Chapter 4: A New Guardian

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Ruby's POV 


I felt my body float in a dark void as I heard many voices echo through out the void. 

"W-Where am I?" 

???: You all are nothing but food to the hive. 

I heard her voice. I turned around and saw one of Y/N's teammates. 


Savannah: I don't understand what made you hate Y/N. 
She said with venom. 


Savannah: You what? Hated him because he head weapons? Hated him because he had better battle experience? What is it. 
She said with venom. 

I struggled to answer as I felt tears form. 

Savannah: Y/N has every right to be angered at you. For what you did. 
She said as she walked away. 

I yelled at her. 

Savannah: Being afraid doesn't get you far. 
She said as she continued walk away. 

"I-I-I'm sorry." 
I said as tears ran down my cheeks. 

Suddenly I saw a bright light slowly forming in front of me. 

"W-What is that?" 

Suddenly I felt the light engulf me as it got brighter. 

Dream Ends 

I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I was in a hospital of some type. 

"W-W-Where am I?" 

???: RUBY! 

I slowly turned around and saw Yang before she brought me into a tight hug. 

Yang: I'm so glad you're okay. 
She said as she hugged me tightly. 

"W-W-Where are we?" 
I asked as I felt a sharp pain in my chest. 

Yang: The Last City. 

"W-What? Who brought us here?" 

Yang: I-It was Y/N. 


???: Be happy we were there when we were. 

I turned around and saw one of Y/N's teammates looking at us as she leaned onto the wall. 


Ana: Be happy we were there when you were dying. 
She said as she looked at us. 

"W-What was that pain in my chest?" 
I asked her. 

Ana: What you got hit by was a handful of poison. 
She said as she glared at us. 


Ana: And be happy we were able to get you here in time to save you. 
She said before walking out of the room. 

"H-H-How long have I been in here?" 
I asked Yang. 

Yang: Almost a week. 

"W-W-Where's Y/N?" 

Yang: H-He's busy doing something right now. 
She told me. 

I looked down as tears started streaming down my cheeks as I thought of him.

Yang: Hey. Hey. No need to cry. 
She said as she hugged me. 

"I-I-I'm scared." 
I told her. 

Yang: Of what? 

"O-O-Of facing Y-Y/N again."
I answered. 

Yang: It's okay. It's okay. 
She said as she tried to comfort me. 

Yang: I'm sure he'll be okay. 

Through the doors, I could hear Ana and someone else talking about something. 

Ana: The hive are acting differently then previously. 

???: How? 

Ana: They're attacking villages now. Unlike before they only attacked those with light in them. 

???: I see. 

As Yang hugged me, I could only think about him. Y/N. 

Third Person POV 

Y/N was holding Blake's hand as the two walked through a plaza in the tower. 

Blake: So this is where you were at? 
She asked as she leaned her head on his shoulder. 

Y/N: Yeah. 
He answered. 

Blake: I'm glad I'm with you. 
She told him. 

Y/N: I'm glad to. 
He said as the two walked 

The two walked until they came a tree. 

Blake: I missed you. 
She said as she tighten her hold on my hand. 

Y/N: I missed you too. 
He said as the two leaned in closer. 

The two leaned in closer but are stopped as someone yelled for them. 

???: Guardian. 

Y/N: Son of a bitch. 
He muttered. 

Blake giggles as Y/N turned to see Cayde walking towards them. 

Y/N: What is it Cayde? 

Cayde: That girl you brought in. She's awake. 

Y/N: Oh great.
He muttered. 

Cayde: Who is this lovely girl? 
He asked. 

Y/N: Cayde. This is my girlfriend. 

Cayde: Hello there. I'm Cayde. Vanguard of the hunters. 
He told Blake. 

Blake: I'm Blake. 
She told him. 

Cayde: You got a lovely girl here Y/N. 

Y/N: Okay Cayde. 
He told him. 

Cayde: Hey. I'm just saying. 

Y/N: Well. We better go see her. 
He said as Blake walked along with him. 

Cayde: See you later Guardian. 
He said as Y/N walked away. 

Yang's POV 

I was sitting the hallway with Weiss and JNPR as we watched the doctor examining Ruby. 

Weiss: She'll be okay. 
She said as she placed her hand on my shoulder. 

"S-She's like this because of that thing." 
I said as I saw a flash of her kneeling on the ground, coughing out blood. 

Weiss: It's not your fault. 
She told me. 

"But it is." 
I said as I remembered when we first arrived. 


I said with tears running down my cheeks as I saw Y/N and his three teammates holding Ruby down on the table as a doctor scanned her body. 

I saw blood coming out of mouth as her body was twitching. I felt my heart hurt, seeing her like this. 

I said as I watched through the glass. 

Doctor: Guardian. Ghost. Now. 

Suddenly I saw a ghost placed in the doctor's hand. 

"W-W-What is that?" 

Ghost: Hello doctor. 

Doctor: Designation. 

Ghost: Acceptance waiting. 

Doctor: Designation; Ruby Rose. 

Ghost: Designation accepted. 
It said as it started scanning Ruby. 

I watched as Ruby's body stop twitching as the four in the room stepped away. 

"W-W-What did they do?" 

Then I saw Y/n and his teammates shaking the doctor's hand before walking out. Y/N walked towards me as I looked at him with tears.

"H-H-H-How is she?" 
I asked, scared. 

Y/N: She's stable. Be happy we got here in time. 
He told me. 


Y/N: That poison she hit with. Sinks in easily. Be happy Ikora was able to slow it down. 

I couldn't help myself and brought him in a hug as I sobbed onto his shoulder. 

"T-T-Thank you." 
I sobbed. 

"T-T-Thank you for saving her." 
I said as I sobbed onto his shoulder. 

"I-I-I'm so sorry." 
I said. 

Y/N: Don't be.
He said as he pushed me out of the hug. 

Y/N: I'm just making sure the hive doesn't spread. 
He said as he walked out of the room with Blake. 

"I-I-I'm sorry." 
I said with tears running down my cheeks. 

Flashback Ends 

I stood there with tears flowing down my cheeks as I remembered his words. 

Y/N: Don't be. 

"I-I-I'm sorry." 
I said to myself. 

The door to the room opened and Ruby stepped out with the doctor. 

Doctor: She's okay. She just needs to be around here since we need to know to the aftereffects. 

"O-Okay. T-Thank you." 
I said. 

Doctor: Have a good day. 
He said as he walked out of the room. 

"H-How are you feeling?" 

Ruby: I-I-I'm feeling okay. 
She said with a hint of sadness. 

"Hey. How about we get some cookies later?"
I asked her. 

Ruby: I-I don't want any. 
She told me. 

I asked as I looked at her. 

Ruby: I-I-I just want to see him. 

Third Person POV 

While the two teams were standing in front of Ruby, Aria and Ana were leaning against the wall as they listened to their conversation. 

Ana: Smh. Not surprising. 
She said as she heard Ruby's words. 

Aria: I don't trust her. 
She told Ana. 

Ana: Obviously. 

As the two were talking, Y/N walked into the room with Blake behind him. 

They said as they saw him walk in. 

Y/N: What happened that Cayde needed to tell me to be here. 
He said, annoyed. 

Ruby: Y-Y/N. 
She said as she looked away. 

Y/N: What was it. 

Yang: T-Thank you. 
She said. 

Y/N: I don't need thanks. 
He said as he started walking out. 

Jaune: HEY! Be thankful that she's being nice! Not least she's not being a coward! 
He yelled at the guardian. 

Y/N pulled out his gun and aimed at Jaune's head, his finger on the trigger. 

Y/N: Want to repeat that again. 
He said as he had the gun at Jaune's head. 

Y/N: You don't know what I've been through. You haven't seen death first hand. When you could have stopped it. While you pathetic huntsmen and huntresses are nurtured, we guardians see our friends killed in front of us every single time. I saw my friends and teammates killed in front of me. 
He spat at Jaune. 

Y/N: You huntsmen and huntresses were nothing but needed a bullet in your heads. 
He spat at Jaune, releasing his anger onto him. 

Y/N: What the hell have you been through? Let me guess? Wanted to be a huntsmen to prove your father that you're capable ? Sm. 

Weiss: Y/N. Calm down. Guardians and huntsmen are the same. 
She told him. 

Y/N: No. They're not the same. You huntsmen and huntresses can decided to become one. We guardians can't decide. One falls. Another must takes their place. I LOST MY ENTIRE FUCKING TEAM YEARS AGO! 
He yelled at the girls. 

Blake: Shh. It's okay. 
She said as she hugged him from behind. 

Blake: It's okay. 
She said, trying to calm Y/N down. 

Y/N puts his gun into his holster and walks out of the room with Blake holding his hand. Ruby ran after him, leaving the two teams shocked at his out rage. 

Ruby: Y-Y-Y-Y/N? 
She said, trying to stop Y/N from walking further. 

Y/N: What the hell do you want now. 
He said with anger in his voice. 

Ruby: I-I-I-I

Y/N: What is it. Torment me more since you're here. 
He spat at her. 

Ruby: N-N-N-No I

Y/N: Don't tell me "I'm sorry" bullshit. 
He said as he walked away. 

???: Guardian. 

Y/N: Zavala. 
He said as he faced the titan. 

Zavala: Guardian. Cayde informed me that this girl here has a ghost now. 

Y/N: Correct sir. 
He said as he looked at the titan. 

Zavala: Since she now has a ghost. She's a guardian. If she wants to be a guardian that is. 
He said as he looked at Ruby.

Zavala: Do you want to be a guardian? 
He asked Zavala. 

Ruby: Y-Yes. 
She said, trying to keep herself together. 

Y/N: Oh great. 
He muttered. 

Zavala: I'm placing her under your supervision. 

Y/N: What?! 

Zavala: You're one of the best we have at the moment. 
He told Y/N. 

Y/N: Fine. 
He groaned. 

Zavala: Good luck guardian. 
He said as he walked back to the tower. 

Ruby looked at Y/N with tears as he looked back. 

Ruby: Y-

Y/N: Meet me here tomorrow morning. Don't be late. 
He said as he walked away. 

Ruby: W-What? 

Y/N: Meet me here tomorrow morning. Don't be late. 
He repeated as he walked away with Blake. 

Blake: What are you going to do? 
She asked her lover. 

Y/N: If she's going to be under my supervision, I'm going to train her. 

Blake: Oh. I see. 

Y/N: But....

Blake: But what? 

"I'm going spend a lot of time with my kitty." 

Here is chapter 4 of More Than You Think! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

Also if Ruby is a guardian which class should she be? 




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