Chapter 6: Training

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Third Person POV 

Blake slowly woke up to find herself on a bed as the scent of food filled the air. 

Blake: Y/N? 
She asked as she covered herself with a blanket. 

Blake got up and walked into the kitchen to find a note next to a plate of food. 

Blake: Hey Kitty, sorry I couldn't be there when you wake up. So I made you food. I'll be down in the market or the training area. Just contact Aria or Ana. 
She read the note. 

Blake sat down and ate the food, her eyes widening at the taste of the food. 

Blake: It's so good. 
She said before continuing to eat it. 

To Y/N 

Y/N was sitting on the edge of a building as he saw Ruby struggle trying to get across. Ruby stood on a platform as the wind blew through her armor and cape. 

A/N: Imagine her armor something like this! 

Y/N: Come on Ruby. I don't have all day. 
He said as he saw Ruby trembling in fear. 

Ruby: B-B-But t-t-t-this is scary. 
She said as she looked down to see nothing but endless clouds around the area. 

Y/N: If can't even get through this, how the hell can you even be a hunter. 
He said as he got up. 

Ruby didn't answer as she was holding onto a pole, afraid to fall. 

Y/N: Fine. Let me show you. 
He said as he put his gun into its holster. 

Y/N jumped off the building as Ruby looked at him with worry. 

Ruby: Y/N! 
She yelled as she saw him fall. 

Y/N suddenly teleported onto one of the platforms floating in front of Ruby. 

Y/N: See. 
He said as he stood in front of her. 

Y/N: Now jump. 
He told her. 

Ruby: B-B-But

He yelled at her. 

Doing what he said, Ruby jumped onto the platform and landed on it as he held her arm. 

Y/N: Not so bad isn't it. 
He said as he held her arm. 

Ruby: Y-Y-Yeah. 
She said as she held onto him, her legs shaking in fear. 

Y/N jumped onto the next platform as Ruby stood on the platform he just jumped off of. 

Y/N: Now jump. 
He told her. 

Ruby slowly stepped back and ran towards the platform but fell short. Ruby fell but Y/N grabbed her by the cape. 

Ruby: H-H-Help. 
She whimpered. 

Y/N sighs in frustration and pulls her up onto the platform. 

???: Hey! Look who is back! 

Y/N: Son of a bitch. 
He said as he turned around to see a group with a hunter, warlock, and titan. 

Y/N: What do you want now Hesh. 
He said as he looked at the hunter. 

Hesh: What does it look like? Here to see one of the Vanguard's favorite. 
He said with smirk. 

Ruby: W-W-Who's that? 
She asked. 

Hesh: Who is the girl? Your girlfriend? 
He asked as Y/N clenched his fists, trying to cool down. 

Hesh: Oh yeah that's right. She died along with your team. 
He said. 

The warlock punched him, knocking him back. 

Hesh: What the fuck Tony!

Tony: Just because he lost his team doesn't give you a right to mock him about it. 
He told him. 

Hesh: Whatever. 

Y/N: So you want to fight. Let's do a crucible then. Right here. Right now. 
He said as he landed in front of them. 

Hesh: Alright. Let's go now. 
He said as he held his rifle in hand. 

Y/N grabbed Ruby and took her to the side. 

Y/N: Stay here and watch. 
He told her. 

Ruby: O-O-Okay. 
She said as Y/N walked onto the stage with Hesh. 

Y/N stood in front of Hesh in an arena while Tony sat with Ruby. 

Tony: So you're the new hunter in town. 
He said as he looked at her. 

Ruby: N-N-Not really a hunter. 
She said as she looked down, holding her hands together. 

Tony: Don't worry, you'll get there. 
He told her. 

Ruby: D-D-Do know Y/N?
She asked him. 

Tony: Oh yeah. We all know him. 

Ruby: W-W-Why does that other hunter not like him? 
She asked him. 

Tony: Hesh is just an idiot that is always beaten by Y/n. 
He told her. 

Ruby: W-W-Why is that? 
She asked. 

Tony: Y/N is just better. 
He said. 

Ruby: O-O-Oh. 

Tony: Just watch and you'll know what I mean. 
He told her. 

In the arena, Hesh was trying to shoot at Y/N with his rifle but Y/N was hiding behind a crate. 

Hesh: Come on out! Hiding won't do anything! 
He yelled as he continued to shoot at the crate where Y/N was hiding. 

Y/N: This guy needs to shut up. 
He said as he took out a grenade and threw it towards Hesh. 

Hesh: Oh sh-

Before Hesh could anything, he was blown onto the ground as the grenade exploded. Y/N slowly walked towards him with Sunshot in his hand. 

Y/N: You're so slow.
He said as he looked down on Hesh. 

Hesh quickly spun around and kicked Y/N's leg, knocking him onto the ground. Hesh quickly took out a knife and lunged onto Y/N, trying to stab him. 

Hesh: You're so dumb. 
He said as he pressed it down onto Y/N, the knife scraping his armor. 

Ruby looked at Y/N with worry. 

Ruby: Get up Y/N. 
She said as she watched him fight. 

Y/N elbowed Hesh in the head, staggering him. Y/N kicked Hesh off of him as he got up. Hesh charged back at him, trying to stab him as Y/N threw a kick at him. Hesh catches his kick but Y/N grabs him and puts him into an armbar. 

Hesh tries to get out of the armbar but Y/N holds him as Hesh struggles to get out. 

Ruby: W-What did he just do? 
She asked Tony. 

Tony: One of his favorite moves. 
He answered. 

Ruby: Favorite? 

Tony: The flying armbar. Hesh always loses to that. 
He told her. 

Hesh screamed in pain as Y/N continued to hold his arm. 

Y/N: Give up! 
He told him. 

Hesh: NEVER! 
He yelled as he slowly got up. 

Hesh slowly got up and slammed Y/N onto the ground. Y/N gasped as he laid on the ground while Hesh attempted to strangle him. 

Hesh: Die like how your friends did. 
He said to Y/N. 


Hesh slowly looked down and Y/N aiming Sunshot at his chest. Hesh coughed out blood as he fell to the ground while Y/N got up. 

Y/N: Talk about Melissa, Chris, Martin, Katie, and Ellie again. And I'll make it worse. 
He said with a different tone. 

Hesh: H-H-Hey. M-M-Maybe w-w-we went on a b-b-ad. 
He said as he crawled back in fear. 

Y/N: All these years, I let you live. Now I'm done being the nice guy. 
He said as he held his golden gun in hand, aiming at his head. 

Ruby: Y/N! Don't do IT! 
She yelled at him. 


He shot at Hesh but he was protected by a shield. In front of him, Zavala stood in between them. 

Zavala: Guardian. What is the meaning of this? 
He said. 

Hesh: He tried to kill me. 

Zavala: Y/N. Is this true? 
He asked. 

Ruby: No! It's not! 
She told them. 

Zavala: Tony. Mario. Is it true? 
He asked the titan and warlock of Hes's team. 

Tony: It was just a crucible match sir. 
He answered. 

Zavala: But why did Y/N try to kill him? 

Mario: Hesh mentioned about his past sir. 
He told Zavala. 

Zavala: Hesh. You're coming with me. 
He said as he dragged Hesh by the collar, leaving Y/N. 

???: Well. Looks like you had fun there Y/N. 

Y/N: What is it Cayde. 

Cayde: Can't a friend see his friend? 

Y/N: You only come by to give me a mission to do. 
He said. 

Cayde: Oh okay fine. We've been getting a lot of activities near Mount Glenn. 

Y/N: Why is it important? 

Cayde: Because there's been a lot of Fallen activities there. 

Y/N: Fine. 

Cayde: Who are you planning on taking? 

Y/N: Ana and Savannah. 

Ruby: What about me? 
She asked. 

Y/N: You're staying. 

Cayde: Come on Y/N. Give her a chance. 

Y/N: She's not ready. So no. She's coming. 
He said before walking away, leaving Ruby with Cayde. 

Ruby looked down, feeling sadden by Y/N's comment. 

Cayde: Don't be sad. Just let him cool down. 
He told her. 

Ruby: B-B-B-But-

Cayde: Because I'm taking you with me. 

Here is chapter 6 of More Than You Think! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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