Chapter 30

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[Two years later]

Lucy’s P.O.V

I was sitting on a stump about half a mile west from the cave, thinking. 

“Ley Lu”, said a voice, breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Cosmos standing in front of me. 

“Hey Cos, what’s up”

“We need to talk”, she said seriously.

“Why? What’s wrong?” I asked frantically. 

“It’ been two years since you left”, she started, “Don’t you think it about time you go back?”

“Honestly, I was just thinking about that”, I admitted. 

“Really”, Cosmos asked. 

“Yeah, it’s been exactly two years. I think it’s about time. I’d like to see everyone again”, I said. 

“Should we start packing”, she asked. 

“Pack? Shouldn’t we tell the other first”, I asked. 

“Well...”, She trailed off. 

“The other’s already agreed”, I said.

“Yeah..”, Cosmos admitted softly. 

“Of course”, I deadpanned. 

“So wanna go get the bags that are already packed”, she asked, walking towards the cave. 

“ARE YOU SIRIUS”, I yelled. I heard Cosmos laugh before running. 

I slowly walked back to the cave thinking about the last two years.

 A lot has happened in the two years since I left Fairy Tail. Freed and Laxus got together, as Bixlow and I. Laxus and I found our cousins S.J and Em. Ever got her memory back thanks to Ripley’s meditation. Happy learned transformation magic along with his dragon slayer magic. Igneel said that Happy might be stronger than Nastu now. 

Loke went about once a week to report to the guild. We learned that Levy and Gajeel mated. Little Wendy and Romeo finally admitted their feelings but were going to wait a couple of years. 

Loke also reported that Mira, Lisanna, Levy, Gajeel, Juvia, Gray, Wendy, Carla, Lily and Gramps were still defending me. Natsu was still an asshole who believed I was still weak. I rolled my eyes and told Loke the next time he went back, to slap Natsu for me.

“Ready to go”, Bixlow asked when he saw me.

“I’m ready”, I smiled, “How are you feeling”

“Fine. It’s gonna feel weird going back, " he admitted.

"Yeah. I know how you feel"

"Well the others are ready", Bixlow said. 

"Where are they", I asked. 

“Waiting down by the river”, he said, “They can’t remember the way back from there”

“Of course”, I smiled, rolling my eyes. 

The walk to the others was silent. Bixlow and I walked hand in hand to the others. I could hear Percy and Jason fighting, swords clashing together.

“OkayPery, Jason be nice”, I said, point a finger at both of them. 

“But Lu”, They whined. 

“Come on you guys, don’t you wanna see Fairy Tail”, I asked. 

“Of course they do”, Crystal cut in. I smiled at her. Over the two years, I told her about Carla. With each story, I told her, Crystal became more and more like Carla. More mature and ladylike. 

“Come on Cris, let them have their fun”, Lupin said, wrapping his arm around her waist. 

“They are acting like children”, she said. 

“We are not”, Percy and Jason yelled in unison. 

“Yes you are”, Crystal said calmly. 

“Cris, calm down”, Lupin smiled. 

“Alright”, Crystal said softly, smiling at him. 

Thunder gagged behind me. 

“Shut up Thunder”, I said, hitting him with my bag.

“What, I can’t help it. I’m surounded by couples”, he whined. 

“Ravena’s single. Why not hook up with her”, S.J joked. Both Ravena and Thunder glared at her. 

“When hell freezes over”

“Not funny S.J”

S.J snickered and continued to pet happy, who was nestled in her arms. Over the two years Happy and S.J grew close. I remember the night S.J had a nightmare about two weeks after Happy showed up and Happy was the one who comforted her. 


I was awake sitting by the fire when I heard movement from behind me. I turned around to see S.J sitting up in her bed panting. I went to get up but Happy’s voice stopped me. 

“S.J”, he asked sleepily, “are you okay”

“Yeah, I’m fine Happy. Go back to bed”, she whispered. 

“No, you’re not okay”, Happy said, his voice more clear this time.

“I promise. I’m okay”, S.J said. She sounded more like she was trying to convince herself more than she was Happy. 

“What’s wrong? Was it a nightmare”, Happy asked. S.J didn’t answer. She just stared off, a blank look on her face. 

“Yeah”, she finally said, “It was a nightmare”

“Do you wanna talk about it”, Happy asked.

“Not really”, S.J replied. 

“It will help”, Happy encouraged. S.J sighed before sitting up properly and sitting criss-cross on the blanket. 

“It was about the night my dad killed my mom”, S.J started. “It had been about 6 months since Em and I moved in with our ‘Master’. He liked to beat us. I took most of the beatings. That way in the morning Em could do most of the housework. That was our ‘job’. During the day clean and keep the house well kept and at night be beaten and raped“

“What”, Happy asked, crying. S.J smiled a little and opened her arm. Happy crawled onto her lap and hugged her neck. 

“Anyway”, she continued, “Our ‘Master’ figured out what I was doing. So he called my father. My father yelled at me to behave but I spit in his face and told me to go to hell. But the next morning I woke up chained to a wall. Em was chained up next to me. Maybe an hour after I woke up Em did. It had to be about 9 when our dad came in. He was dragging mom behind him. He said ‘This is your punishment for disobeying’. Then he stabbed her. He kept stabbing her. Over and over until the white dress, she was wearing turned completely red”

"Are you serious", Happy asked quietly. 


"That explain why you're so cold to everyone", Happy said. 

"Hey! I'm not cold", S.J snapped. 

"Yes you are. You sit at the end so no one touches you. You flinch when some speaks to loudly when they're close to you. You sit away from everybody when we're all together. You're cold. It's your way of protecting youself. That's why you're cold. That's why the only person you let touch you is Em", Happy explained. 

"I never realized I did that", S.J said softly. Happy nodded and sat down on S.J's thigh. 

"Do you feel better", he asked. 

"Yeah. A little bit", she smiled, "Thanks Happy"

"No problem. I'm good at listening. Lushe used to talk to all the time when Natsu started being mean to her"

"I hate him. I haven't even met him yet and I hate him", S.J snarrled. 

"Me to. Lushe is the best", Happy said. 

"Yeah she is"

Happy yawned and snuggled closer to S.J. 

"You gonna sleep with me then", S.J asked. Happy nodded and clung to her shirt. S.J lifted him a little and layer back down. Pulled the blanket over them. 

I smiled and waited for them to fall asleep. I slowly walked over and kissed S.J's forehead. 

"Love you little S", I said softly. 

"LUCY", someone yelled. 

"Huh? What", I asked looking around. 

"We made it to the train station", Bixlow said. 


"What were you thinking about", Ever asked. 

"Nothing. Let go home", I said. 

"To Fairy Tail"

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