More Than Meets The Eye

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(Creative I know. But it fits this chapter since (M/N) is going to reveal some rather interesting things about himself)

Final chapter of the first chapter of Goddess of Victory: Nikke storyline!

No, this does not mean the story ends here. I'm referring to the game chapter itself ending with this chapter.

Here, we will see (M/N) true strength.

And how he will save Marian.

I was going to put the video of that scene, but that wasn't good for my heart.

And I'm pretty sure you guys don't want to go through that trauma again.

Art/Gifs/Videos don't belong to me. They belong to their respective creators.


To say that things had gone from bad to worse was an understatement.

It had turn into a complete clusterfuck!


(M/N) shouted as the Rapture launched several missiles at the Nikkes.

Quickly, Rapi and Anis hid behind their covers. Narrowly avoiding being hit by the missiles.


As they exploded upon hitting either the ground or a building.

"You guys know of any potential weaknesses?!"

(M/N) shouted as he leaned behind a wall, secretly scanning the monster while giving orders.

"Tyrant class Raptures are some of the strongest Raptures to exist." Rapi started. "But, despite their enormous structure and incredible power. They do have at least one known weakness."

"Yeah!?" Anis shouted as she launched another rocket at the Blacksmith.


Landing a direct hit for all the good it did, barely leaving a scratch.

"And what's that!?"

"Like those above it, it's weapons are its weakness."


(M/N) commanded.

"Its weapons are not covered in armor." Rapi continued. "They're exposed and are vulnerable to our attacks. Not to mention, if we take out their weapons. We can prevent them from using their most powerful attacks, while leaving them vulnerable."

"Okay! New objective!"

(M/N) shouted.

"Shoot as many of the enemy weapons down as quickly as possible!"

"Yes, Commander!"

Rapi and Anis shouted.

Unleashing a hail of rapid fire, and flying missiles at the Blacksmith.

The Tyrant roaring as it jumped high into the air and landed to another spot.

Growling, Anis started launching rocket after rocket at the monster.


Stunning the Rapture as Rapi took point.


Aiming right at the Rapture weak points, causing the Blacksmith to roar in pain and anger.


The Blacksmith jumped again and landed elsewhere causing a shockwave.


Anis shouted as she and Rapi lost balance for a second due to the shockwave.

Unfortunately for them, that one second was all the Rapture needed to unleash its missiles once more.

(M/N) eyes widen.

"Look out!"



"Damn it!"

Anis and Rapi shouted as they took some damage from the attack.

"Son of a! Die!"

Anis growled as she unleashed her burst and unleash a hailstorm of rockets at the monster.

Rapi activating her burst and blasting the monster with insane strength.

And shooting any missiles the monster shot at them.


(M/N) thought as he stared at the two Nikkes fighting off the Tyrant class Blacksmith.

'I can see why the Nikkes are humanity last hope to defeat the Raptures.'

'...But, will it be enough to defeat them?'

Was the question (M/N) did not know the answer.

After all, THEY were of a different kind of level altogether.

(M/N) could sense their presence here on earth and it only made him more on edge.

'I won't be able to keep it a secret for much longer.'

The male thought worryingly to himself.

'I just hope that it won't be until much farther into the future.'

But as everyone knows, you don't always get what you want.


The Blacksmith Rapture roared as it jumped back a good distance.

Charging up an attack.

"Shit! Take cover!"

(M/N) shouted as the Rapture unleash a devastating wave of attack.


The ground shook from the impact of the blast.

Thankfully, the damage was not bad as Rapi and Anis started firing again.

Having been able to avoid being thanks to (M/N) quick thinking.

The battle kept on going as both sides refused to budge.



Were sometimes heard as the Nikkes fought with a vengeance against the bastard that stole their comrades.



The Rapture roared in pain as its weapons were being blown off.

"It's working!"

Anis realized.

"Just a little bit more."

Rapi grunted, her eyes not leaving the Blacksmith.

Growling in anger at its prey denying it a meal, the Rapture suddenly disappeared.


"What the-where did it go!?"

Anis shouted, her eyes frantically scanning the area.

"Keep your eyes peeled!"

Rapi warned as she tried to locate the Tyrant.




The two Nikkes turned to where the Commander had been hidden behind.


Only for (M/N) to slam against Rapi at full force.



(M/N) cursed as he quickly got up.

"Okay...I wasn't expecting that for sure."

He groaned as he quickly got Rapi to her feet.

"Commander! Are you okay?"

Rapi asked him, concern in her eyes.

"I'm fine." (M/N) waved her off. "Just got caught off guard is all."

"Damn that bastard!" Anis cursed. "He's certainly a smart one that's for sure."

"Considering what happened to Marian and the other Nikkes." (M/N) gritted his teeth. "We should have factored in its intelligence as well."



The three turned as the Rapture started glowing again.

"Commander, look out!"

Rapi shouted as she threw the Commander a good distance away.


(M/N) shouted.

"What's with everyone throwing me all over the place!?"





(M/N) quickly focused his attention on the fight and saw, to his horror, Rapi and Anis on the ground.

Barely conscious.


"Not good!"

Stomp! Stomp!

The monstrous Rapture slowly walked towards them, its gaping maw open and ready to devour them.

'Oh no!'

(M/N) thought to himself.

'They're going to get killed!'

(M/N) started to walk towards them.

"Commander don't!"


Rapi voice shouted out.

"You must flee!"

She spoke.

"There is nothing any of us can do now! This was a suicide mission in the first place, but we fought to save them."

"And now, we will join them."

She said sadly.

"But Commander, it is imperative that YOU survive! The world still needs Commanders to lead the Nikkes into battle and victory!"

"I can't leave you guys!"

(M/N) shouted.

He refused to be a coward!

"Oh stop it with the big talk, delinquent Commander!"

Anis shouted.

"This isn't some high school drama where you can solve your problems by punching them!"


"Besides, look at you! You're shaking!"

It was true, (M/N) body was shaking.

"There's no shame in running away." Anis continued. "Learn from this and use it to avenge us in the future."

...But the shaking was not what they thought it was.

'If I leave now, I can keep my secret safe.' (M/N) frowned. 'But if I leave them, they will die or suffer horribly before they die.'

'...What good is keeping this secret if I lose them!?'



'I jammed communications with Shifty so that it didn't get out to the higher ups.'

(M/N) (E/C) eyes gain a cold, steely gaze.

'...Because I accounted for the possibility of having to use my powers.'


The Blacksmith Rapture continued walking over them.

'This isn't me scared, this is my fear!' (M/N) realized. 'For all I talk about using it for the Greater Good, the fear of being experimented holds me back!'

"...No more."

He quietly said.

The Nikkes blinking, not having heard what he said.


Anis asked.

Only to be startled as (M/N) ran!

...Towards them.


"No! Flee!"

"You want to pick on someone!?"

(M/N) shouted, arms stretched out in a protective stance.

"Then why don't you try picking on me!?"

The Blacksmith stared at the human, scanning him.


While not as useful in ways of parts, the prey it had consumed was very fond of him.

This fondness somehow managing to infect the Tyrant class Rapture.

Growling, the Rapture opened its mouth and began charging an attack.

Very well, then.

The monster thought to itself.

If it couldn't eat him the normal.

The Rapture will take him.

...And become one!

They shall merge together and become two halves of the same whole!

(...Great. Now I have the strongest urge to write a Rapture/human (M/N))

"Oh no!"

"Commander, run!"

Anis and Rapi shouted out.

Trying to get the human to listen.

(M/N) simply stared at the monster before him.

Unfazed, as he placed his left arm out front.

His eyes gaining a blue glow as lines started appearing in his eyes.


Electricity pulsing around his left hand as a shape was forming.

Not that anyone could see with the bright light in front of them.


The Rapture releasing the fully charged up attack straight at him.

And making contact.


Rapi and Anis screamed as (M/N) was engulfed in a bright light.


Anis shouted as dust and smoke clouded the Nikkes vision.


Rapi said, shock in her systems as she lost not just one, but two Commanders that were under her care.

"Damn it!"

Anis slammed her fist into the ground.


"...Are you guys done being dramatic?"


"That voice!"

Anis shouted, hope in her voice.

"It can't be!"

Rapi said in disbelief.

'How did he survive?!'


The dust cloud suddenly dispersed, as an unknown shape revealed itself.

"That blow definitely packed a punch!"

(M/N) complimented the stunned Rapture.

Who was in pure shock at the human uninjured state.

How did he come out unscathed!?

"I must admit." (M/N) continued. "If it was anyone else, they would either be dead, or badly injured."

The dust cloud finally gone, Rapi and Anis took a look at their Commander.

Only for their eyes to widen in shock at the new look the Commander was sporting.

(Best I could find for now to my liking. Tried to find Cybertronian armor only to get Transformers with the word 'Armor' in their names)

"What the hell!?"

Anis shouted.

"Since when could you do that!?"

Were her eyes deceiving her!?

Did she take too many hits from a Rapture!?


Rapi stared in disbelief.

That wasn't in his files!

'Go ahead. Not like it would do you any good, anyways.'

His words suddenly came back to her.

'That's what he meant!'

Rapi realized, remembering what he told Anis when she was going through his files.

'He left that out of his files when he applied for the Military Academy!'

'...But why though?'

That was the current thought taking over.


A humming sound caught the Nikkes attention as they focus their attention to the object in his left hand.

(Skyboom Shield from Transformers Armada. I'm going to be trying to incorporate certain elements from the various incarnations of Transformers.)

(...Plus, I like the weapons)

"Now then." (M/N) armor retracted as he coolly glared at the Rapture.

"Time to get my friend back!"

Swinging his right arm to the side, he shouted:

"Star Saber Sword!"


Anis shouted

What the heck was going on!?


Rapi just stared.

"Activating Star Saber battle mode second phase!"

(M/N) shouted as the Star Saber glowed and changed shape.

(This is what showed up when I searched: Transformers Prime Star Saber)

"Now then..."

(M/N) de-summoned the Skyboom Shield.

"Let's dance!"

With speed that no mere human could possess, (M/N) appeared right in front of the startled Rapture.


Slicing the monster leg and causing to stumble.


The Blacksmith roared in pain as it jumped back.

It had underestimated the human prey!

But then again...none of the human prey that had perished by the Blacksmith 'hands' had ever possessed such power.

Growilng, the Rapture unleashed a barrage of missiles at him.

(M/N) said nothing, but ran at insane speed.

Dodging the missiles attempting to him as he appeared in front of the startled Rapture.


Jumping into the air and impaling the Rapture body with the Star Saber Sword.


The Rapture roared in pain as (M/N) dug it deeper.

Snarling, the tyrant tried to capture the human with its tentacles.

Only for (M/N) to shock them with his armor.

"My weapons are not just the ones I summon." (M/N) cockily said. "My entire armor is a weapon in of itself!"

To further prove his point, several plates opened.

Revealing mini guns attached to the armor.



The bullets destroying the tentacles, causing the Rapture to stumble from the pain.


(M/N) shouted as he jumped off the monster and landed on the ground.


A pool of 'blood' came pouring down to the ground.

A gift left behind from the monster armor being pierced.


The Rapture growled as it glared at the human in anger.

How dare this human prey harm it!


The Blacksmith roared as it jumped back, charging one of its special attacks.


Came the sound of fuses being ignited as the Blacksmith unleashed a torrent of missiles and blasts at him.

"Commander, watch out!"

Anis shouted.

"Commander, move!"

Rapi shouted, desperation in her voice.



Destroyed the attack with a mighty swing of his sword.


The Nikkes were dumbstruck at how powerful the Commander really is.

"...I don't think my heart can take much more."

Anis deadpanned.

Rapi silently agreeing with her.

'Such power!' She thought to herself. 'We just might win this!'


She thought to herself once more.

'Why did he keep that a secret?'

If he had told Command, they could roll out a new generation of Nikkes!


She suddenly realized something as she thought about Central Government.

'If they ever found out about his powers, they would not let him leave.'

...And they might be dead if he had revealed his powers.

"Commander!" Anis suddenly shouted. "Look out!"

Quickly returning her gaze to the fight.

She saw, to her horror, a building being thrown at him.


(M/N) gave the Rapture an unimpressed look, before quickly turning.


And slicing the building in two, flying to his sides not hitting and landing far away.


The Rapture gave him a WTF look.

...Perhaps it was time for a tactical retreat.

With that thought in mind, the Rapture CALMLY tried to retreat.

(Deadpool: Yeah, calmly. We can all see him running like a bat outta hell!)


"Oh no, you don't!"

(M/N) shouted as he threw a couple of his energy bombs onto the Rapture.



The Blacksmith screeched in pain as he stumbled into the ground.


(M/N) sheathed the sword onto his back, his (E/C) eyes glaring at the fallen monster.

"Hoped you enjoyed your little games, because they are all coming to an end!"

Raising his hand, he called forth:

"Requiem Blaster!"

To his hand.

(Requiem Blaster)

Pointing it at the monster, he took aim.


The tip began forming energy as he scanned for a weak spot.

'Found it.'

Pointing it, he said.


Before pulling the trigger and destroying the monster.


A massive explosion could be heard as the monster was consumed in a bright blast.


Was the last thing the Rapture ever said, as it was destroyed.

The light finally died down, revealing broken pieces of the Rapture.


Rapi slowly walked up to him, with Anis in tow.

"..." (M/N) said nothing.

Deactivating his armor and returning to his normal form.

"What do you want us to do?"

Anis cautiously asked.

Hey, she just witness an impossible fight happening! She didn't want to be on the bad end of his sword!

"...Search for survivors."

Was all the young Commander said.

Clenching his hand as he tried to force back the transformation.

'Being half human/half transformer really sucks!'

He thought to himself.

"Right!" "Roger."

The two Nikkes started walking towards the site.

Rapi started walking faster as she notices something.

"No survivors from the vanguards."

She declared, kneeling down to observe something.

"All the parts have been ransacked."

She sadly said.

"What about Marian?"

Anis asked.

Here, Rapi hesitated.


She said as she glanced at the badly damaged Nikke.


(M/N) says nothing as all three turn to look at Marian.

Marian left leg was cut off above the knee, her right shoulder torn off from the Rapture capturing her. Clothes slightly ripped in places.

Blood could be seen on the right side of her face, her right eye torn showing a red optical light.

As the Nikke just stare.


No one said anything.



She repeated the words that she had said earlier, before the Rapture had taken her.


Anis closed her eyes and gritted her teeth.

"This is bad." She said. "Her brain has already been corrupted."

"Damn." Rapi swore.


She softly said, gaining (M/N) attention.

"I'm sure they had told you at the Academy but let me remind you again."

She steeled herself for the uncomfortable conversation she was going to have.

"The rules state: That any Nikke who has sustained brain to be disposed of."


(M/N) said nothing, as he turned back to Marian with pained eyes.

"And...according to the law by the Central Government." She continues.

"You must be the one to execute her."

Her voice, heavy with regret, said.

She did not want this.

She knew that even though the two barely knew each other, that they had a close bond.

Walking past Anis, she gave (M/N) a gun.

"This pistol is for when we must self-terminate." Rapi closed her eyes, before opening them again. "But humans can use it as well."

Moving back, she looked at her fellow Nikke with sadness.

"Just...get in close."


He didn't move, his mind raging with conflict and doubt.

Could he really do it?

A hand placed on his shoulder, snapped him out of his internal strife.

"Perhaps, I should do it?"

Anis offered.

"No..." Rapi shot her request down without a second thought. "We Nikkes cannot execute our own kind."

Clenching the gun, he slowly walked to her.

Until he finally was in distance.


Removing the safety trigger, he pointed the gun at her.

But did not fire.

His body trembling, as he held onto the gun.

"No time to hesitate, Commander."

Rapi said, if she could. She would give him all the time in the world.

But she can't...

"If we don't get this done, she will probably become an Irregular soon."

She warned him.

"How can I just kill her!?"

(M/N) shouted, startling Rapi and Anis.

"We may not have known each other for that long, and yes it was only for a day!"


Memories of when he woke up with Marian staring at him with concern. Their first battle. Bandaging her up regardless of how useless it was. Her defense of him.


Such powerful ties that intertwine a person fate to another.

He...He wasn't strong enough to kill someone that he saw as a comrade.

Closing his eyes and sighing, he lowered the gun.


Rapi shouted, before gasping.

(M/N) eyes opened as he felt the pistol being lifted.

Marian was slowly raising the gun to her head.

The setting sun, illuminating a brilliant glow between the two.


Marian smiled, the last thing she wanted to see before her death.

Was the face of her beloved Commander.

Rapi and Anis stared in shock at the scene before them.


Her hand slowly going to (M/N) hand, holding it tightly in a gentle, loving manner.

"Thank you...for your...bandage."

She happily said.

"And goodbye."

She closed her eyes with a smile.

In another universe, (M/N) would have pulled that trigger.

He would have ended Marian life while cursing his own weakness, his own powerlessness.

He, other versions of him, and those that would have taken the role of Commander instead of him. Would have been forced to pull the trigger, hating themselves for all the power those Commanders could have possibly possess fail to save those closes to them.

Cause what good is having all that power, if it can't even save one person?

But...this was not that universe.

...No, this was a universe where he had the power to save a life.

As such...


(M/N) chuckled.


The gun spinning around as he threw it to the ground.


Rapi shouted.

"I'm still being selfish."

(M/N) laughed, hand going through his hair as he just laughed.

"...Are-Are you okay?"

Anis stared uneasily at the new Commander.


Marian spoke, her good eye widening as (M/N) knelt in front of her.

"I'm a fool."

(M/N) shook his head.

"And a coward."

" a ...coward."

Marian struggled to get the words out.

"I am." (M/N) shook his head. "I'm still refusing to use my true power."



Rapi said.

"It wasn't your combat abilities that you were hiding?"

"That was just a bonus to the truth about me."

(M/N) smile.

"Keep this a secret, kay?"


"Commander?" Anis stared at him. "What are you talking about?"

"There is no reason to kill you, Marian."

(M/N) smiled, removing his gloves.


What did he mean by that!?

His 'heart' started glowing.

"As the human incarnation of the Allspark, I give you life!"


A surge of power left (M/N) and coursed through Marian body.


Marian said, shocked as her mind was cleared of the Corruption.

Hack! Cough!

Marian suddenly coughed out as her body began changing.


Rapi and Anis stared in shock at the sight before them.

Marian body was beginning to repair and regenerate!

As strange armor like material began appearing on her body. Wires springing to life as her missing body parts started returning.


Marian stared in shock as she got up with (M/N) help.

"My body! My mind!"

Marian stared in shock as she examines her new body.



Rapi was shocked.

'Who is he really!?'

Was the thought screaming in her mind.

'No human could fight off a Rapture like he could! No human possesses the power to heal a Nikke and free them from the Corruption like he just did!'

It was impossible once the Corruption had taken root inside a Nikke brain!

"Just what the fucking hell are you!?"

Anis, more or less, shouted Rapi thoughts out loud.

Smiling, (M/N) simply said.

"Just one hell of a Commander."

Smirking, he quickly picked up Marian bridal style and started walking away.

"Wha-!? Commander!"

Marian shouted in embarrassment at being carried like a bride.

"Put me down! I can walk!"

"Hmm, I say you can't"

The male smirked, causing the Nikke to fluster at the implied command.


Rapi wordlessly answered the call.

"Finally! Back online!"

Shifty yelled.

"Is everyone okay!?"

"We are fine."

Rapi reported.

"Unfortunately, the vanguard did not survive."

"...I see."

Shifty said.

"And Marian?"

"The Corruption was subtle."

Anis lied, the both of them remembering (M/N) words before he healed Marian.

'Keep this a secret, kay?'

They wanted answers that only he could give!

And they wouldn't get it if he was locked up now, would they?

"It slowly manipulated her into doing what it wanted."

Anis continued.

"Shortly after defeating it." Rapi took over. "The Corruption was easily dealt with."

"Well, that's good." Shifty sighed a breath of relief. "But what the hell happened?"

She asked.

"Our communications got jammed for some reason and we couldn't get in touch until now."

"Any ideas why?"

Rapi asked.

Though the two knew the answer.

(M/N) had somehow jammed the transmission.

"No." Shifty answered. "Intelligence is worried that a Rapture might possess the ability to send out jamming signals."

"If that's the case." Anis spoke. "Then we better make sure it doesn't happen again."

"Couldn't agree more."

Shifty said.

"I'm sending you guys the coordinates for pick up."

"Roger." Rapi confirmed receiving the intel. "We'll meet you guys back at the base."

"See ya soon!"

Anis cheerfully said.

"Right." Shifty agreed. "And the Commander?"


Rapi said.

"Aren't we all?"

Anis rhetorically said.

Laughing, Shifty said.

"Well, don't worry! You guys deserve a good rest after today! See you guys back at the base!"

With that said, Shifty ended the transmission.

Rapi and Anis looked at each other before nodding.

Catching up with (M/N) and Marian as they all headed back to base.


"Did you guys feel that?"

Someone asked.


A voice responded.

"No doubt about it, it's the Allspark!"

Murmurs and chatter sprung up.

"The Allspark?" "Can it be?" "Is Cybertron saved?"

"Everyone quiet down!"

A grouchy voice yelled out.

"If we found the Allspark signature, no doubt they found it too!"


"Then we need to get to it before they do!"

One of them yelled.

Gaining roars of approval.


The Leader spoke up.

"But we must hurry time is of the essence.

In another location.

"The Allspark really is here on this dust forsaken planet!"

Someone yelled.

"Yes, and soon it will be ours!"

Maniacal laughter followed that statement into the night.

-Ruins of Tyrant Rapture: Blacksmith-


The sound of wind howling around the destroyed Rapture was all that could be heard.


Suddenly the destroyed Rapture twitched as it came back to life.


The Tyrant class Rapture groaned as it could feel its body changing for some reason.

(...Oops. Probably should not have healed her with a mechanical monster behind them)

The Rapture roared as it could feel itself changing, evolving into something else.

Something different, something powerful.

And in the Rapture mind, only one thing was constant.

The memory of the one they called:



Sorry about that outburst.

I was watching perhaps the only video of Nikke Chapter One on YouTube since they don't seem to have a replay tab in the game to rewatch previous scenes.

And GOD! I freaking CRIED so many times at the ending of Chapter One! I'll give them this: they get a 10/10 at emotional damage/heartbreak!

I had to stop many times because I could not stop crying at Marian death, and even writing it out was super painful! Even if I wasn't going to actually kill her off!

The scene, the music, the characters! That was painful for me.

Haven't cried since I watched Macarios and Adele finally moments in FGO when they and Europa were left behind in the Shrine.

...But I cried more here. Which I think is because they could actually talk, and I did not have to read the words themselves.

But yeah, Marian is saved and (M/N) showcased his true power.

How many of you figured out he was the Allspark in human form before this chapter?

I'll try to explain.

I don't know if it's mentioned in the Transformers movies, but here the Allspark is sentient. It decided to split a part of itself into a soul and reincarnate that soul into a human.

(M/N) was that lucky person whose soul is part of the Allspark. His heart is actually a miniaturized version of the Allspark.

His parents are the only ones who know about their son secret origin. Fearing for his life and freedom, they made sure to pound the fact that he must not reveal his powers to just anyone. It has to be someone he could trust with his life to keep his secret.

Which is why he was secretive earlier when using his powers.

He did not want to become a lab rat for curious/greedy people to experiment on.

But, it seems that even a well intention action has consequences.

The Rapture has come back to life, and is now undergoing a change like Marian did.

And now, certain parties have picked up his unique signature and are now mobilizing to earth.

What will happen now?

The answer...when I get to it.

Have a good day/night!

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