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Hello there!

Welcome to this lazy author newest story thus far!

Completely separate from my other stories that link to my FGO/Bionicle series.

And yes, a new (relatively speaking, probably been out for a while) Gacha game.

Here we have the same formula: Hot robot like girls fighting off against evil monsters called the Rapture.

Complete with big chests, thick thighs, and thick asses.

No, seriously. I think this game was directed at those that like ass since you get a nice view of their rear in battle.

...If you're not like me who is busy trying to stay alive and is too busy trying not to get killed to spare a glance at the characters.

And yes, I'm aware of my other obligations to my other stories. But I could not get this out of my mind, and I decided to just do it even though I haven't got past Chapter 2.

Probably going to be way off canon if by the time I get to the current chapter there are going to be unexpected changes.




If you don't mind the spoilers, then good for you!

Also, if the description and tags didn't say it, the opening will.

There will be a crossover from a series that I like and could probably fit in well with that universe.

NOTE: I do not own any artwork, videos, or characters. Credits go to their creators.

I only own my ideas for the story.

You own yourself.


(M/N) = Male Name

(L/N) = Last Name

(H/C) = Hair Color

(E/C) = Eye Color

(S/C) = Skin Color


???: "...Before time began, there was the Cube."

Scene cuts to an enormous cube floating into space, hitting asteroids along the way.

???: "We know not where it came from, but only that it is has the power to create life. That is how our race was born. For a time, we lived in harmony...but like all great powers. Some wanted it for good, others for evil."

???: "And so began the war – a war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death. And the All Spark was lost to the stars. We scattered across the universe, hoping to find it so that one day we can restore our broken home world."

???: "Searching every star, every world."

The All Spark is seen suddenly hurtling towards an unknown planet at break neck speed.

???: "And just when all hope seemed lost, message of a new discovery brought us to an unknown planet called Earth."

The Cube disappears as it hurtles down to Earth.

"...But we were already too late."

-Location: Unknown city-


A female shouted, stirring an unconscious (H/C) haired, (E/C) eyed, (S/C) skinned male to groggily open his eyes.


"Commander! Please wake up!"

The voice shouted again, as the owner turned on a radio.

"BA-01 down!"

"BA-01 down!"

She shouted frantically.

"Please respond! We've been shot down!"

The male groaned as he slowly began returning to consciousness.

...If only because the unknown woman loud shouting stopped him from going back to sleep.

"Useless...piece of-!"

The woman growled as she received no response.

The male eyes opened to see.


'Did I die and go to heaven or something?' The male thought to himself. 'Or is this hell and I'm going to be suffocated by two large pillows for all eternity?'

Though what he did to get that kind of punishment was beyond him.

"Commander!" The woman frantically shouted, causing said commander to move his head up. His (E/C) eyes staring into terrified blue eyes.

 (Marian. Waifu, who I'm going save)

"I can't get through to the Ark!"

'...What is she talking about?'

The male thought to himself.

'For that matter...what the hell happened?'

He couldn't remember what the heck happened before he woke up.

'Wait...she said...we were...shot down?'

The male cognitive functions began slowly working again.

"Commander?" The woman eyes showed deep concern, before realizing. "Oh no!"

"You're going into cardiac arrest!"




He screamed.

"It's not-!"




After that 'fun' experience, the commander was up and fully awake.

He didn't want to get zapped again!

"Commander!" The woman spoke up again. "Are you okay!?"


He yelled.

"I was doing fine before you nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"EEP!" The woman shouted. "Sorry! But your heart was stopping, I had to give it a jump start!"

'Considering what my 'heart' really is.' The male thought to himself. 'I'm not really in danger of dying so easily.'

...Not that he was going to tell her that.

There is a reason why there are some things that must be kept secret.

(Looking at you Team RWBY)

"Commander." The woman spoke up again. "Can you tell me what section you're from."

Dusting himself off, he answered.

"Central Government. Nikke Management Department."

The man (He's in his early twenties, because I don't know what their age recruitment is in that world) said.

"Okay." She said. "Commander, let me give an update on our situation."

"Go ahead." He ordered.

"We were attacked En route to our destination." She reported. "The transport ship is down. Any rapture within a hundred miles surely must have heard that explosion and are heading our way."

(Yeah, I wondered how that happened?)

'...Lovely.' The male thought to himself.

Not that he was afraid. No...he was more than capable of killing them himself. But that would end up revealing a rather dangerous secret about himself. One, that he would rather not have get out to the public.

'Especially to the higher ups' He thought to himself.

He liked being free thank you very much!

"I realize that this all so sudden." The woman continued, unaware of the male thoughts. "But as of now, I am under your care. You're orders I will carry out."

'...That can be taken/interpreted in so many ways.' The man thought to himself.

...What? He was a hot-blooded male okay!? Not his fault his hormones go out of whack for a sexy angel like her!

Thankfully, he had better control of his hormones and was not looking to try to get laid in the middle of a battlefield.

He was hormonal, not stupid!

"Can you do it?"

She asked.

"Not like we have much of a choice."

The young commander crossed his arms.

"I'm the only one around here that can give the commands."

'...Besides.' He thought to himself. 'Something is not right with her story about the transport ship being shot down.'

For instance, who shot it down in the first place?

'And why do I feel something wrong with her?'

THAT was the other thing.

He could sense something inside her, something that was wrong.

'Is it the corruption they taught us at the Academy?'

...He truly hoped it wasn't that.

"All right." She said. "Let's go and please try to keep your head down, I will protect you."

"No matter what happens."

(...In retrospect, that should have been a major red flag for me. Guess it was just wishful thinking huh?)

"By the way." The Commander asked. "What's your name?"

"Oh!" The woman looked fluster at that. "It's Marian."

"Marian." He repeated. "A beautiful name for an angel like you."


Marian face turned red at the compliment.


She shrieked, embarrassed at the teen comments.

"What?" The male blinked, crossing his arms again. And ignoring the woman gaze at his muscles.

He got that too many times at the Academy for being a fit, muscular person.

"Oh, yeah."

He suddenly remembered.

"Where are my manners?"

(Went out the door when I made this fic)

"My name is (M/N)"

He introduced himself.

"(M/N) (L/N)."

"Nice to meet you."

He offered his hand to her, which she took and shook it firmly.


A loud noise shook the ground as monstrous mechanical like creatures suddenly appeared.

(There's not much art out yet, so the three are the ones they are dealing with. With the second largest being the leader type. Commanding the smaller two.)

(...I think if I remember correctly)


Marian shouted.

"Activating combat protocol!" She ready herself. "Engaging!"

Quickly ducking behind a large crate, she began rapidly firing at the monsters.


Explosions could be heard as the Nikke mowed down the enemy forces with terrifying efficiency.



She winced as she took a hit, before returning it 10x folds in kind.

"Marian! To your left!"

(M/N) suddenly shouted, causing the Nikke to shoot at a rapture attempting to blindside her.


Suddenly, a large Rapture appeared.

Different from the rest.

"Commander!" Marian shouted. "This is a leader type Rapture! Killing the leader types usually stops its subordinates from attacking and causing them to flee!"

"All right! Let's finish this!"

(M/N) shouted, as he secretly created a glowing orb behind his back.


Marian constantly shot at the Leader type Rapture. Only stopping to reload or to avoid being hit by the other Raptures.

'Damn it! At this rate the commander life will be in danger!'

The Nikke thought to herself.




Marian yelled as the battlefield was engulfed in a bright light.


The lower class raptures disintegrating as the blast consumed them.

With only the leader still standing, and even that was a barely. The monster was severely weakened from that blast and was running on its final legs.

Without hesitating, Marian fired repeatedly at the monster.


The beast roaring in pain, until it finally exploded.


Leaving nothing behind.

"All enemies have been destroyed."

Marian reported.

"Excellent strategy Commander."

(Imagine he was giving out commands during the battle)

"But may I ask?" She spoke once more. "What was that light?"

"A special type of bomb that I've been working on."

(M/N) lied.

He couldn't exactly tell her the whole truth behind it.

"But the parts are hard to get and so I only have a limited amount left." He 'sadly' admitted. "And the blueprints were destroyed when the Transport ship went down."

"I see." Marian sadly said. "A shame. It would be most useful in taking down the lower class Raptures, saving us ammo and time."

"Yeah..." (M/N) trailed off uneasily. "Keep it a secret, would ya? I don't need Command trying to make me create these weapons. I came here to fight, not to sit on the sidelines worrying about my friends dying in battle while I'm in a safe location."

"Plus, I hate being confined in any kind of way."

"Noted, Commander."

Marian obeyed.

Before she winced.

"Ouch! My leg."

She softly said.

"Are you hurt?"

(M/N) stared at her with worry in his eyes.

"In a way, yes?" Marian said. "But the more apt term would be: malfunctioning."

"Either way, it seems that my mobility isn't limited which is a good thing."

"So, let's-ah!? Commander!?"

Marian shouted in confusion and slight embarrassment as (M/N) calmly knelt down and began bandaging the leg that was 'injured.'

"Co-Commander." Marian softly said. "This isn't much use to a Nikke."


"But I appreciate the gesture." She admitted. "Thank you, Commander."


"You know." She started. "I honestly thought you were going to be a rough and tumble kind of guy."

"Maybe I am." (M/N) smirked. "Maybe I'm not."

Giggling, Marian continued.

"Let's get going." She said. "The rendezvous should be close by."

Nodding, (M/N) and Marian proceeded to head deeper into the city.

Not realizing that theirs and many other destinies were about to begin.

-Location: Unknown-

In a desert like area, a lone chopper can be seen heading towards an unknown destination in mind.

With a symbol on its body.

What it's after, only it knows.

And done!

I'm going to be honest; I was thinking of making a Goddess of Victory: Nikke fanfic when I had begun playing the game.

But, I wasn't sure if I should start now since I don't know if there's going to be any unexpected twist concerning Marian.

But, since people are starting to make stories about it now, I decided to just do it anyways before original ideas don't become original anymore.

As stated, there is a crossover and I think by now you should know what it is. And how Marian will be saved from her fate.

(Again, there will most likely be spoilers if you haven't started the game.)

And that (M/N) is not what he seems to be.

Question: I was going back and forth deciding whether to make (M/N) in his late teens or early twenties. What do you guys think?

Should I leave it at early twenties? Or should I make him late teens?

What you guys decide in the comments will let me know what to describe him in the next chapter and later chaps.

Also, should I genderbend certain Transformers and add them to the harem?

Let me know.

Have a good day/night!

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