Calm Before The Storm

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New chapter!

I'm focusing rather a lot on this book, probably because I don't want to kill you all with heart attacks if you have already completed the first chapter of Nikke.

Again, I already said Marian will be saved. I just didn't say how just yet.

...That will be in the next chapter though.

All art/videos/gif don't belong to me. They belong to their respective creators.


Roses are red, violets are blue.

The sound of gunfire and laser blasts in the air.

Brings forth the greatest romance ever dared.

(No idea why I wrote that!)

"Anis!" (M/N) shouted. "Cover fire!"


The Rocket Launcher Nikke complied as she unleashed a series of rockets at the flying Raptures.


"Marian! On your left!"

(M/N) quickly shouted.

"Yes, Commander!"

Marian said as she blasted through a group of Raptures.

"On your six, Rapi!"


Rapi responded as she unleashed a barrage of bullets onto the horde.



Was the sound of the Raptures being annihilated and destroyed.

"Great work everybody!"

(M/N) complimented the Nikkes once the area was confirmed clear.

"Thank you, Commander."

"Like it was even hard!"

"Your orders are impeccable, Commander."

The three responded.

"Now then." (M/N) rubbed his head, slightly messing up his hair.

"Let's continue."

"Right." "Hai!" "Indeed."

"Now! Let's..."


Rapi suddenly said.

Her expression slightly uneasy as something seemed to be bothering her.


(M/N) asked.

"Did you really just take up your post yesterday?

She asked.

"This again?" (M/N) groaned. "Yes! I just graduated yesterday."

"Your point?"

"Why would they send a complete amateur to replace a Commander killed in the line of duty?"

Rapi frowned.

"It doesn't make sense for them to send someone with no experience to the front lines."

"What are they thinking?"

She muttered to herself, glancing at Marian.


The Nikke asked.


Rapi said.

"Regardless of how you came to be the Commander, you now are of this squad. So, I would like to go over our current objective."

"Fine by me."

(M/N) said.

"46 hours ago, we lost contact with a Nikke squad that was patrolling this area."

Rapi began.

"They went completely dark and did not respond to our calls. So, it was decided that a search party would be sent."

"During our search, an accident resulted in the death of our now former Commander."

"The biggest problem we face now is not just the deceased Commander death." Anis spoke up. "But the fact that he was the only one who knew the coordinates to our destination."


(M/N) mentally groaned at that thought.

Why didn't his predecessor give them that piece of crucial information beforehand!?

"You wouldn't happen to know them, would you?"

Anis asked the male.

"...I was literally deployed a day after I graduated." (M/N) deadpanned. "You think I would know that if Command isn't even aware that your Commander is dead?"

"That's a good point."

Anis conceded.

'I mean, I can hack the system and hopefully use any functioning security cams to try to locate our destination.' (M/N) thought to himself. 'But that would mean having to come up with an explanation on how I was able to find them.'

'Might not have much choice though.'

"I know the coordinates."

Marian suddenly spoke, startling the three.

"Yeah, I figured you wouldn't either."

Anis said, before Marian words sunk in.

"Wait, what?"

"I know the coordinates."

Marian repeated.

"...Not that I'm trying to sound ungrateful." (M/N) cautiously said. "But, HOW do you know the coordinates when they didn't?"

It was a legitimate question.

How did Marian know what Rapi and Anis didn't.

'Just what was her mission?'

(M/N) mentally frowned, making sure his external expression was calm.

He did not want to cause conflict just because of his suspicions!

"The coordinates were inputted into my system when I was sent out on this operation."

She calmly explained.

"I'll take the lead. Follow me."


"Oh, okay."

Anis was the first to speak.

"And you, Rapi was it."


Said Nikke blinked.

"You failed to protect your former Commander. Who are you to call someone else a novice?"

Here her expression got stern.

"He's putting his life on the line, just like we are. If I ever hear you talk like that again, it'll be your last time."

"Wo-Woah!" Anis said. "Le-let's"


(M/N) interrupted the Nikkes, gaining their attention.

"I told you to knock it off about their dead Commander already. I get it, your protective of me. I don't mind, but you need to not let one mistake cloud your judgement."

"But Commander!"

"No buts!" (M/N) shouted. "I don't mind that she is apprehensive about the fact that I'm basically a greenhorn. She has the right to since I run the high risk of possibly being killed on my first mission!"

'Not that I would die so easily.'

Was the unspoken thought he had.

'Not that they know it.'

"She's concerned in her own way. So, just take it easy and let's try to find the missing Nikke squad alright?"

"...Yes, Commander."

Marian conceded.

"I apologize Rapi."

"No, it's fine." Rapi said. "I misspoke at a time when doubt is not needed. I'm sorry."


(M/N) waved them off.

He didn't care about Rapi doubts on him, he would simply have to prove her wrong on the battlefield.

Besides, he has bigger fish to fry at the moment.

"He didn't go ballistic?" Anis commented. "Definitely not an ordinary Commander."

"Ordinary is boring." (M/N) deadpanned, walking ahead. "Embrace chaos and anarchy."

"Wha-hey wait!"

Anis shouted as the Nikkes chased after the human Commander.

"Isn't Marian supposed to lead!?"

"Then hurry up, I ain't getting any younger!"

"Oh, screw you, Commander!"

"Was that an invitation?"

"Ack!" Anis blushed bright red. "I didn't mean like that!"


"Go to-!"


"Raptures up ahead!"

Marian reported as they got into battle positions.

Hiding behind walls, as (M/N) gave the commands.

-After yet, another fight of kicking Rapture ass-


Marian softly said.

"Yo, you okay?" Anis asked. "You kind of look off."

"I'm fine, I think." Marian said. "My body is a little off."

"...I'm going to do some maintenance." Rapi suddenly announced. "Take off your top."

'Woah, what!?'

(M/N) just gave the no nonsense Nikke a wtf look.

Did she forget he was here!?

"What? Rigth here?"

Marian was unsure about that order.

"Is there a problem?"

Anis asked

'Hell yeah, there's a problem you bonehead!'

(M/N) glared at her.

Did they seriously forget that he was here?

A male in a group of females, and they wanted one to basically strip in front of him?

In any other time and place, it might have been a dream to see. But they were the middle of a warzone right now!

He didn't need to have to deal with a boner at the moment!

"What I mean is...the Commander is right there..."

Marian protested.

'Thank you, Marian!' (M/N) gratefully thought to himself. 'You're the only one with a brain here!'

"You don't actually think the Commander sees you that way, do you?" Anis smiled in disbelief. "Relax! To them, we're just emotionless fighting machines."

"The last thing they're thinking of when they see us is sex, trust me."

Anis said in full self-confidence.

Marian: ...

(M/N): ...

Me: ...

Deadpool: ...

Viewers/Readers: ...

Pixiv and Danbooru Artists that already drew lewd images of Anis: ...

Azur Lane/Girl's Frontline/Furry/Robots/Supernatural/whatever other fandoms you can think of/Kaiju Fandoms: ...

"...You really are an idiot."

(M/N) deadpanned.

Not even hiding the fact that he saw them as more than simply fighting machines.

Anis suddenly adopted a 'disgusted look' on her face.

"Well well, so you DO see us that way! Interesting!"

"Can you blame me?" (M/N) deadpanned. "Have you seen yourselves?"

"You guys are a teenage boy (or girl if you swing that way) wet dream come to life. I honestly believe that the people who created you were either really sad and lonely and wanted companionship. Or were really just horny and wanted to get laid."


Anis said.

"And yet, you seem to be enjoying the thought of me seeing you differently."

(M/N) smirked.

His senses told him she was really happy that he saw them as women and not just weapons of mass destruction.

Perks of not being completely human he supposes.

"Oh, fuck you!"

"Wow! So bold!" (M/N) mock blushed. "Take me out to dinner first before you jump me!"


Anis started screaming out random nonsense as (M/N) kept mocking her.

"All joking aside." (M/N) expression turned serious. "Marian."

"I'm fine, Commander." She said. "It's probably just a small malfunction from the new surrounding area."

"So, we're going to do it this way huh?" (M/N) muttered.

Before speaking in a commanding tone.


The three Nikkes shivered at the male deep, strong voice.

"Ye-Yes, Commander."

Marian shivered as she obeyed.

'...Okay, that was hot.'

Anis begrudgingly thought to herself.

'...I wonder how he is in bed?'

Rapi shamelessly thought to herself.

Before she realized what exactly she thought of.

'I can't believe I actually had a thought like that!'


Was all Marian thought to herself.

As she undid her top.

But not before (M/N) turned around, back to them.


He knew what respect was damn it!

And again, he wasn't looking to get laid at the moment since they were in the middle of a fight right now!

-Sometime later-

"Everything checks out." Rapi spoke her assessment.

"I told you!"

Marian pouted.

"Let's get a move on now."

Rapi said.

"Hey! I saw that!"

Anis suddenly said to Marian.


"Just kidding!"

Anis laughed.

Marian said nothing.

'...I'm getting a bad feeling about this.'

(M/N) frowned.

He can feel his body tensing and trying to transform into battle mode.

The question is: Why though?

Sighing, he signaled Marian to continue leading them to the destination of the coordinates.

-Sometime later-


"...Do you...copy?"

An unknown voice called out.


"Ark Control to surface. Do you copy? Rapi, Anis?"


Rapi slowly said.

"Answer it."

(M/N) said.

"This is Rapi" The Nikke responded. "Shifty is that you?"


A hologram suddenly appeared, showing a light blue hair, blue eye girl on the screen.

"About time we got through!"

She shouted.

"What's the situation on your end?"

"What's with the midget?"

(M/N) asked Anis.

"That's Shifty." Anis explained. "She's an operator for the Central Government Intelligence Agency, handpicked by Enikk. She helps provide support and intel for Nikke squads up on the surface."


"The new Commander has arrived. The operational coordinates have been confirmed and we're proceeding as planned."

Rapi reported.

"Excellent." Shifty said. "We had quite the scare when we lost contact with the transport ship back there."

She breathed a sigh of relief.

"You took the transport ship straight into the middle of an enemy camp?" Anis questioned in disbelief. "What were you thinking?"


Shifty was now confused.

What on Earth were they talking about?

"The damn thing is completely obliterated!" She yelled. "With friends like you, who needs enemies?"

She said the last part in sarcasm.

'...Looks like she was more bothered than she let on.'

(M/N) crossed his arms.

Before a frown got on his face.

'Wait...into the middle of the fight? That can't be right.'

His frown deepens.

"...Raptures in the area the new Commander was heading have no anti-air weapons."

"...Sorry." (M/N) said. "But what did you just say?"

"The Raptures that were in your area shouldn't have been able to take down the transport ship."

Shifty repeated.

'Coincidence?' (M/N) frowned, side glancing at a silent Marian. 'I think not.'

It was either that, or a Rapture had gone undetected and attacked the transport ship with no one none the wiser.

"Shifty," Rapi spoke. "Can you send me the data for the transport ship's black box?"

"Sure, once I'm done analyzing it." Shifty said. "It won't take long."

"Okay, thanks."

Rapi said.

"Just a sec."

Shifty hummed.

Typing a few words on the keyboard, she spoke up.

"Well then."

She turned to (M/N).

"Hello there!"

"General Kenobi!"

(M/N) shouted.

"You're a bold one!"


Shifty gave him a confused look.

Along with Rapi, Marian, and Anis staring at him like he lost his mind.


(Can anyone tell me where I can find similar ones? I was trying to find one where they fell to the ground on their sides, but it kept giving me falling gifs

(M/N) fell down anime style at their lack of reaction.

"Uncultured fools."

He grumbled as he got up.

"Riiiight." Shifty said, before introducing herself.

"I'm Shifty, an operator from the Ark Intelligence Department. From here on out, I'll be providing assistance from here on out. Nice to work with you!"

"I'd say the same, but you girls have no taste or culture."

(M/N) grumbled, crossing his arms in annoyance.




"Raptures up ahead in those buildings!"

Shifty scanned.

Revealing the Raptures to be coming out of buildings from a distance.


"Here we go again."

(M/N) grumbled.

"Battle formation! Don't let a single one be left alive!"


-Timeskip because it's late and this author wants to finish this chapter so he can write the conclusion of Nikke: Chapter One for the next chapter-

After kicking yet another horde of Raptures ass, they pressed on forward.

Only to stop a while later as Shifty made a report.

"High class energy detected ahead, most likely Lord class."

"What!?" Anis shouted in disbelief. "What's something that big doing here of all places?"

Frowning, Rapi spoke: "I suggest we retreat."


Marian voice trailed off.

"What about the missing Nikkes?"

"We leave them behind."

Anis simply said, as though she was talking about the weather and not the lives of her missing comrades.


"Only 0.2% of Nikkes who go missing are ever recovered."

Anis explained.

"You, of all people, should know that these search and rescue parties are all for show."

"So..." (M/N) gave them an unreadable expression. "You're saying we should just abandon them because of how low the chances are?"

"You got it, Commander!"

Anis nodded her head in approval.

"It's a dangerous gamble to take for something that is not even 1% Commander."

Rapi laid out the facts.

"Well, I can't pretend that they don't exist either!"

Marian argued.

"Is a Lord really that dangerous?"

(M/N) asked, not caring for the answer.

He already had decided.

"Yes." Shifty responded. "They are the ones who lead high-level Raptures. Their combat capabilities are unparalleled and far beyond normal class Raptures."

"And judging from the simulation," She continues. "Our chances are high, but there's also a high chance we will sustain heavy losses..."

(God. All these damn foreshadowing hints! Made it so obvious!)

"And a 24.35% probability of total annihilation."

She finishes with a grim look.

"...My kind of odds."

(M/N) smirked, as he got and continued walking towards their destination.

"Commander!" "Wait!" "What are you doing!?"

"Commander, stop!"

Shifty yelled.

"Even experienced and veteran commanders and Nikkes have fallen to a Lord class Rapture! What can someone who was just deployed literally a day after their graduation can do against one of those!?"

"I refuse to abandon them simply because of the literal less than one percent analysis." (M/N) scoffed. "And I've never been good at listening to people who aren't my parents."

"High Command will have you court martialed and dishonorably discharged if this goes wrong!"

(M/N) response:

(0:39-0:42. One of my favorite quotes/scenes from the Scary Movies 1-4. I pretend 5 doesn't exist)

"Besides..." (M/N) eyes glowed a bright, neon blue (though they couldn't see it because he was in front of them) "The least we can do is confirm their deaths and not leave them behind to suffer."

"A good soldier might obey orders, but a strong soldier ensures no one is left behind!"


Marian spoke softly, her hand placed where her 'heart' is.


'What is this feeling?'

She thought to herself.

Her eyes unexpectedly turning red for a second.

"Then please give the order."

Rapi said.

"That's all we need. We follow the Commander's orders no matter what."

She stated seriously.

(M/N) stopped, turning his head towards them.

His (E/C) eyes staring at them.

"Continue the operation."

Was all he said.

"Yes, Commander."

Rapi obeyed.

"...Commander." Anis spoke up. "You do realize that this could be a suicide mission, right?"

"Even if a Nikke body is destroyed, so long as our brain is still intact, we can come out of it no worse for the better. Humans, however, are a different story."

"I'm well aware."

(M/N) coolly said.

"Doesn't change what I'm about to do."

"After all, I've never been one to turn down a challenge."

"After all, this is where the fun begins."

Smirking, Anis replied: "Okay. Understood."

"Commander." Marian spoke. "Please stay behind me. I'll protect you."

With that said, Marian led the way.

The Nikkes taking down any Raptures that came their way as they headed towards their final destination.

"These bastards don't know when to give up!"

(M/N) snarled as the last Rapture blew up.

"Damage report."

Shifty asked.

"No damage here."

Rapi reported.

"Everything fine here!"

Anis reported.

"Some damage to the left clavicle. Heavy damage to the lower right projector. Abrasion to the left eye caused by straight bullet, no irregularities in identifying targets."


The sweatdrop on (M/N) head just kept growing and growing as Marian listed her injuries.

'And that's not cause for concern!?'

"Overall damage rate is 17.05%. Still combat ready."

"Very well."

Shifty said.

What else could she do? That Nikke was very stubborn!

"Are you sure that's not too high?

"We're almost there." Marian said. "I can hold out."


(M/N) just walked to the Nikke and put a bandage on her.

"You are one stubborn girl." (M/N) shook his head.

'Then again, I have no room to lecture someone about being stubborn.'


Marian softly said.

"Commander, what on earth are you doing?" Anis looked at him weirdly. "That kind of thing is useless to a Nikke."

"Do me a favor and shut up."

(M/N) deadpan.

"Just because Nikke are fundamentally different from us humans doesn't stop me from worrying about you guys. At least, humor me on this."

"Why would you want something as useless as that?"

Anis shook her head.

"It won't –"

"No, it works."

Marian cut her off.


"It feels like I'm being healed...from the inside."

Anis: ...

Rapi: ...

"Commander, I could use another bandage here as well." Marian smiled.

(M/N) shook his head and did so.

"Thank you. The pain is already gone."

The rest of the trip was quiet.

...Too quiet for (M/N) liking.

'Must be because we're heading into the calm before the storm.'

The young Commander thought to himself.

"We're here."

Marian announced.

(Oof! I got shivers writing that)


"No sight of any vanguard."

Anis stated.

"They're here."

Marian said, looking at something they didn't see.

"What?" Anis asked. "But there's nothing here."

She was starting to worry that Marian had suffer some head injury from the fights with the Raptures.

"Let's look around."

Marian only said.

Before walking off by herself.

"Wha-hey!" (M/N) shouted in surprise. "Marian get back here!"

This was not the time to be going off alone!

He could sense the Lord Rapture presence!

He just couldn't pinpoint its location.

"What's going on with her?"

Anis worried.


Shifty spoke up.


"I've finished analyzing the transport ship black box. I'm sending the report to you now."

"Go ahead."

Rapi stood motionlessly as the data entered her mainframe.




Without a moment hesitation, Rapi quickly pointed Militaria at Marian.

"What the hell!?"

(M/N) quickly stood in front of the gun, blocking her view of the distant Nikke.

"What do you think you are doing, Rapi!?"

"Marian! Stop right there!"

Rapi shouted.


Marian said, staying where she was at.

"Mind telling us what's going on?"

Anis stared at her teammate sudden action.

"You shot down the transport ship?"



(M/N) thought as he quickly turned to Marian.

'My gut instinct was right!'


Was all Anis could say from that bombshell.


Marian said.

"There were two explosions inside the transport ship!"

Rapi shouted.

"They were caused by explosives meant for this operation, which would never go off without an external detonation signal."

"...No." (M/N) eyes widen. "The came from her!?"


Marian repeated, but it was starting to sound more hollow now.

"What are you trying to achieve?"

Rapi couldn't wrap her head around the Nikke strange actions.

Why would she willing attack the new Commander? Her loyalty to him spoke volumes despite having just met!

"We're here."

Marian said.

"Start talking, or I won't hesitate to shoot you in the head."

"We're here."

She repeated.

(M/N) eyes widen as he senses an evil, corrupting aura inside her.

'How did I miss that!?'

The male thought to himself.

"We're here."

She said.

Before suddenly.

"We're here."

Her eyes turned red.

"Shit!" (M/N) cursed. "Corruption!"

The other Nikkes eyes widened as the air grew heavy and cold.

"Over here. Over here. Over here. Over here. Over here."

She continued repeating the words over and over again, like a broken record.

"Oh no!" Shifty yelled, as she realized the Commander was right. "When did this happen!?"

"Tsk!" Rapi growled. "Just my luck!"

"Not good!" Shifty shouted. "Her central nerve was taken by the Raptures!"


"She's sending out a distress signal!" Shifty realized. "Stop her!"

"Marian!" (M/N) shouted, running as fast as he could to the possessed Nikke. "Wake up!"



Suddenly a powerful shock was felt, causing shockwaves and sending (M/N) and the Nikkes to the ground.


(M/N) cursed.


"What's going on?"

"I'm detecting a high class energy in front of you!"

Shifty shouted.

"Those vibrations...They're..."

Her eyes widen in horror.

"A Blacksmith!"


A massive shadow loom over them.

"What the hell!?" (M/N) snarled, as he got up, his eyes glowing bright blue again. "And WHO are you suppose to be?"

"Codename Blacksmith!" Shifty yelled. "It's a Tyrant!"

They capture Nikkes on the surface and use them for Rapture parts!"

'...That explains what happened to the missing Nikkes!'

(M/N) realized, grabbing his wrist and 'massaging' it with his other hand.

Secretly activating a code meant for battle.


She stopped.

And was suddenly wrapped in tentacles.

'...Yeeeeaaaah.' (M/N) thought sarcastically to himself. 'That's definitely not a hentai scene.'

And disappeared into the building behind her.


"It absorbed her into its body!"

Anis gasped.

"I'm willing to bet that the same thing happened to the missing vanguard troops."

Rapi gritted her teeth in anger, glaring at the monstrosity before them.

"We may be able to save them all."

She said.

"What are you talking about this time?"

Anis asked.

"After the Blacksmith captures Nikkes, it keeps them for a while before doing anything."


"So, then..."

(M/N) trailed off, glaring at the monster before him.

"Judging by when they disappeared, there may still be some time left."

"What do you want us to do?"

She asked (M/N).

"Do you even have to ask?"

Anis said.

"Let's get out of here."


(M/N) gave them a chilling glare.

"I am not leaving without Marian; she is as much of this team as we are."

"And I'm not leaving her behind."

'Even if I must reveal my true self.'

He thought resolutely to himself.

"Yes commander."

Rapi said.


"Are you out of your mind? We're gonna die!"

"Anis" Rapi calmly spoke. "The least we can do is try. For them."

"...Have you found it?"

She questioned the veteran Nikke.

"I don't know yet."

"Okay, let's give it a shot then."

Anis sighed.

"Shifty, please assist.

"Oh, okay..." Shifty sighed. "First off, the simulation results are..."


Suddenly, the screen fizzled out and the connection was severed.

"Shifty? SHIFTY!!"

Rapi shouted.

"Damn it of all time!"

Anis growled.

Unknown to them, (M/N) sighed.

He didn't want to do that, but the less people that knew the better.

"Let's go."

He coolly said.

"Let send this son of a bitch back to the hell pit he came from and get back our friends!"

Anis: "Right!"

Rapi: "Engaging with Tyrant 003: Blacksmith now."


The three stood holding their ground as the massive Rapture glared down at them.

The time for a fateful decision has come.

And done. Man! I hate that it takes me so long to finish up a stupid chapter! But I finally have gotten to the second to last chapter of Goddess of Victory: Nikke.

Now, how will our heroes overcome this obstacle?

And how will (M/N) be able to save Marian from a seemingly all powerful curse?

(Weeell, I made the hints rather obvious so you guys should already know how)

Hopefully, I should have the final chapter of this sect done tomorrow.

Have a good day/night!

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