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"Wait—wait, just a second."

Colby leaned back against the cabinets, sliding himself further up onto the counter so that it wasn't digging uncomfortably into the back of his legs. He sighed, opening his arms and making grabby hands, "Okay, c'mere."

His arms looped back around Sam's neck, who resumed laying kisses along his neck, and he couldn't help but let out a happy noise. Sam snaked an arm around his waist, his other hand pressing against his hip, rubbing circles onto it with his thumb. Colby wrapped his legs around him, heels digging into his back and bringing him even closer.

He tangled his fingers into the back of bright hair, affectionately running his hands through it as Sam continued to kiss him gently, paying special attention to the fading bruises. Colby was absolutely beaming. This felt so vanilla.

It was gentle and sweet and there was no urgency, no lust, and he almost dared to think it was just love. He didn't question it though.

After last weekend, the first time he and Sam had full blown sex, things had dulled down. Instead of Sam pressing into Colby and prompting a late night handjob or blowjob, he'd just lean into him. He'd kiss him, shower him with affection, and hold him for hours on end. He'd be lying if he said they hadn't done anything sexual in the past week, but it was a lot less animalistic. He liked being treated like a lover, but it was so twisted. He wasn't Sam's boyfriend. He was just his best friend that he occasionally kissed and fucked.

Yeah, that's a good description.

He grimaced, but it melted away into a genuine smile as he felt Sam's lips on his. They kissed lazily, mouths moving together clumsily as they couldn't stop smiling. What the hell was with them and their sudden cliche, romantic ways? It was making Colby want to be sick.

Almost. Because he still enjoyed pretending he was the one dating Sam. The one he took on dates, invited into his bed, stayed with, showed off proudly, held hands with, cuddled, kissed all the time, whenever, wherever. He liked pretended Sam loved him and that he wasn't just a secret.

Sadness washed over him, and he pressed closer to Sam moving his hands to the front of his shirt. He gripped it tightly, pulling away from Sam. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment, Sam smiling, and Colby looking a bit uncertain. Sam laughed nervously, "What?" Colby admired the crooked curve of his lips and the shine in his eyes before he pulled him back, kissing him a bit possessively.

Sam just melded into it, his hands returning to his hold on the boy's hips. Colby's thoughts calmed down, and he returned to his calm state, happily wrapped around Sam and comfortable in his embrace.

Then there was a sudden and loud knocking on the door, almost as if someone was trying to bust the door down.

Colby jerked his head away, smacking it against the cabinets, immediately letting out a shrill, "Fucking hell!" Sam untangled himself, Colby dropping his legs and arms to let him free, using his hand to run the forming bump on his head with a whimper. They looked at each other with red faces, hearts thudding against their chests, embarrassed by the thought of being caught making out against a kitchen counter at eleven a.m.

Sam left the kitchen swiftly and Colby slid himself off the counter. He sighed, shifting from foot to foot. "Sam, my arse is numb from sitting on the...counter." He blinked, looking at the smiling face of Katrina and a bit of a distressed Sam. "Oh, hi."

"Morning!" She chirped, apparently not going to question why he was informing Sam of the state of his ass. She really did trust him. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, suddenly feeling the need to as if she could see the kisses on his lips. She continued, "I'm here because me and Sam were gonna get a late breakfast...or early lunch?"

"Brunch?" Sam quipped.

Kat's eyes widened, "I've never had brunch before!"

Colby grinned, snorting at her excitement, "Ah, brunch with Sam. Have fun!" He waves, setting himself on the sofa.

"Oh...that's the thing." She says softly, sitting next to Colby and clapping her hand on his thigh, "I want you to come too!"

Colby was a bit taken aback, and he glanced up at Sam who just shrugged, indicating he didn't know she'd invite him, but that he also didn't mind. Do I want to go, though? He thought, biting his lip. I really don't feel like third wheeling. Or having a front row seat to Sam and his girlfriend's date. He warily examined Kat's expression. She looked like she genuinely wanted his to go, a hopeful look to her face. "I don't want to impose-"

"You won't!"

"...on your date."

Katrina puffed out her cheeks childishly, "Colby. It's not really a date, okay? We're a couple, yes, but not everything we do together is some romantic date. This is just us grabbing something to eat! And we want our mutual friend to come!"

She looked to Sam with a gleam in her eye, "Right, love?" He just nodded and Katrina began to bounce excitedly on the cushion. She was like a little kid. Colby couldn't help but smile and want to hug her.

"Okay. Fine. I'll go."


Colby sipped idly at the straw between his lips, looking off to the side, irritation settling uncomfortably in his stomach. He glanced back up to the couple across from him. Sam didn't seem like someone who'd be for any type of public displays of affection. Kat on the other hand relished in showing off Sam and the fact that he was, in fact, her boyfriend. The hand holding, nose bumping, chaste kissing, and exchanging of flirty words was driving Colby up the goddamn wall.

Colby leaned back into the cushions of the booth, eyes darting between Sam and Kat, seeing if they were gonna pay him any recognition any time soon. So much for not being a third wheel. For not crashing a date. He coughed, loudly and over exaggerated. The two looked up at him slowly, "Hm? Oh, sorry. Something in my throat. I think it was vomit," He says a bit too harshly and Sam's eyes narrow.

Kat's face goes red, "Um, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine," Colby mumbled, stirring his drink around, watching the ice swirl and melt away, watering down his sweet soda. He sighs, exhaling slowly, "I'm gonna go, sorry." He takes his wallet out, laying some cash on the table. Sam gave him a bit of an angry look and Katrina looked ashamed, "I know you offered, but I'm sorry I came along. I shouldn't have." He looked guilty at his friends before he turned away, leaving quickly.

He hailed a cab, shifting in the seat, looking out the window sadly. He handed the correct amount of money over to the driver with an awkward 'thanks' before trudging up and into his flat. It was quiet, dark, and empty. Colby had a feeling Sam would be pissed at him by the time he returned, so for now, a nap was due.

He shuffled off to his room, kicking off his shoes and climbing under his duvet and burying his nose into his pillow. He felt bad for making such a rude comment to Katrina. She was nice enough to invite him and she always treated him so kindly. He had no right to act like a jealous schoolgirl because she was being flirty with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend.

He closed his eyes tightly, forcing the thoughts out of his mind and willing himself to sleep.



The brunette lazily opened one eye. His head hurt and his eyes felt dry and he overall really wanted to go right back to sleep. He peered up at the person who was sitting next to him, their hand placed comfortably on his side. Sam. He smiled a bit dopily before remember what had happened at the cafe. His mouth turned into a pout. He rolled over, Sam's hand sliding off of him.

"Hey," Sam said. His voice sounded gentle, but stern and Colby couldn't decide if he was nervous or not. "Look at me. Talk to me for a minute."

Colby huffed, and flopped onto his back, looking up at Sam with his arms crossed.

"You look like a kid."

"Get to the point or get out."

Sam's mouth screwed up and he hummed. "Why'd you leave? Why'd you say that?" He asked simply. Colby couldn't read the tone in his voice so he examined his face thoroughly. He still couldn't understand the tone, couldn't understand what emotion was under the mask Sam has put on or the words he was keeping steady. His eyes slanted into a glower, and he sat up.

"I left because I was a third wheel to a fluff fest. It was uncomfortable. Okay? Sorry I said what I did but I was a bit ticked off that my best friend was ignoring me," He looked down at his lap, "I mean, I shouldn't complain. You guys are a couple who do couple things but it was just...too much. Especially when you're with someone else, yknow? It sucks. You've been in that situation, yeah?" He looked up, finally meeting Sam's eyes. He could finally see the emotion in them. He looked annoyed, but more sympathetic at this point.

"Yeah," He breathed, sliding closer to Colby. "You're right. I'm sorry. But what you said was still rude. And so was leaving. Just a bit."

Colby smiled and Sam returned it. "Hey Colby?"


There was a pause. Sam shifted.

"Are you jealous of me and Kat?"

Colby's eyes widened a bit. "Why do you think so? I'm not. But, why?"

"I just...the way you react to things sometimes? I dunno...I just thought maybe you were jealous that she was taking your best friend away?"

Colby sighed, but in relief. Best friend. Of course. Jealous that he was losing his friend time with his best friend. No, he wasn't asking if he was jealous that Kat got all his love, attention, affection—

"Oh. No, not at all. I get to see you all the time. I know you're still my best friend." He forced a toothy smile that faded when Sam once again began to wiggle where he was sitting. "Sam?"

"Okay, listen. I have another question."

"Please, do tell. I love playing twenty questions," He joked but Sam didn't smile.

"Colby...are you..." He trailed off, looking perplexed. He shook his head, standing up. "Um, never mind!" There was an obviously fake grin on his face as he left the room quietly, Colby raised an eyebrow. He didn't have time to dwell on his confusion as his headache came seeping back into his conscience. He groaned, sinking back into his sheets and blankets, his pillow cushioning his pounding head.

He rubbed his temples, Sam's nervous tone and shifty eyes swirling around in his brain as he squinted at the ceiling.

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