Chapter 14: New Mission

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Third Person POV 

Ana: What a beautiful day. 
She said with a smile as she watched a group of guardians charging at each other. Shooting their weapons at each other. 

Ana: What a beautiful day for a crucible match. 
She said as she watched a titan slam a hunter through a wall. 

Ana: Come on hunter. I'd thought you be able to maneuver your way out of that. 
She commented as another stood by her. 

Ana: Nice to see you up running around Savannah. How does it feel being able to walk around again? 
She asked as she looked at the fellow hunter. 

Savannah: Forgot how uncomfortable those hospital beds are. 
She groans as she stretched her arms. 

Ana: Come to enjoy the match between your guardians? 
She asked as a warlock shot a ball of energy into a room. 

Savannah: Yeah. Can't wait to participate myself. 
She said before jumping into the arena. 

Ana: Oh my. This will be interesting to see how this turns out. 
She said before picking up a cup and sipping it. 

Ana: I wonder who will win this free for all. 

To Y/N 

Ruby: How are you feeling Y/N? 
She asked as she looked at him sitting in his seat silently. 

Y/N: I'm doing fine. 
He replied as he held onto a steering wheel, piloting his ship. 

Ruby: How's Blake? 
She asked as she looked at her armor. 

Y/N: She's doing fine. 

Ruby: That's...nice. 
She commented as she played with her fingers, not sure how to talk to him. 

Y/N: Miss it back at Beacon? 
He asked as Ruby slowly looked at him. 

Ruby: Y-Y-Yeah. I miss it there. 
She answered before looking back down at the ground. 

Y/N: Miss being with Yang and the others? 

Ruby: Yeah...
She said as she continued to play with her fingers before hearing a radio go off. 

Ruby: What was that? 
She asked as she looked at him, holding a radio in hand. 

Y/N: Headmistress, it's Y/N L/N. Permission to land. 
He said into the radio as Ruby looked at him. 

Y/N: Stupid officers. 
He cursed as Ruby continued to look at him. 

Ruby: What's wrong? 

Y/N: Stupid officers. Stupid. 
He cursed before feeling a thud. 

Y/N: We're here. 
He said before getting out of his seat as Ruby followed behind him. 

Ruby: Already know why we're here? 
She asked him as Y/N opened a door. 

Y/N: To find Uldren Sov. To find the one who took away Cayde. 
He replied coldly as he clenched his fists. 

Y/N: Let's go meet with the headmistress. 
He said before walking out into the courtyard, hearing birds chirp by as students looked away from afar. 

Ruby: Feels weird to be back. 
She said before seeing him walk towards a tower. 

Ruby: Hey wait! 
She yelled as she ran towards him. 

Y/N: We're here for a mission. 
He said as he walked down the breeze way while Ruby followed him. 

Ruby: Don't you want to go see your friends? 
She asked as Y/N turned towards her. 

Y/N: Like I said, we're here for a mission. 
He growls as Ruby looked down sadly. 

Y/N: If you want to go see your friends, then go. I'll look for Uldren myself. 
He told her before walking towards the towards, leaving Ruby alone in the breezeway. 

???: SIS! 
A voice called out as Ruby turned around to see Yang. 

Yang: Didn't you know were coming back! 
She yelled as she hugged her sister. 

Ruby: S-Sorry for not telling you. 
She groans as she looked at her. 

Yang: Is it just you? 
She asked as she looked at her, putting her hands on her shoulders. 

Ruby: Y/N came too. 
She said with hints of sadness. 

Yang: Oh... where is he? 

Ruby: Meeting with Olivia .
She replied as tears slowly started forming. 

Yang: Sis? What's wrong? 
She asked before feeling Ruby hug her. 

Ruby: Everything just been so difficult. 
She sobbed into her shoulder. 

Ruby: Everything with Y/N. All he ever does is train and train. Only training. 
She sobs louder. 

Yang: Ruby... 

Ruby: He never does anything anymore. Only training and going on missions. 
She sobs loudly into her shoulder. 

Yang: It'll be okay Ruby. Why don't we go see everyone else. 
She said as Ruby slowly nodded, wiping her tears. 

To Y/N 

Olivia: How does it feel being back in Beac-

Y/N: Just give me the details. 
He said, cutting her off as he glared at her. 

Olivia: Very well Mr L/N. 
She said before pulling out a folder. 

Y/N: So what does Uldren Sov have to do with this. 
He said before openning the folder, seeing the details. 

Y/N: White fang members have gone missing in this area. This has nothing to do with Uldren. 
He growls as he glared at Olivia. 

Olivia: Not anything we know of yet. But answer me this, why are white fang soldiers suddenly disappearing from outside our borders? 
She asked as Y/N remained silent. 

Y/N: They are the white fang. They are not my problem. 

Olivia: But they will be if they get that tech.
She said as Y/N glared at her. 

Y/N: What tech. 

Olivia: Report said they found a mysterious tech in a cave. Something is not right. That's why I asked Zavala to send you to investigate. 
She said as Y/N closed the folder. 

Y/N: Fine. I'll clean this mess up. 
He said before walking towards the elevator. 

Olivia: I'd advise to send Ms Rose with you. 

Y/N: No. 
He said as Olivia raised her brow. 

Y/N: This is something beyond her.

Here is chapter 14 of More Than You Think! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you al think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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