'Chapter 13: Ana and Ruby

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Blake's POV 



"What the?" 
I asked myself as I looked around, seeing nothing but a dark void around me. 


Heard nothing but another loud thud as I looked around but seeing the same void around me. 

???: Their leaders belong to you. The rest await extermination. 
I heard a dark voice and turned around to see a creature holding a large white sword behind another with a pair of wings. 

'"O-O-Oh my god." 
I said in fear as the winged creature slowly lifted its head. 

Winged Creature: No. Gather them. I'll take them all. 
He said before turning towards me. 

"O-Oh no." 
I said in fear, looking around me to hide somewhere. 

???: You'll be the first. 
He said as I hid behind a column to only feel a sharp in my side. 

I slowly looked down to see a black aura around my wound, slowly consuming my side as the pain grew. 

I screamed in pain as I fell onto my side, holding it in pain as the creature looked at me. 

???: Another to be taken. 
One with the sword said as it looked at me, slowly pulling out his sword. 


Third Person POV 

Blake: AH! 
She screams as she jolts up in the bed before pulling at her side, seeing the black aura not there. 

Blake: Just a nightmare. But what the hell was that all about? 
She asked herself before looking to see Y/N gone. 

Blake: Already? 
She asked herself before getting up from the bed. 

Blake: He's probably training or doing something important. 
She said to herself before walking into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. 

After brushing her teeth, Blake walked out of the bedroom and into the living room to smell food. 

Blake: Smells like someone's cooking. 
She said as she walked into the kitchen to see Y/N cooking. 

Blake: Oh...hey babe. 
She said as Y/N turned towards her, seeing his bright E/C eyes. 

Y/N: Good morning beautiful. 
He said as he continues to cook. 

Blake: What are you cooking? 
She asked as she wraps her arms around his waist. 

Y/N: Egg, sausage, and a little bit of bacon. 
He said as he continues to cook. 

Blake: Smells delicious. 
She purrs as she rubs her face against his shoulder.

Y/N chuckles as he continues to cook the food before finishing. He reached for a set of plates before placing the three foods on each plate. 

Y/N: And here we go. 
He said as he placed the three plates on the table. 

Blake smiles and sits down, licking her lips before taking a piece of the sausage. 

Blake: Didn't know you could cook. 
She said, looking at him with a smile. 

Y/N: Well...you could say I was forced to. 
He said as Blake giggles. 

Blake: How so? 
She asked, placing her head on her hand as she looked at him with curiosity. 

Y/N: Just classified missions and end up having to stay in the unknown regions of Remnant. 

Olivia finds out that Salem was attacked by Uldren and his crew. Salem retreats back to Beacon and the two meet. 

To Ruby 




Ana: There you go. You're getting better at this. 
She said, watching from the side as Ruby shot at another guardian through the shoulder. 

Guardian: And you're the one not getting shot at. 
One groaned in annoyance at Ana. 

Ana: Tough it up Alex. 
She said as Alex turned around and shot at Ruby to only miss, seeing her at his side with her rifle aiming at him. 

Alex: Shit. 


Alex fell onto the ground as his ghost formed beside him, deploying a silver aura around him before getting back up. 

Alex: 4 to 2. 
He said as he looked at Ana. 

Ana: She's catching up. Surprising that she could catch up to you. 
She said, crossing her arms with a smirk. 

Alex: Pretty damn good. Not surprising since Y/N brought her here. 
He said to her. 

Ana: Yeah...
She said as Ruby strapped her rifle to her back. 

Ana: Take 10 minutes Ruby. 
She said as Ruby sat down on a bench

Ruby: So this is how you guys train? 
She asked as she looked at Ana, sipping out of a water bottle. 

Ana: Well...one of the ways to train. 
She said as she sat down by Ruby. 

Ruby: How else do you guys train? 
She asked her. 

Ana: Well... there are 3 or 4 ways if I remember. 

Ruby: And those 4 ways being? 

Ana: Well... 2nd training just doing crucible the entire time. 3rd being that you are dropped into a forest with limited supplies and having to survive the entire week alone. 
She said as Ruby looked away. 

Ruby: Oh... 
She said, slowly sipping out of her bottle. 


Ana: What's that? 
She asked as Ruby pulled out her scroll, showing Olivia's name. 

Ruby: Hello? 

Olivia: Ms Rose. We have a situation down here in Beacon. Bring mr L/N with you. 

Ruby: Why? What's happening? 

Olivia: Something about this Uldren Sov. 

Here is chapter 13 of More Than You Think! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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