Short Break And Marian Reward (Lemon)

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Finally got this chapter out!

Can you guess the meme? 

Kind of works well with this game.

Been busy with work, gacha games, and progressing the Nikke storyline.

So, here's a short interlude before the start of the next series of events.

Still need to figure out how to incorporate bringing the Transformers into the mix.

Oh, and warning.

In case the title wasn't being clear enough.






The sound of the transport ship flying into the air with its precious cargo could be heard.


All was silent.

(M/N) opting not to say anything as he ran his hand through Marian hair.

Said Nikke sleeping peacefully after the hell she went through.

Anis not saying anything, just glad that things ended better than she could ever possibly hoped it would.

'But what is the Commander?' Was the thought that wouldn't leave her.

No human could fight off a rapture, let alone a tyrant class rapture, like he could. Nor possess such armor like he did with weapons that boggled the mind.

'If Command knew of such a person, they would not let a valuable asset like him wonder about freely.'

Anis frowned.

Such a person would be valuable to furthering Mankind resistance against the Raptures.

While she was deep in thought, Rapi was briefing Shifty on an 'abridged' report of what happened during the battle.

"And that's what happen." Rapi reported in her usual, professional manner. Not even giving a hint that she was lying about the report.

"I see." Shifty said after a few moments of silence. "That is disturbing, but I'm glad that the Corruption was not to the point where it could not be removed."


Rapi and Anis, who heard part of the conversation thought to themselves.

That was another thing they had to omit.

After all, (M/N) (L/N) possessing the ability to neutralize the Corruption? He would never be allowed to leave the base.

(And we all know what happens when you keep someone who doesn't like being restraint is forced to stay confined)


They had finally reached the entrance and were heading underground through an elevator.

"But..." Anis started. "What was the cause of the corruption?"

"Analysis show that the corruption code implanted into Marian's brain must have been acting as a navigator!"

Shifty started explaining.

"It guides Nikkes to the Blacksmith's location. Giving the Blacksmith a free buffet handed to them on a silver platter."

Rapi frowned at that implication.

"But" Anis talked again. "She didn't even give a sign or anything hinting to her corruption."

Anis was confused at that.

What kind of corruption was this to act as a sleeper mode kind of thing.

"Probably because of the Commander." Shifty theorized. "Any Nikke's number one priority is protecting their Commander and obeying any orders given."

"Probably the problem only started when she met the Commander. Maybe that's when her priorities got all scrambled up."

(M/N) gave no signs he was listening, but if one paid attention to his face. They could see lines whirring in his eyes like a spiral at what he was hearing.

"But what I don't get is how the corruption wasn't worse." Shifty frowned. "She was completely defenseless when in close proximity with the Blacksmith. That means it should have been impossible to come back from."

"Perhaps, the corruption code was also designed to paralyze the Nikke it was in." Rapi offered her suggestion. "That way if the Nikke had outlived her usefulness, the Blacksmith would have devoured her without resistance."

"Hmm..." Shifty pondered that possibility.

"...When did it start?"

Rapi asked.

For that was the most important question at the moment for her: WHEN did it start?

"What?" Shifty was confused.

Good thing she couldn't see them, otherwise she would have noticed Anis 'Are you an idiot?' face.

It was plain out obvious to the group what she was referring to!

"When was she first corrupted?"

Rapi elaborated.


"Hard to tell." Shifty spoke up. "My best bet? Probably during the operation..."

Checking her reports, she clarified.

"Ah, yes!"

"You said she was the one that sabotaged the transport ship, right?"

"Yes, why?"

Shifty asked.

"...She must have already been corrupted at that point."

Rapi frown deepen.

She did not like the implications of those words.

"And that transport ship came from the Ark."


Shifty was shocked, she didn't even consider that possibility!

"Does that mean the Aegis Barriers were broken?"

Anis wondered.

"No." Rapi instantly denied. "The Aegis Barriers are strong. They'd pick up any corruption in an instant."


(M/N) free hand clenched at what Rapi was implying.

'Do we have a traitor in the Ark?'

(M/N) thought to himself.

'If so, what do they stand to gain by implanting corruption codes for the Raptures to claim Nikkes?'



(M/N) looked down to see Marian softly smiling at him. Her hand in his free hand, holding it tightly as she simply rested on his lap.

"Rapi..." Anis slowly talked. "What are you trying to say?"

"Well..." Rapi uneasily began, as the underground city could be seen in all its glory.

"There is a possibility that someone in the Ark is a traitor."

(M/N) coolly said.

A frown on his face, not liking the implications it brought.

"A trait-!?"

"But this is just a theory." (M/N) waved her off. "We don't yet know if this was just a coincidence. We should chalk it up to just a one-time thing."

Though he may have said that way, it was obvious to them that he had his suspicions as well.

He just didn't want to start going into conspiracy mode over something that might not be true.

'Besides' He thought to himself. 'There is one other possibility I have not said.'

'The possibility that they are here and are the cause of the corruption.'

While he knew one side wouldn't do that, there was the more dangerous, power hungry side that wouldn't hesitate to cause anarchy to fulfill their own goals.

And due to being an advanced species with greater technological prowess then the humans...


'I just hope I'm wrong.'

He thought to himself as the elevator stopped and they entered the Ark.

Where they found, themselves being escorted to the Med Bay to recover and later on debriefed.

Deputy Chief Office-

"And that concludes my report!"

Shifty reported to the officer in the room.

"I see."

The official hummed in interest at what was just reported.

Tapping a finger on the desk in thought.

"How interesting." The figure mused. "To think that a novice Commander, on his first day, was able to take down a Tyrant Class Rapture like the Blacksmith with just two Nikkes with the third being compromised."

"Yes, though it is worth mentioning that the third Nikke somehow wasn't completely corrupted." Shifty noted. "In such a situation, she should by all rights be unsavable."

"And yet." The Deputy Chief mused. "She wasn't?"

"No." Shifty reported, still confused on the matter. "Unfortunately, I don't know what happened due to communications being cut off."

"About that." The officer frowned. "Has Intelligence found out the cause?"

"No, Deputy Chief."

Shifty reported.

"Whatever jammed our communications was not human in nature, nor was it possibly from any rapture that possesses radar jamming capabilities."

"As of right now, the origin is alien in nature."

"I see..."


"...Anything else?"

"That's about it."

Shifty finished her report.

"Should I send you the combat data?"

"No." Was the answer. "That won't be necessary."

"...And what of the Nikke known as Marian?"

"She's currently undergoing maintenance." Shifty reported. "They want to be sure there is no traces of corruption still inside her."

"That will take a while with how thorough they are going to be."

The officer hummed.

Thinking for a bit, a decision was made.


"Yes, Deputy Chief."

"I would like to meet this new Commander a week from today. That should be enough time for maintenance crew to finish checking up on Marian."

(Pretty sure it was only a day, but for the sake of the story timeline. It will be a week later, since Command is going to want Marian to be thoroughly inspected and free of the corruption code that was implanted in her)

"Copy that, Deputy Chief." Shifty confirmed. "I'll be sure to let the new Commander know."

"Anything else?"

"Ah, yes." Was the answer. "Have the Nikkes that were part of the operation come along as well."

"Ensure that they armed."

(And dangerous)

"Roger that, Deputy Chief!"

Shfity ended the call.


The figure was silent before opening a file in the computer.

A file that held recordings from the security cameras that were active and online during the entire operation.

Where (M/N) could be seen fighting the Blacksmith with strange and unknown weaponry. And later healing Marian with a strange power.


-One week later-

"We're being called in?"

Rapi blinked at that.


(M/N) nodded his head.

"Apparently they want everyone who was in the fight to report to the Deputy Chief office."

"Aw, man!" Anis complained. "Not this again!"

"What do you mean by that, Anis?"

Marian simply smiled at the poor girl's frustration.

It had been a long week, in more ways than one, for the Nikke.

From being corrupted, to being eaten by the Blacksmith, to almost dying by the Commander who chose a different path.

Not to mention that whatever he did to save her, changed her body in more ways than one.

She felt more human, like her brain wasn't the only thing human.

How had she realized this?

...Well, let's just say the Commander helped her with that.

"So, few of you managed to defeat a Blacksmith and saved us from losing a valuable resource (Nikke)?"

Anis began speaking in a mocking, high official tone.

"Keep fighting the good fight, my loyal and most subservient of all government lapdogs!"


"You really have a low opinion on the higher ups huh?"

(M/N) shook his head.

"It's how it is with them." Anis simply said. "A newbie Commander like yourself, commanding a squad of Nikkes for the first time and succeeding against a Lord? Even veteran Commanders would be hard pressed to be able to take down the lowest of the Lord class raptures."

"But you took down a Blacksmith with just us."

'Or to be more exact, YOU took down the Blacksmith with just you.'

Something Anis and Rapi still did not have an answer for!

The moment they arrived back at the Ark, they had been automatically taken to be repaired and debriefed. The Comman-(M/N), he preferred to be called by his name when off duty, had also been taken to ensure that he wasn't sporting any hidden injuries and then had to file his report of the mission.

An abridged report, but what could they do?

Of course, they had intended to question him when they were finally free.


-Sometime in the past week-

Clack! Clack!

"Still nothing."

(M/N) frowned, leaning back on his chair as he stared at the hologram monitor before him.

It was too risky for him to use the Ark computers to search for any hidden, classified information. So, he opted to use his own personal computer. And with the advanced technology that went into it, he didn't have to worry about being traced.

Though he had to be careful, even if he couldn't be traced. If they realized someone was hacking into their systems, peeking into their files. They might take drastic steps to prevent him from finding out anything they didn't want the public to know.

At the moment, he was more or less confined to his room to recuperate.

But the problem with that was...


He couldn't go out and explore the city now that he was a Commander. And apparently a soon-to-be hotshot one at that.

'At the very least I was able to shoot a quick text to my parents that I'm fine.'

Even at 21, his parents still worry about him.

...Though (M/N) was almost positive they were more worried about not getting any grandkids more than him dying.

Even though they knew of his unique origins.

And even though he had younger siblings!

They still wanted grandkids from him!

'I'm surprised that being in my presence did not alter their bodies in anyways.'

After all, the All Spark power was not something that one could remain in the presence of and not be affected in any way possible.

'Unless they're hiding something from me.'

...Ah, well. If they don't want to say anything, then that's fine with him.

Knock! Knock!


Marian voice snapped the male out of his thoughts as he turned to the door.

"Permission to enter?"


(M/N) simply said as the door opened and in step Marian.

"Commander." The Nikke softly spoke. "How are you doing?"

"I should be the one asking that question." (M/N) retorted, crossing his arms in amusement. "How are you doing?"

"After all, with what you've been through. It can't have been a pleasant experience."

"I'm...doing better than expected." Marian confessed. "The scientists and engineers have confirmed for the most part that the corruption is gone. But they want to continue running some more tests and scans to try to see HOW it got into my system even though I hadn't encountered the Raptures before the mission."

"I see..."

(M/N) quietly said.

"Have they found anything?"

'That wasn't there before?'

Was the unspoken question between the two.


Marian confirmed.

Which was a little confusing to her.

Shouldn't the scans have picked up on her new features?

"Can't tell if that's good or bad."

(M/N) frowned.

It was only until they returned and were escorted that he realized that it was highly possible that Marian new Cybertronian features might be discovered.

But if Marian was saying that the scans weren't picking them up.

Odds are that she either A) did not have extra features (Though (M/N) doubt it). Or B) the changes were subtle, and the scans didn't detect any anomalies during the procedure.

Or C) They did find something but didn't say anything to her.

'A problem for another day, I suppose.'

(M/N) thought to himself as he turned to the Nikke.

"Did you wanted something else?"


"...Thank you."


(M/N) blinked in surprise, before realizing what she was alluding to.

"You're welcome."

Was all he said, as he swiped his monitor off.

And got up.


Only for Marian to press herself against him.



(M/N) got a little flustered at the Nikke bold action.

"Commander." Marian buried her face against his chest. Enjoying his warmth and scent as it brought a sense of peace and comfort.

"I want to thank you in a more 'personal' way."


Only an idiot would not know what she meant.

"But..." (M/N) was slightly unsure, due to the 'unique' features of the Nikkes. "How would?"

"Whatever you did to me." Marian spoke up, looking up at him. "Change me in more ways than one. The scans might not have picked it up, but ever since that day my body has felt more human after what happened."


"I should know, after all it is my own body. But I have felt less of a machine and more of an actual person. And my body is giving me sensations that I have never felt before. I feel hot."

'Talk about paying for the consequences of your actions.'

(M/N) thought amused to himself.

This was not what he intended to happen, but he had been too emotionally distressed that he didn't care about the consequences if he could save those he cared for.

'Seems like I should take responsibility for my actions.'

With that thought, he leaned down as Marian stood on her toes.


And their lips made contact.

--------------------WARNING! LEMON AHEAD!---------------------------------

-...Don't get too excited though. Most likely not going to be that good, due to still being a novice in writing smut-

"Mmh!" Marian eyes widened momentarily in shock at the Commander sudden boldness!


Before closing them as she sunk deeper into the kiss. (M/N) grabbing her ass and pulling her up to his level.

Moaning, Marian quickly wrapped her legs around her Commander waist for support as the kiss got deeper and rougher.

*Smack!* *Moan!*

"Ah!" Marian moans were muffled as they kissed.

Before pulling away for some air.


(M/N) panted.

He was not expecting Marian lips to be as soft as they felt, but hey, he wasn't complaining.

"Ah...Com-Commander..." Marian moaned as (M/N) started feeling her up.

Pressing her chest, squishing her soft boobs against his hard chest she moaned.


Marian shrieked as (M/N) roughly squeezed her ass, shamelessly fondling them with a possessive passion!

(Considering the designs of the Nikkes, I don't think I could blame anyone for wanting to feel that ass.)

"Shit!" He groaned. "Didn't think your ass would feel as soft as they are!"

"I think I know what cheeks I'll be clapping from now on!"

"Ah!" Marian moaned, her body overstimulating from the new, foreign sensations that were sending shockwaves throughout her body. "AH!"

Screaming louder, she performed her first orgasm.

Staining his pants with her juices.

"Ha...ah..." Marian whimpered, not used to such human sensations. "Wha-what was...?"

"That is what we call an orgasm." (M/N) answered for her, pressing his lips against her neck. Leaving kisses and bitemarks in his wake.

Marian shivered and moaned as she was introduced to a world that was new to her.

She knew from the information that is given to the Nikkes about humans and sex.

She just never knew how good it would feel!

(When the sex is mutual)

"It would seem that a 'personal inspection' is in order to make sure that you are completely fine."

(M/N) 'seriously' said, though anyone could tell by the look in his eyes it meant something else.

"Mou!" Marian pouted as she began frantically rubbing herself against him. "So mean!"

"Ngh! I'm mean?" (M/N) groaned. "Says the Nikke shamelessly seducing me!"

"But you like it, don't you Commander?"

Marian purred, hearts in her eyes as she teased him.

Growling in response, he tightened his grip on her ass.

Squeezing them roughly, causing Marian to moan.


She screamed/moaned as her Commander asserted control over her.

"Two can play at this game, sweetheart."

(M/N) smirked as he roughly kissed her, enjoying her soft lips as she eagerly sunk into the kiss.

The two spent some time exploring each other mouths, drowning in the intimacy and heat of the moment.

Marian subtly rubbing her lower half against his.

Causing a certain 'soldier' to rise.

Pulling back once more ofr air, Marian motioned for him to let her down.

Complying, (M/N) let her down...

...Only for Marian to hastily rip his shirt off!

"What the!?" (M/N) shouted, as his muscular upper body was shown. "You're lucky that I wasn't attached to that shirt!"

Marian said nothing but hungrily stare at her Commander body.

Her eyes trailing him up and down.

'Such a well toned body!' The Nikke thought to herself. Her entrance getting wet just from looking at him.

And then her eyes went down.

'And so big...'

She gulped as she weighed her options, (M/N) just staring at her.

And staring at her clothes sticking to her. A gift from their passionate make out session.

He could see her chest visible from the sweat it slid down her body.

'No doubt about it.' (M/N) thought to himself. 'Whoever designed obviously had different intentions in mind!'

Not that he was complaining.



The sound of his pants unzipping snapped him back to reality as Marian undid his zipper, revealing his boxers.

Panting rather loudly, she lowered the hem of his boxers.

And freed his solder and ammo.


Marian fell back as (M/N) member stood proudly, freed from its prison.

"S-So big!"

Marian said.

In shock and amazement.

...And slight fear.

'How am I going to be able to fit that in my mouth!?'

(By the power of anime logic. Where apparently you can cum inside a girl and not get them pregnant from how many times you've orgasmed inside them)

"What's the matter?" (M/N) 'asked' though the smirk on his faced said otherwise. "Scared?"

He was mocking her.

'Ohhh, Commander!' Marian growled/pouted.

"Never say that to a Nikke, Commander!"

She suddenly shouted as she grabbed his tip and put her lips on it.

"Ggh! FUCK!"

(M/N) shouted/groaned in pleasure as Marian began using her tongue to suck him off like a popsicle.

"Hhmm." Marian moaned as she tasted him.


Her moans turned into a startled shout as (M/N) slid his member into her mouth.


His deep voice commanded, sending chills down the Machine Gunner spine at the power rolling off his tongue.

*Slurp!* *Suck!* *Glog!*

Hungrily 'devouring' his hardened erection.

"Ohh! Fuck, yes!" He encouraged her. "Just like that!"

Marian eyes shined happily, as she continued her blowjob, licking her tongue in a seductive manner as she did so.


(M/N) groaned as he began thrusting his cock down her throat.

His aggressive actions, combined with his well-endowed cock accidentally caused the Nikke to choke and gagged as she tried to match up with his pace.

Now, an interesting fact about (M/N)...He's actually a virgin.

That's right folks! Despite being a delinquent, he actually respected boundaries and had never slept with anybody.

(If only because he didn't want to catch something from someone)

Now, how he is a virgin yet seems to know how sex works is actually a part of the Academy training.

Since Commanders were most likely to die due to the dangerous environment as well as Raptures or the possibility of a stray bullet hitting and killing them. And unlike Nikkes, their odds of coming back were slim since they were flesh and blood, thus making them more vulnerable.

The Academy had a Sex Ed class that all Commanders were required to take, regardless of gender, or what they identify themselves as.

...That was probably one of the most awkward things he had to sit through. Especially since this was not some kiddie stuff, no this was more mature, rated R for pure sex. And very descriptive on how to pleasure a lover.

...Well at least they are getting them some level of knowledge on getting laid and securing their bloodlines.

Though the sex toys didn't make it any better.

Regardless, even though this was his first time as well. He had a good idea on how to pleasure a lover.

And, unknown to him, his primal/primitive instincts seemed to be 'waking up' and guiding him.

"Gck! Gack!"

Marian choked out as she eagerly took more and more of his shaft down her throat.

Sending (M/N) further and further over the edge.


Until he violently came into her mouth.

Causing her to choke harder as his salty liquid splashed down into her throat.


A loud popping noise could be heard as (M/N) removed his soldier from her.


Heavy breathing could be heard from both of them as they caught their breath.

'To think, this is something that humans can experience!'

As a Nikke, their sole purpose was to fight the Raptures. That's why most of their body is mechanical with the exception of their brains.

She didn't know if any Nikke has ever tried to sleep with a human to see if it's possible to feel this kind of pleasure before.

...Though odds are if they did, they would either have been scrapped, or have their memory erased if it had actually happened or not.

"mmmhh!" Marian moaned as large globs of cum dripped from her mouth.

Enthralled by the taste of her Commander.

Her eyes locked onto his veiny, throbbing shaft that stood 'angrily' at attention.

Remembering a certain kind that some people have; she unbuttoned the top of her shirt.

Revealing her cleavage, shining with sweat.

(M/N) was unaware as he was still coming down from his high.

'Damn! That felt so damned good!'

He thought to himself.

'If I knew sex was that good I would have done sooner!'

His train of thought was interrupted as he felt his cock being smothered by something soft.

"Gngh! What?" He groaned as he looked down.

Only to find Marian rubbing and squeezing her large, soft boobs against his hardened erection.

"Does Commander like this?" Marian purred as she rubbed her huge tits against his shaft. Purring as she inhaled his musky scent emanating from the tip.

"" (M/N) groaned, very much enjoying the titfucking he was getting.

"Fuck yes! Just like that...Mnh!"

(M/N) grunted and groaned in pure ecstasy as Marian placed a seductive kiss on his tip head.


Her soft, alluring tone combined with her hot breath did it.


He came all over her, hitting her face, splashing onto her chest, causing his semen to trickle down to her clothes, both inside and outside.

"Ah!" Marian moaned as she began 'cleaning' him.

"Gah-fuck!" (M/N) shouted, his body enjoying the loving feeling he was getting.

'Damn this sinful angel and her temptation ways!'

(M/N) mentally growled to himself.

Before finally managing to pull himself away.

Much to Marian displeasure.

"I wasn't done yet, Comm-ANDER!?"

She screamed the last part out as (M/N) grabbed and threw her onto the bed.

Marian somehow landed on all four with her ass sticking up in the air.

"Wh-What are you doing COMMANDER!!"

Marian screamed as (M/N) penetrated her asshole.


Marian screamed as she felt a pleasure of a different kind running through her body.

(With how much effort they put into making their asses godly, I won't be surprised if anyone wrote a Nikke Lemon story with that as one of their lemon scenes)

"Someone is getting a little too cocky!" (M/N) growled. "And as your superior officer, it's my job to properly 'punish' you!"

(What the hell am I writing?)

"So scream! Scream like the bad girl you are!"

"Ah!" Marian moaned. "Ha-Harder!"

"'Harder?'" (M/N) repeated. "Man, you Nikkes really are such dirty girls!"

But harder he did, fully intent on destroying Dat Ass!

"AH! AHH!"

Marian screamed as she came again, panting as her body shook from the force of his thrusts.

'If I'm losing it from this, I can't imagine what'll happen when it's inside me!'

The Nikke thougth to herself as she moaned.

Her ass cheeks rubbing against his cock, causing him to tense as he felt it rising.

"Here it comes!"

(M/N) shouted as he released his load into her ass. The sticky white liquid spilling out onto the bedsheets as he continue cumming.

"Commander!" Marian moaned. "Pl-Please!"

"Please what?"

(M/N) teased her, although not entirely sure what she was desperate for.

"Please pound my pussy with your big, fat cock!"

'Okay woah!' (M/N) thought to himself. 'Where the heck did she learn such lingo?'


Rustling sounds caught his attention, causing him to look back at her.

And feel his member hardening to the point of being painful.

Marian was suggestively swaying her hips as sweat drip down her body. Her pussy, leaking with her juices enticingly inviting him to do sinful things to her.

"Take me Commander." Marian begged seductively. "And make me yours."

THAT was the final straw that broke the camel back.

Without a second thought, he slammed his angry, throbbing shaft into her entrance. Aggressively thrusting rapidly as a form of 'punishment' for his subordinates' bold actions.


Marian screamed as her 'virginity' was claimed by (M/N).

Her sensors going into overload as her body succumbed to the pleasure.

"Ohhhh! AHH! Nnh!"

"Fuck!" (M/N) swore. "You're so fucking tight! How the fuck is that possible!?"

Marian did not answer, for the Nikke was lost to her lust and world of pleasure.

Her body coming just from the sensation of her Commander cock inside her, reaching the deepest part of her womb.

His shaft veins roughly rubbing against her soft, fleshy walls sending her into yet another lust frenzied orgasm.

"Aaah! Com-Commander..."

She whimpered, her body not used to such roughness that wasn't from being hit by a Rapture.

After all, this one was more pleasureable and more filling.

"Is Commander the only thing you know how to say?"

(M/N) rhetorically asked.

"...Harder Daddy!" She moaned as she got turned on for some reason.

"...Either Commander or (M/N)"

(M/N) quickly said.

He did not know why, but for some reason he felt the need to nip that in the bud as soon as possible.

"Awww!" Marian pouted as her body shooting up from (M/N) powerful thrusts. Her breasts bouncing up and down. "But why Daddy?"


"This girl."

(M/N) muttered under his breath as he got even more forceful with her.


Smacking her fine ass as well.

"AHH!!!" Marian screamed.

"Harder!" She begged. "Please Daddy, harder!"


"Say my name!" (M/N) ordered. "Say it or I won't come inside you!"

"(M/N)!" Marian quickly said. "Please come inside me, Commander (L/N)!"

"You asked for it!"

With that, his thrusts got wilder, and more animalistic as he felt his high approaching.

*Splurt!* *Splash!* *Splatter!*

"Ahhh!" "Hnnngh!"

Marian and (M/N) moaned/yelled as (M/N) filled her inside with his children.

Constantly pumping more and more inside her as it started leaking outside and onto the bed.

"Hah!" Marian moaned as she fell onto the bed. "Commander..."

She happily called out.

"Eek!" She squeaked as (M/N) towered over her, sliding his hands under boobs and began squeezing them.

"Aah!" Marian whimpered. "Co-Commnder, p-please! I'm too sensitive there now!"

"Oh, now you don't want to!" (M/N) shook his head. "And yet you were begging me not too long ago to fuck you senseless!"

Smirking, he contiued groping her chest. Enjoying her moans.

"(M-(M/N)..." Marian mewled. Calling his name for once. "D-Don't..."

"Don't what?"

He smirked, just waiting for her to say it.

And he wasn't disappointed.

"Don't stop..." She moaned.

Before her eyes widen as she realized what she said.

'Oh, crap!'

She thought to herself, before trying to speak.

"Wa-Wait!" She yelled. "I didn't mean-Kyaa!"

Her protests turned into a scream as she found their positions switched.

Now it was (M/N) sitting on the bed with Marian on his lap.

So to speak, his hands were squeezing her ass as her entrance was aligned with his cock.

Her 'heart' was beating fast as she stared into the Commander lust filled (E/C) eyes with her own eyes that she was positive was also expressing the same type of emotions.

Though her eyes were filled hearts.

"Didn't mean that?" He said, smirking as his hands tightened their grip on her ass causing to let out an embarrassing squeak. "You meant every word."

With that said, he slammed her pussy straight down onto his cock. Plowing her warm, wet inviting pussy once more as he 'bonded' with her.


Marian screamed as her body overloaded from the sensations!

Unable to hold it in, she came extremely fast.

Gasping and shaking from the powerful thrusts that came with it she clinged to her Commander body.

"(M/N)." Marian moaned as she buried her face into his chest and began rubbing against his muscles.

His strong, scent seemed to soothe her and comfort her despite a sweaty musk invading her senses.

"If this was a normal situation, anyone that could walk through that door would think you were a lower rank officer seducing her Commander for a promotion."

(M/N) smirked.

"Maybe that's what I am." Marian coyly smiled. "A bad girl looking to climb up that ladder through any means possible."

"And I do mean any."

Purring out that last word, she began rubbing herself agaisnt him while her body shook and trembled.

Groaning, (M/N) glared at her.

"Then I suppose I should teach you a lesson in hard work!"

Growling (M/N) roughly kissed her once more. Dominating with such aggression that the Nikke couldn't respond quick enough as she drowned into the kiss.

"Mmh! Mmph!" "Mmmm..."


Loud, slapping noises could be heard as flesh met 'flesh'.

Marian walls tightly closing in on (M/N) cock as he violently pounded deep inside her.

Grunting, (M/N) increased his tempo as he could feel his release building up.

"Fuck! So fucking good!" (M/N) groaned. "I wonder...were you designed like this? Or was it because of me?"

"Maybe if you tried it out with Rapi or Anis, you'll find out."

Marian simply said the most obvious solution.

"Try it out with-are you crazy!?"

(M/N) shouted as his thrusts slowly started getting erractic.

"Why NOT!" Marian shouted that last word as she came again! "All you have to do is win them over and I'm pretty sure they are curious what it's like to have that kind of an experience!"

...(M/N) didn't say anytthing as he ccontineud thrusting inside her.

'Can't deny it's an enticing offer.' He thought to himself. 'But while I could see Rapi possibly accepting, Anis might be another story.'

Considering how strangely uptight she is about that kind of thing, who knows?

...Though the idea of pounding them into oblivion was rather hot.

"Gnk!" His thoughts were interrupted as he could feel Marian tight walls squeezing him. "Fuck! Marian I'm going to cum!"

"Do it Commander (M/N)!" Marian begged. "Cum inside me, please!"


(M/N) roared, and Marian squealed as (M/N) heavy load burst into her like a waterfall.


Marian screamed in ecstasy as she felt (M/N) hot, thick and sticky seed pouring into her womb.

"(M/N)!" Marian moaned as he continued pumping more and more of his seed deep inside her.

Drip! Splash!

Eventually, it started to leak out and hit the bed and floor.

-Lemon Over!-


(M/N) grunted as he fell onto the bed, with Marian on top of him.

The two panting and gasping as they breathed in air.

"That was-"


(M/N) finished for her.

"I know."

Smiling, they just laid there looking up at the ceiling.


Marian softly said.


(M/N) asked, secretly happy that she was finally calling him by his name.

*Shuffle!* *Rustling!*


"I want more."

She simply said, her heart filled eyes staring hungrily into his strong eyes.

Smirking, he grabbed her head and pushed her down.


Was the all she could say as she felt her lips pressing against his in a flurry of passion.

Breaking it, he only said:

"Ask and you shall receive."

Giving her a rougish smirk, he resumed kissing her as he began roughly pleasuring her again.

To bad they didn't noticed the door had been opened while they were fucking.

Nor of the two unconscious Nikkes who were twitching in a pool of blood made from their nosebleeds.

(How that works with Nikke I'll not question it)

-Flashback ends-

...They walked in on a very precarious situation.

(And (M/N) was confused as hell as to why there was a large amount of dried blood outside his door.)

(And Marian could not walk properly due to their night of passion)

"What the heck is the Commander thinking!?"

Anis shouted to Rapi since they were accidentally left behind in their thoughts.

"Relationships of that nature between humans and Nikkes! It won't work!"

"Who knows?"

Rapi said, managing to keep her professional mask on.

"Perhaps Marian transformation has something to do with it?"

"I'll say!"

Anis was exasperated at this new, unexpected development.

"What the heck should we do!?" Anis asked. "Should we report it or let it go!?"

"...I don't know."

Rapi admitted.

"What do you mean you don't know!?" Anis looked at her in disbelief. "Shouldn't we-?! ...!"

Rapi: ...

Anis: ...

"...No." Anis suddenly said. "Don't tell me you're actually thinking about doing it with him too!?"

Rapi turned her head to the side.

"Are you freaking kidding me!?"

Anis shouted.

"Don't try to hide it with your brash attitude, Anis." Rapi cut back. "Weren't your eyes focused mostly on his gun?"

"Erk!" Anis got a gloomy look on her face. "I-I mean...I was just in shock! How could a human have a cock that big!?"

"And did you see what his monster did to Marian!?"

She continued.

"I-I-I...oh you're right as always." Anis admitted defeat. "I am curious if it's really possible for us to feel that kind of pleasure. I mean how would it feel? And would whatever he did to Marian be the reason she can feel that kind of pleasure? Can we feel it like she did?"

"Maybe once this meet and greet is over, we can speak to the Commander about this 'experiment.'"

Rapi concluded.

"Sounds good."

Anis nodded her head.

'Maybe trying it out will get those stupid images of that stupid, sexy Commander out of my head once and for all.'

She couldn't deny the fact that her dreams these past few days revolve around that scene she and Rapi stumbled upon. And in her dreams, she was getting fucked by her (admittedly hot) Commander monster into oblivion.

Unknown to her, Rapi had similar dreams and was curious to know how it would feel for her Commander to take her and pound her into pure bliss.

*Beep* *Beep*

A loud beeping sound got their attention as Rapi clicked on it.


"Are you guys coming or not?"

(M/N) voice rang through the communicator.

"I don't think you guys are that slow, and it's not that far."

"Yeah, yeah!" Anis waved off the subject of their torment. "We'll be there in a hot second!"

...Great, even using a word like 'hot' was causing them to feel something.

"? ...Okay then." (M/N) shook his head, even though they couldn't see it. "Just get your asses over here as soon as possible."

"Bet you would like to see our asses."

Anis muttered under her breath.

"Huh?" (M/N) blinked. "Could you repeat that?"

"She said 'We're on our way Commander'" Rapi took over.

"Okay." (M/N) said. "See you soon."

With that the transmission ended.

"...Well." Anis brightened up. "Shall we?"

"Yes." Rapi nodded. "Let's see what the higher ups want from us."

With that said, the two Nikkes headed to where their companions were waiting. And to see the what their higer ups wanted.

Little did they know of the storm that was approaching.

Done! Man! That took a lot longer than I orginally anticipated. Then again, Lemons are such a drag. Especially since I want to make them somewhat unique, not the dry, repeat of a lemon that you have probably seen in another book on Wattpad. And I don't want to make my lemons the same whenever I make them.

So, (M/N) and Marian got it going on and lost their V cards together. Cause what's a harem book without at least one lemon?

Rapi and Anis are voyeurs and are (begrudgingly in Anis case) interested in banging their Commander.

Our friendly superior knows how to use cameras and is aware of our abilities.

How this all pans out will be shown in the next chapter.

Have a good day/night!

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