Meeting More Nikkes

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New chapter out!

Since no one bothered to answer my questions in the first chapter, I'm just going to leave the reader in his early twenties -21 to be exact. If you want him to be in his teens or late teens, I can make it happen in the next chapter.

And again, do you want me to genderbend certain transformers and Nikke males or not?

While it won't change much (only thing that will change is the added harem members) I would like to know before I get further into the chapters.

Also, if I screw up with Military commands, hierarchy, or weapons let me know because most of my knowledge is being based on links from Google.

Once again: All art/videos/gifs/characters are not mine. They belong to their respective creators.

Sidenote: I apologize if the pictures I put up aren't the sexy versions of them. Wattpad, or their bots, apparently hates me, or stalks my works because I have been flagged twice for 'inappropriate pictures.'


How are they that bad when they barely reveal anything!? Is it because they are from the Kaiju Girls series from Alexthehunted (or whatever the name is) on DeviantArt?

So, I may simply have to describe them if there are no safe for work pictures available. Just to let you guys know.

Also, cursing.


Step, step, step

The duo walked as quietly as they could to avoid alerting any nearby Raptures of their presence.

Stopping, Marian turned to (M/N) and spoke: "We're almost there."

She reported, before asking: Are you alright?"

She questioned the young commander, concern that he might still be suffering from any hidden injuries.

"I'm fine."

(M/N) waved her off with a smile.

"I wasn't hurt, just dazed for a bit."

'...Besides.' He thought to himself. 'I don't need you shocking me again.'

"That's good."

Marian smiled.

...(M/N) was glad that he could keep a straight face.

Even though, he was sure it was because of her programming to be concern for him. He can't help but feel that it's more genuine than just simple programming. That she was truly worried for him.

It didn't stop his 'heart' from beating fast at her gentle words.

(Is it just me, or did Marian have a rather alluring/caring voice when she spoke to us?)

"But..." Marian spoke again, a smile on her face. "If you ever need a break, I can carry you."


(M/N) instantly deadpanned and rejected the offer.

He had his own pride damnit!


Marian simply said.

"But let me know if you need a rest."

"On that, I have no problem saying."

The Commander agreed.

"Alright then, let's – GASP!"

Marian suddenly gasped in midsentence as her sensors alerted her.

"We got Raptures up ahead!"

She warned.

"Commander, hide!"

(M/N) (begrudgingly) did so as Marian got behind a broken wall.

Her Machine Gun "First Affection" in hand, she began blasting the Raptures that started coming down from the sky.



Marian shouted as she inserted another cartridge of ammo (is that what it's called?) into her weapon.

Firing off once again into the horde of monsters.


'Did her eyes just turn red?'

(M/N) thought to himself.

Frowning at the implications.

I hope I'm just imagining things.

Sighing, he summoned his weapons.

(Energy Pistols, found on Pinterest)

And started blasting at the Raptures that thought they could sneak up from behind him.



The Raptures roared in pain as they were blasted by a powerful heat energy.

Exploding as fragmented bits of themselves hit his armored body.

"Hmph!" (M/N) scoffed, his (E/C) eyes glowing in contempt. "Pitiful worms, thinking that just because I'm alone that I'm an easy target."

Thankfully, Marian was unaware due to the loud noises the fight was causing. Leaving her unaware of what had just happened as she obliterated the Leader class Rapture with her burst.

'...Why the hell is her ass so damn fine!?'

(M/N) thought to himself.


What the hell?

'And here I thought they were optimized to be given the best advantage against the Rapture.'

"...How does giving them a body so fine, that it should be a sin, give them the upper hand?"

He muttered to himself, as he deactivated his armor and returned his energy guns back to where they came from.

Before getting out of the wall he was behind.

"Good work Marian!"

(M/N) complimented the Nikke.

"Thank you, Commander!"

Marian bashfully smiled at the Commander praise.

"We should get going."

She said.

"Before that." (M/N) crossed his arms, staring at her.


She asked.

"...Are you sure, you're, okay?"

The man asked, worry in his eyes for her.

Why couldn't he shake the feeling something was wrong!?

"I'm fine, Commander." Marian reassured him. "As a Nikke, we don't feel 'pain' like you humans do. They are just malfunctions and can be treated easily depending on the extent of the damage. Mine is minor and won't hinder the mission."

"...Alright." (M/N) conceded, still not convinced but was willing to leave it at that.

"We should be nearing the rendezvous point, right?"

He changed the subject.

"Yes, Commander."

Marian confirmed as they headed to their destination.

-Short walk later-

"Here we are." Marian said. "It should be right around here...huh?"

Marian had a confused look on her face.

"Where is everyone?"

She looked around in confusion.

"Did the plan change after the transport ship crashed?"

She wondered.


Gunfire could be heard in the distance.


Marian gasped at the familiar sound.

"Gunfire!" She realized, quickly grabbing the commander hand. "Let's go check it out!"

'Here we go again.'

(M/N) mentally groaned as Marian led the way.

-Location of the gunfire-

Two Nikkes could be seen, firing at the horde of Raptures chasing after them.

"How long are we going to wait here!?"

(Nikke: Anis. Weapon: Rocket Launcher "Liberty's Tail")

Anis grumbled as she launched another rocket at the Raptures.


Causing a large explosion to occur.

"Until they come."

(Nikke: Rapi. Weapon: Assault Rifle "Militaria")

Rapi calmly said, as she continued firing.

"We're sitting ducks out here!"

Anis complained.

"We hold our ground, until they come."

Rapi calmly said.

"Are you crazy!?" Anis shouted. "Did you not see how had that transport ship went down? What are the odds of them coming out of that explosion alive?"

"Until we receive a confirmation that they are dead, we wait."

Rapi firmly said.

"So, what?" Anis groused. "We just wait until we receive actual confirmation?"

"This is the rendezvous point, bonehead." Rapi lectured. "If we leave and there are survivors, and they end up killed because of our negligence. That would throw a wrench in the works."

"This is absurd!" Anis shouted. "And also...Wait! What did you just call me!?"


Marian voice halted any arguments that were about to happen.

"AH!" Anis screamed at the unexpected Nikke appearance. "You scared me!"


Rapi started.

"I'm Marian" She introduced herself. "And I brought the Commander here with me!"

Said male, simply smiled and wave.


"Are you serious?" Anis said in disbelief. "How did you survive that explosion."

"I get that you're a Nikke, but is that one a human? How the hell did he survive?"

"Fuck you, that's how!"

(M/N) face turned to annoyance.

Why did he feel like they were going to be the best of frenemies?

"Why you little!"

Anis growled.


Came the sound of Rapi hitting Anis on the head.


Anis whined.

"Excuse me for a moment." Rapi calmly said. "Commander identification code, read."


For a moment, she was silent before declaring:

"Squad 04-F Commander has changed. We will be in your care, Commander (L/N)".


"Rapi!" Anis shouted. "We don't even know them! How could you..."

The woman berated her comrade.

"Now's not the time for arguments." Rapi coldly cut her off. "We have Raptures up ahead that needs to be dealt with."

"...Can't argue with that." Anis admitted.

"Due to the former commander not being here to issue orders. There is no need for any grandstanding transfer of authority procedures. I wish I could explain everything, but we need to deal with the Raptures."

She said, before turning to Marian.

"Marian, what branch are you from?"

She asked.

"I belong to Silver Gun." Marian answered. "I'm a Machine Gunner."

"...It checks out." Anis conceded.

Mumbling to herself, as (M/N) stared at her.

"Are you going to stand there, looking pretty?" (M/N) crossed his arms, his eyes scanning for Raptures. "Or are you going to make a decision already?"

They were still in a warzone for crying out loud!

"...Very well then."

Anis sighed.

"What's our next move, Commander?"

She asked.

"Awaiting your command."

Rapi said.

"Your orders?"

She asked.

"Destroy these SOBS and leave nothing behind."

(M/N) coolly said.


Rapi obeyed.

"Let's get this party started!"

Anis smirked.

(Due to having a sucky memory, not bad but I do forget things easily, I'm currently watching a YouTube video of chapter 1. And after I wrote that in there, I clicked play again and she said the sentence I had literally just wrote. Somehow, I'm not surprised she would be the one to say that.)

The three Nikkes got into position and began firing at the Raptures on the ground.

*Rat-tat-tat-tat* *Boom* *Bam*

Gunfire and explosions were all that was heard as the battlefield shook.

(M/N) eyes scanned the scene before him.

'Not bad.' He thought to himself. 'Despite not having worked together with Marian and I they are able to adjust quite well to having additional members supporting them.


Suddenly, airborne Raptures showed up.

Marian and Rapi fired, but their bullets weren't having much effect on them. Being too far away to have that much effect on them.

"Anyone have a long range weapon!?"

(M/N) asked.

"I do!"

Anis smiled as she lifted Liberty's Tail on her shoulder.

"Fire at that concentration of Raptures and knock them out of the sky!"

"Aye-aye Captain!"

Anis shouted.

"...It's Commander."

(M/N) facepalmed as Anis sent rockets at the Flying Raptures.


Causing a majority to crash into the ground, most exploding on impact. While others, weakly got onto their feet.


And into the firing range of the two-ground based Nikkes who slammed them with a hail of bullets.


(M/N) took a look at a device on his wrist.

*80%...87%...92%...100%! *


"Right!" (M/N) nodded. "Activate your bursts and send these bitches home!"


All three of them shouted as they unleashed all hell on earth at the monsters.

The poor beasts did not stand a chance as they were destroyed in a barrage of attacks.


Leaving the battlefield void of monsters.

"...No signs of anymore Raptures."

Marian confirmed.

"Well, that was easy."

Anis said.

'Yeah, because I was here genius.'

(M/N) mentally deadpanned to himself.

Remembering how much trouble they were in before Marian and himself had gotten there.

"We're Rapi and Anis." Rapi introduced them. "Thanks for the assistance."

"No problem."

(M/N) simply said.

"But," Marian suddenly spoke up. "Why did you ask to take the Commander up to the surface all of a sudden?"


It didn't take a genius to read the situation.


"..." Rapi grunted.

"I'm afraid so." Anis said. "Our former Commander is dead."


(M/N) sarcastically said.

"And how did he die, may I ask?"

He 'asked' them.

"He tried to fire at the Rapture with a human weapon of all things." Anis deadpanned. "All the while hurling obscenities at them."

"...He pulled a Leeroy Jenkins at them?"

(M/N) gave them a 'You could not be serious' expression.

"...That about sums it up right."

Anis said.

"...Well, at least he died fighting."

Was all (M/N) said.

'Why do I get the feeling the man was suffering from PTSD?'

Though he could understand why the man went berserk on the Raptures. He felt that it was more than fighting to protect his home.

'Probably was sick and tired of living like that. He wanted to make a stand, even if he knew it was hopeless.'

"You two failed in your duties. You let him die."

Marian voice took on a different tone, scathing and unforgiving at what she had just learned.

"You're wrong!" Anis quickly said. "We've always been willing to protect the Commander. Even if it meant sacrificing ourselves!"


"All right! I was just saying..."

"Knock it off, now!"

(M/N) growled, startling them.

"I don't give a flying fuck on who's right and who's wrong! What's done is done. Nothing we can do about it!"

"What we have to do now is see if there are any more survivors!"


"Ye-Yes, Commander!"

All three of them quickly said.

They did not know why, but something told them not to piss the young Commander off.

"...Commander." Rapi said, getting (M/N) attention. "Could you tell us your name?"

"...(L/N)" (M/N) crossed his arms. "(M/N) (L/N)"

(I'm curious at what you guys would put as your name.)


Was all Rapi said.

"I'm going to do a little digging."

(M/N) shrugged.

"Go ahead." He said. "Not like it would do you any good, anyways."

After all, what useful information was between him and his parents. Not something you would find in his personal records.

"We'll see about that."

Anis taunted at the challenge as she started accessing his personal files.



"What's wrong?"

Rapi asked.

"You've got to be kidding me...we've got a rookie!?"

She shouted in disbelief.


Rapi said in calm disbelief.

"This Commander, he just graduated from the Military Academy just yesterday."


"And let's see...huh?"

"Now what?"

Rapi frowned at her companion confusion.

"History of being a delinquent, getting into fights, kicking guys in the balls?"

"And somehow being a top student!?"


Anis shouted in shock.

How the effing hell does a delinquent stay on top of his studies!?

"Aren't delinquents supposed to be future dropouts!?"

Anis shook her head in disbelief.

"Okay now, that's just stereotyping." (M/N) growled. "My father side has a history of being delinquents, yet they were some of the top students in their day."

"It's not our fault that school is boring, and it doesn't make it any better with the damn Apocalypse on our doorstep."

"People need to vent their frustrations out somehow."

"But you're a delinquent!"

She repeated.

Why did they let a delinquent become a Commander!?

"Continue scrolling through my history." (M/N) grumbled. "Notice anything?"

Anis continued looking.

"...You slam both guys and girls into walls?"

She asked, uncertain if that's what he was directing her too.

"...Let's just say that people are weird and have weird kinks."

(M/N) shuddered, while not what he was intending her to look for it did tie into what he was trying to get at.

"Because of being a delinquent, and being good looking and muscular, I've had my fair share of admirers."

"...Admirers that are apparently masochistic and love it when I slam them into walls."


(M/N) shuddered again, replaying their moans as they asked him to do it again. Or when he had them in a headlock and a crack is heard from him bending them backwards.

Apparently, those cracks relieved them of some tension.

...He was forever traumatized at them asking for more.

"But what I was trying to get at is that I've never did anything unwanted aka making uncomfortable advances at them."

"I may have been a delinquent, and some habits will never go away, but I have decency and self control unlike the rest."

"After all, nowadays consent is apparently sexy."

"...Unless you're into that kind of stuff, or are roleplaying, or is a kink as mentioned before."


The three Nikkes did not get it.

But then again, they weren't really humans to begin with. So, the inner machinations of their minds are an enigma.

"...Let's move to the commercial street." Rapi decided to just ignore that, filing it away to be explored at a later time. "It's too dangerous here."

"Agreed." "Sure" "Whatever"

Marian, Anis, and (M/N) said as the group proceeded to head towards a safe zone.

Done. Man, sometimes it's tough to end a chapter at a certain point.

...Which is probably why I end up writing more than I intend to.

Ah, whatever. Short chapters drive me mad, cause we're always left at a cliffhanger too soon for my liking.

So, we meet the other main characters and are now heading to a safe location for the time being.

(M/N) and Anis may or may not get along.

Rapi is focused on the mission.

Anis would get along well with Dante.

Marian might need to see an eye doctor.

And (M/N) is no pushover apparently, though the others don't know since he is doing it behind their backs.

Have a good day/night!

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