Chapter 1: Leaving Beacon

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Y/N's POV 

I watched as Savannah helped the injured Aria into the ship while Anastasia stood by me. 

Anastasia: Y/n. She'll be okay.
She said as she had a hand on my shoulder. 

Y/N: I hope so. 

Anastasia: She'll be fine. She's strong. 

I looked at the wounds Aria had all over chest as I remembered how she got it.


I was backing up into a corner as a group of thralls were surrouding me. I pulled out my revolver and started shooting every one of them. After running out of ammo, I pulled out my sword and started slashing through them. As I slashed through the last one, I suddenly heard a growl. I turned around and saw a knight as his sword was coming down at me. Suddenly I felt someone push me out of the way. 


I crashed into the ground as I saw Aria in front of me. With a slash across her chest. My eyes widen as I saw her looking at me. 

Aria: H-hey.
She said before falling onto the ground. 

Flashback Ends 

Anastasia: What happened to her wasn't your fault. 

"It is. I should have been more aware." 

Anastasia: You can't blame yourself. Without her, you would have been killed. 

"It should have been me." 

Anastasia: Stop blaming yourself. It's because she cares thats why she pushed out of the way. 
She said as she grabbed my shoulders. 

Anastasia: We all care. What would have happened when you died. What would have happened. Without, all of us would have died. 
She said as a tear started to form. 

Anastasia: You think we wouldn't have done the same for her. Y/N. As much you think is your fault, it never was. 
She said as she grabbed the sides of my head.

Anastasia: It's because we all care for you. 

???: Y/N! 

I turned around and I saw Blake running towards us.

Anastasia: Go. Talk to her. 
She said as she started walking to the ship. 

I walked towards Blake as she ran at me. 


I was suddenly smacked across the face. 

Blake: Why didn't you tell me you were leaving!? 
She yelled as tears started to stream down her eyes. 

"If no one is going to help me here. I might as well go back home." 

Blake: B-B-But what about me? Coco? Velvet? Pyrrha? 
She said as tears started streaming down her cheeks. 

"I'll miss you all." 

Blake then brought me into a hug as she started crying. 

"I'm sorry for doing this." 

Blake: I-I-I know. I-I-I-I'm just going to miss you. 
She said as she tighten her hold on me. 

"I'll miss you too." 
I said as I held her close. 

Blake: What are you going to do when you get back? 
She asked me as she looked at me. 

"Hopefully I get to call you." 
I said as I held her hand. 

I stared into her amber eyes as we slowly inched closer. Inch by inch we got closer. Then I felt her lips pressed against mine. I felt her arms wrap around my neck. Time slowed down as I wrapped my around her waist. Slowly we backed out as we stared at each other. 

Blake: I-I'm sorry. I do-

I kissed her again and felt her arms wrap around my neck, deepening the kiss between us. As air became a necessity we backed out as we stared into each other's eyes. 

"How long have you waited?" 

Blake: Too long. 

"I'm glad you did this." 

Blake: Because...

"Because you're too beautiful to not notice." 

Blake: You're my light. 

"And you are mine." 

Anastasia: Y/N. We got to get going. 

"Goodbye Blake. Love you." 

Blake: Love you too. 
She said as she kissed me one last time. 

"I'll be sure to call you." 
I said as I kissed her on the lips. 

Third Person POV 

Blake held her hand close to her heart as she saw her love run to the ship. 

Blake: Hope we'll be together one day. 
She said as he looked at her one last time. 

Unknown to Blake, Ruby was watching from afar. Ruby had tears running down her cheeks as she remembered what happened earlier. 

Ruby's POV 

I felt my heart hurt, just seeing him leave. All because of Yang, Weiss, and the others. All because of them, the one I crushed on is now leaving. With a false image about me. 


I saw Y/N running with one of the girls in his arms as he ran to the hospital. Yang, Jaune, Neptune, and Weiss stood in front of him, slowing him down.

Neptune: What did you too. Try to kill her? To make yourself look like a hero? 
He said as he pushed Y/N. 

Y/N tried to run to the hospital but was immediately punched down to the ground. I saw Yang pumping her fists together as she approached Y/N. 

Yang: Why did you do huh? Try to kill her? You loser! 

Weiss: What a loser. 
She laughed. 

I couldn't help but watch as they hurt him. 


Suddenly a gunshot was heard throughout the area. My eyes widen as  I saw a glowing gun in his hand as he looked at me with killer intent and rage. 

Y/N: She's dying! Yet you still torment me! FOR WHAT! 
He yelled at me. I flinched at his tone. 

Savannah: Y/N. Go. 

Y/N grabbed the girl and started running to the hospital. 

Savannah: He's trying to save his friend. But yet all of you all just want to make his life harder. 
She said with venom. 

Savannah: You all are nothing. He lost an entire team of friends. You all don't know anything about him and yet you still bully him! 
She yelled. 

Sun: So? He's a loser. 


Sun was shot in the stomach as Savannah held a revolver in her hand. 

Savannah: You all are nothing. Especially you. 
She said as she pointed to me. 

Savannah: Y/N could have care less about you all. What the hell were you trying to do when you came to me. Persuade me that Y/n is evil! 
She yelled at me. 

I flinched at her harsh words as I tried to keep myself from crying. 

Savannah: You all are nothing but food to the hive. 
She said as she started walking away. 

Flashback Ends 

I curled up against the tree as tears ran down my cheeks. I sat there as I remembered what he said to me when he was still in the hospital. 


I stood in front of Y/N as he gave me a glare. 

Y/N: If you're here to torment me. Might as well do it. 
He said with his monotone voice. 

I stood there, afraid. 

Y/N: What are you waiting for. Do it. 

I stood there quietly as I felt fear. 

"I-I just wanted to come see you." 
I struggled to say. 

Y/N: Why now of all times. Because you saw my friend hurt and wanted to talk to me. 

I struggled to stay calm. 

Y/N: Why now. What the hell have you been doing when I was here. Nothing but torment me every single day. 
He said in a harsh tone. 


Y/N: But nothing. You were never a friend. 
He said as he faced his friend. 

"But Y/N." 

Y/N: Get out. 


Y/N: I said. Get out. 
He said as he faced me. 

There I saw his E/C eyes, full of rage. 

I stood there as I tried to contain my tears. I opened my mouth to talk but nothing came out. 

Flashback Ends 

"I-I-I-I'm sorry *sobs* I'm sorry. *sobs* Please *sobs* Forgive me." 

"I-I-I never m-m-mean't a-a-any o-of it." 


"P-P-Please forgive me." 

Here is Chapter 1 of More Than You Think! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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