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"I made tea ya want some?" Yoongi asked from the kitchen as he poured the boiling water into his own cup.

"Yeah sure." Taehyung yelled back from his spot on the couch of Yoongi's house, scrolling through his phone absentmindedly.

The two had decided to leave the karaoke place one Yoongi had calmed down, walking down to Yoongi's house calmly, using the walk to catch up and talk.

While they hadn't been that close during their hookup times, both had been close to diaries for each other. They would trust each other with their darkest secrets, even though that was pretty much all they ever talked about. Sex and their fucked up lives. But they had grown and were now in a much better place than they were, hence why they had much more things to talk about.

"five sugars?"


A few moments later, the older was back to join him on the couch dropping his body next to him tiredly and handing him his mug.

They both sipped on their tea, not really talking and enjoying the comfortable silence instead. The atmosphere and their previous conversations made Taehyung think that, if he and Yoongi hadn't been fuck buddies, maybe they could have become great friends and he was grateful for getting a second chance at that.

"This brings back memories." Yoongi mumbled as he looked over at Taehyung with a small smile, reminiscing the old days when they would drink tea after their hookups bonding over their shitty day.

"Yeah." Taehyung chuckled.

"You know." Yoongi placed his mug on the table and slouched in the sofa, sighing slightly. "I would've never expected you to date Jungkook."

The other rised a questioning eyebrow, turning around to have his back against the armrest and facing Yoongi.

"Why's that?"

Yoongi shrugged.

"I don't know... I felt like you were more into small, thin guys." He hesitated. "That way you'd be sure they couldn't hurt you."

Taehyung looked up from his steaming cup, taking in the sight of Yoongi staring at his own that was still on the coffee table, his eyes reflecting something close to nostalgia and worry.

"But i guess i was wrong, because now you're with that muscle pig." He joked, looking over to Taehyung with a cornered smile, it growing at the sight of the younger choking on his tea.

"Yah!" He coughed out, kicking Yoongi with his bare foot.

Yoongi snickered, catching ahold of it and tickling the sole of his foot, making-ng him wiggle in his grasp.

"Am i interrupting something here?" Said a feminine voice from the entry of the living room.

"Hey noona, welcome home." Yoongi called, leaving his victim alone to take his cup back.

"Hi Tae! Long time no see." The woman smiled as she came in, ruffling Yoongi's hair messy and then doing the same with Taehyung's.

"Hey Yoona-noona." Taehyung smiled.

Yoona was Yoongi's older sister who now attended college, she knew about the two's shenanigans but never really questioned it. She'd always known her brother was weird one, it didn't fase her when he brought men home, if anything she'd tease him about it.

"I'm ordering some pizza, want anything?" She asked, throwing her short hair in a messy bun and wiggling out of her bra, throwing it in Yoongi's face.

"Nah we ate already." Taehyung called, snickering at the older who threw the undergarment on the other couch with a face of pure disgust.

Yoona nodded, walking to the kitchen to make the call, leaving the two teenagers to resume their conversation. Yoongi looked over to Taehyung, who was still sipping on his tea unknowingly, noticing the nice tan to his skin, the glow of his eyes, his healthy hair and plump lips. He looked nothing like the scrawny, pale and dead Taehyung he had known.

"You've really grown." He whispered fondly, a small smile on his lips.

Taehyung looked over with surprised eyes and a small shy smile.

"You too." He muttered, looking away.

Suddenly came in Yoona, spraying some toilet spray into the room and yelling something about it smelling like cheesy high school love, to which the two laughed.

"It's not like that noona!" Yoongi yelled as he went to chase after her in the house, Taehyung wheezing on the couch and longing for such a relationship with a sibling he had never had.

The light hearted feeling was cut off by the sound of his phone ringing in his pocket, he scooped it out, ignoring the two Min siblings wrestling in the doorway and answering.

"Where are you?" The dark voice of his boyfriend called from the other side.

"Hey to you too, damn." Taehyung rolled his eyes, sitting up straight and reaching for his cup of tea.

"I'm serious Taehyung. Seokjin said you weren't at his place where are you?"

"Yoongi's." Taehyung shrugged, taking a sip of his tea nonchalantly. Why was Jungkook acting so protective all of a sudden. Maybe he was a little pissed with the little fight back at the karaoke, but there was no excuse to justify why he was taking it out on his boyfriend.

"Yoongi's? Why the fuck are you at Yoongi's?"

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, surprised at the cold tone of voice Jungkook was using with him added to his rude speech.

"To comfort him? He wasn't really feeling good after the whole Jimin thing so we just headed over to his place. Are you okay? You sound kinda mad?"

"Well why the fuck wouldn't i be when my boyfriend is over at his ex's house?"

Taehyung was full on frowning now, placing his cup of tea back on the table and resting his elbow one his knees.

"Wow, ex? Yoongi isn't my ex." he scoffed, looking over at the window where he could see the street lights lighting up. "What're you talking about?"

"Why? 'cause you're still fucking around with him?"

The words made Taehyung glitch for a second, his eyebrows shooting up to his hairline as he closed his eyes, tilting his head to the side slightly in annoyance as his mouth fell open.

"Wh-" he laughed nervously. "what are you talking about? Are you seriously thinking I cheated on you?"

"You tell me." Jungkook barked.

Taehyung was so confused. What on earth was going on. He'd just been laughing out loud about the Min siblings antics and now his boyfriend was accusing him of cheating.

"Let's talk about this in real life," he started, running a hand through his hair and sighing. "There's no point in arguing over the phone."

"Yeah why don't you fucking hand up so you can finish up whatever you're doing with Yoongi. You just love sex don't you, no matter who it's w-"

Taehyung hung up, throwing his phone on the couch and burying his head in his hands, sighing loudly.

"You okay?" A gravelly voice asked from behind him as a hand slid to his shoulder and the couch dipped next to him.

His brain felt like it was overheating, memories flashing in front of his eyes and ears ringing. Jungkook had just snapped at him like he never had before, accusing him of cheating on him for no apparent reason and just being rude. Taehyung hated when people talked to him like that, it reminded him of his parents when they fought.

The thought made Taehyung scof inwardly. Of course His relationship would up like his parents'. This was only the beginning, soon enough they would start arguing more frequently, and maybe resorting to physical violence if they couldn't get their point across.

Taehyung was hurt, and he needed to forget.

He raised his head slowly, looking over to Yoongi who's eyes detailed his face with worry, hand still on his shoulder. Taehyung's body moved as his mind shut down, grabbing both Yoongi's wrists and pinning him to the couch, hovering over his now shocked figure.

"Taehyung? What the fuck are you doing?" He asked, although he knew exactly what was going on but didn't want to believe it was. The younger looked down at his lips with cloudy eyes, his head slowly dipping down.

"Taehyung!" Yoongi almost yelled. "Don't! Don't do that you are going to regret it."

He wiggled his wrists free and cupped Taehyung's cheeks, keeping their faces at a reasonable distance and looking deeply into his eyes.

"I know sex is your coping mechanism, but I'm not letting you ruin your relationship."

Taehyung scoffed, fat tears rolling down his cheeks and falling onto Yoongi's.

"It already is."


drama oops :)

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