Back at the Beginning

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Yes, I just uploaded two chapters last week, but I have this chapter done and I want to make up for two years of nothing. I'm also not a very patient person once I get over my procrastination. Well, enjoy!!!

After we got home from the whole Grundal thing, I went straight to bed because one; I have my own room, and two; I need to get used to my new body. But the girls weren't gonna let me sleep. They came in with some pajamas for me and had me sit on the bed while they surrounded me. They told me about all the sudden changes I was going to go through and how to deal with it, and then they told me about the worst thing in my life...

Where babies come from.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love babies and I had an idea of where they came from. It's just... if I wanna be a mother one day, do I really have to go through all of that?! It all sounds so terrible! And poor Mrs. Evans had twelve children! Willingly, but still! I don't know how she did it. I know I'm not that strong. But it does prove that girls aren't weak! If it weren't for the female kind, there would be no humans left! Plus, any creatures have it the exact same way! Well, except for seahorses. It's the other way around for them. But that's completely beside the point. And that point is...

I couldn't sleep at all last night because of that conversation. Well, that and I had another 'attack' last night. This one lasted two hours, the longest one yet. So now I'm dozing off while the guys are training Lloyd. The girls had just walked in, Nya in front while holding a watermelon, when Zane threw his shurikens at Lloyd. Lloyd dodged them, making them implant themselves into the melon, just barely missing Nya. Then Kai unsheathes his sword, thrust it at Lloyd who caught it, then when Lloyd has all his strength pushing against the sword, Kai pulled back.

I remember the first time Kai did that to me. He was holding my head at arms length so I couldn't hit him. So, me being me, I pushed on his arm to try to get closer. I was five, mind you. But, he let go and I fell flat on my face, like Lloyd just did.

"You did good," Kai started while helping Lloyd up, "but that move you fell for was basic one-o-one."

"I know. If I had payed more attention when I was little, I would've seen that coming." Yeah, but when the weight of Ninjago is on your shoulders, you have to give up a few things. Our childhood was one.

"We cannot change the past," We all look at Sensei and I'm preparing to decipher whatever he says, "But we can improve for the future. Again, but this time, don't hold back."

Just after supper, we got an alarm for a large gathering in Ouroboros. Somehow, Sensei thought it would be a good idea for all of us to check it out. I'm clumsy enough, but now I have a very different body to get used to and serpentine to fight!? Best timing for all of us to fight, right?

"Ninja go!" Sensei says as he spinjitzus out into the middle of Ouroboros.

"Oh, brother!" Is it wrong to say that I like Garmadon? He really nice when he's not trying to take over Ninjago... ya know, like when he joined us to save Lloyd. He was really nice to me, even helped me pull a few pranks on everyone.

"It's time we finish this." That's our cue! We all, minus Lloyd, jump into our positions. I'm kinda uncomfortable right now because I have to wear Nya's old samurai armor. She's smaller that I am now, so it doesn't fit and we have to make a new set for me.

"Bring it on, fools!" That's when Lloyd rolls in, blasting ice at his father's mega weapon. Show off. "Lloyd? Is that you?"

"Yeah, I've grown a little since you saw me last, Dad." Garmadon looks at the serpentine as he starts to back away.

"Get him!" He yells just before he runs away. I see Elisia fade into a shadow then reappear, following Garmadon. I finish fighting the hypnobrai and venomari that were attacking me, then run after her feeling a slight sting in my forehead. Everyone else followed, and soon we found ourselves in a room with a portal. He really had to escape to the first room he saw?

"He used the mega weapon again!" Cole mentions... What?! I thought he used a unicorn...

"Ug. Every time he uses that thing, something bad happens." What's up with these boys and stating.. the.. obv- What is going on! "Is the city sinking?"

"Worse," Zane states, "the city is returning back into the desert, as though it had never been found in the first place."

"What's happening?" Uh, Nya, he literally just said that the city is as if it had never been found in the first place... It's reversing time. That reminds me of my lesson with Sensei about the 'hands of time' but I gotta stop getting distracted.

"Garmadon went back in time to make it where Lloyd had never become the green ninja." Elisia explains as she now comes of of the small shadow. "He's making sure that you guys never became a team."

"I can't... I can't feel my hands." We all look at Lloyd... Oh great. I'm gonna cry! Now is not the time to get emotional, Alex. You have people to save!

"We have to go in!"

"If he changes anything, he changes everything. Protect the future ninja." The guys, minus Lloyd, jump into the purple, pink, blue swirled vortex and Sensei then looks at me. " Alex, you must go as well. Make sure nothing, and I mean NOTHING, changes. I trust you." I nod and jump in just before the vortex closes. No turning back now!


Somehow, I got separated from the rest, and fell into a bed without a noise. Strange... Hey, I recognize this room... it's... it's... My room back home! At the blacksmith shop! But, what would I be doing here? I look down to see that the ground is closer and I don't really have anything blocking my view...

Would you look at that...

We're back at the beginning.


I love the first two seasons. Bye my fwiens!!!

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