Hoseok considers us in different ways, there isn't a fucking chart to who he loves more because he loves us differently!"

Taehyung patiently nodded at him, playing with his own fingers and being careful to not interrupt him in his words.

"Maybe he doesn't realise that." he ushered sofly once the other was done.

Yoongi huffed, playing with the already crusty blood on his knuckles.

"Well he should."

"yeah, i also think he's being a little childish and kinda mean." he says, looking over at Yoongi who looked back at him with tired eyes. "Just don't let him get to you."

"Thanks Tae" Yoongi breathes out with a small smile. "I really needed that."


Back to inside the room, all eyes were on Jimin after Taehyung left.

"That wasn't cool 'chim." Jungkook said, to which the older crossed his arms and pouted.

"yeah whatever, he's blowing it out of proportions." He mumbled.

"No he's not, Jimin." Seokjin says. "Yoongi looked really hurt from what you said."

"Yeah." Jungkook ads in. "I've seen you too bicker for forever, but you really crossed a line. Excuse the term but you were really being a little bitch."

"Hey-" Hosek tried to interject as Jimin stayed silent.

"No shut up Hoseok." Seokjin cut him off. "Don't defend him just because you're his boyfriend, think of your best friend who just left because he couldn't take being spat on anymore."

"He asked for i-" Jimin tried to mumbled, still pouting like a little kid who didn't want to admit he hadn't eaten the chocolate despite having some smudged all over his mouth.

"No he fucking didn't." it was Jungkook's turn to cut him. "That's the fucking problem hyung, he didn't. He was just trying to be nice but then you waltzed in t-"

"Come on guys." Namjoon finally cuts in. "We shouldn't all team up against Jimin, no matter the situation."

"Well someone has to fucking do something," Jungkook almost yelled, making everyone in the room flinch at his sudden and unexpected outburst. "because obviously Hoseok-hyung is too blinded by his relationship to do shit. Seriously man," He looked over to Hoseok. "Why aren't you doing anything? Can't you see-"

"Of course i see." Hoseok mumbled dryly, all eyes snapping towards him, including Jimin's that had been trained on a piece of fried chicken. "But if i defend Yoongi-hyung, my boyfriend will feel like i love my best friend more than i do him and it'll just make everything worse."

Jimin's eyes widened.

"That doesn't make any fucking sense." Jungkook was fully yelling now, shuffling out of his seat and making his way to the door. "It's not like they can be on the same chart, you love them differently that's all. If Jimin-hyung  would just fucking grow up and see that! I'm dating Taehyung and he knows Seokjin is my best friend but you don't see any of us complaining, because we trust each other!"

"You don't understand!" Jimin suddenly yelled, stopping Jungkook who had been ready to leave. "I-i don't have many friends, Hobi is everything i have and Yoongi-hyung just steals that from me and-"

"Don't have friends?!" Jungkook scoffed before anyone could object. "Are you fucking kidding me Jimin?! What about the soccer team? What about us? You have plenty of people but you're just too focused on Hoseok. And steal him from you? Seriously? Have you ever stopped to ponder upon the fact that maybe it might be the other way around? Hoseok and Yoongi have been friends for ages, and they are probably going to stay that way whether you like it or not. So get over yourself and let Hoseok have other people besides you in his life."

And with that, he left, the door slamming shut yet again.

Jimin looked at the space he had been occupying in slight shock, his mouth ajar as tears started to build up in his eyes.

"Jimin.." Hoseok sighed as he placed an hand on his stuttering shoulder.

"I'm so-orry Hoseok-ah." He sobbed, wiping at his now flowing tears with the back of his hands, the salty tears soaking into his bandage over his still slightly swollen wrist. "I'm sorry for being a-a little bitch a-and-"

"You're not a little bitch Jimin." Namjoon cut him off, though the other two in the room had taken in sharp breaths to counter his statement as well. "Just a little harsh with words. But you're not a bad person, I'm sure apologies will do."


guys I got my wisdom teeth out yesterday and I'm so bloated I literally look like a mushroom...

but how are all of you?
I feel like people have been commenting more lately and it honestly makes me feel so happy :))

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