Wrong Place, Wrong... Child?

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previously in More to the Prophecy...

We're back at the beginning.


How did this happen?! Is Kai his past self? Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no! I'm gonna have a panic attack if I'm not careful. Okay, Alex, breathe. Just, *inhale* breathe. Go downstairs, act like everything's normal, ooh! And don't forget to be sassy to Kai... Or to remind Nya that they are skeletal people. Or my favorite line, "Let you have all the fun?" got that? Yeah! Let's G- Arg! I always fall down the stairs!

"Oof!" I land right on my face. Great. At least that didn't change from what originally happened.

"Alex! are you okay?" Nya runs up to me with a wet washcloth in her hand. "Please tell me you're okay!" I look to see blue, black, white and red run past the entrance. Well, at least Kai isn't in the same boat as I am.

"Ye-yeah. I'm fine. Just me being my clumsy self." She giggles and helps me up, wiping my forehead clean of blood from the scratch that I didn't know I got.

"This is pretty deep for how you fell, you sure you're okay?" Oh shoot! I must still have my injuries from the small battle with the serpentine!

"Nya, stop fussing. We all know that she's pretty close to being invincible." Hey, past Kai actually said something helpful for once! "Now can you help me? I need another bucket of water. And some more coals to keep the fire hot would help." Man, if we knew that we were elemental masters, it would've helped a lot! I grab the bucket for the coals, just as Sensei comes in.

"Your metal is loud and heavy. Useful to slow one down, useless in the art of stealth." We all watch as he walks over to a stack of armor. "All tools for a samurai," He hits the top helmet with his staff, "But none for a ninja?" Before I let my mouth take control, I let Nya know that I'm going to get some fresh air, and walk out to where I saw the "pajama men" hide.

I turn the corner, and sure enough, there they are... Not very stealthy to have a red and blue ninja, don't ya think? "AH!" They all, somehow, quietly yell in surprise, not realizing that it's me from their timeline.

"Shh! It's me! The real me, from your timeline, well, ours but, you get the point!" Their scared faces all turn into confused ones as Kai tell Sensei to "go peddle his insults somewhere else" and gets smacked by Nya.

"I-I do not understand. How are you, little again?" I sigh, how am I, a twelve-well, eleven in this timeline- year old supposed to know that? Rrg!

"I don't know! All I know is that Sensei wanted me to make sure that you guys don't screw anything up, and when I landed, I was like this!"

"Well, now's my only chance, so..." Kai grabbed Sensei and pulled him back by us. "Sensei, we need your help!"

"Whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute! If we're trying to stop Garmadon from changing anything, wouldn't talking to sensei be like changing the past, thus altering our future?" Yep! And if Kai and Nya see me talking to any of you, that'll change it too!

"That would be correct." Zane gives a small glare to Kai. "I believe an uh oh is an order."

"Well we can't undo it now. Sensei, we really need your help."

"All four of you, you, you-"

"Traveled back in time to warn you of impending doom." Cole cuts him off. If he did that in our timeline, he'd get a nice bonk on the head! Maybe I should mention this to Sensei once we fix all this.

"Yeah, but we don't have time to explain! Can you help us?" Kai impatiently asks.

"I-I don't understand, but I can try." And now Kai goes into a long explanation that I don't hear because I have to get back in the shop or else I'll miss my favorite line! I bring back a bucket of coals just in time for the skeletal people to come. The deep purple fog filling the sky, it gives me chills to see that. I know that purple's my favorite color and all, but when people use it to define evil, it disgusts me! And terrifies me!

"What are they?" Past Nya asks as Kai puts on a helmet with a sword in-hand. Skeletal people, sis. SKELETONS! AND THEY'RE GOING TO KIDNAP YOU IN A FEW MINUTES! *Sigh* At least I didn't say that out-loud.

"I don't know, but stay here." And here he goes to fight them by himself... Yay for Kai! Not. Especially as he fails and gets bit. I forgot how much fun I had watching him. Soon, Nya and I join in the fun, with staffs... Ah, I miss seeing Sensei hit Kai's head with his staff. "I thought I told you to stay back!"

"And what?" Nya starts as she whacks a few skeletal people.

"Let you have all the fun?" I sweep a few off their feet as Nya kicks their swords from their hands. Now Kai decides to go for Samukai. By himself, might I add. I have to ignore him though as more skellies approach me. I quote Shakespeare in my mind as I fight them. Though she be but little, she is fierce. And in the actual timeline, I ain't little anymore! So it's even worse for those poor serpentine! It's not long before I hear Sensei come in. I'm too distracted by these guys who don't know when to quit to know what's going on though.

The water tower falls behind me, and I look just quick enough to see that Sensei did indeed get Kai out of the way in time. But all reality comes to a pause when I hear the words I dread. "Lord Garmadon says take the girl!" But instead of Nya being captured, the giant claw misses, and the skeletal people drive away. The future has definitely changed. Maybe if I get myself captured?

"Alex! You're okay! You're both okay!" Kai hugs us, and we both hug back... Nya with a much happier face than me. If Kai doesn't have anything worth saving, he's useless in training! And that's if we can convince him to go with Sensei! We're still hugging when I, with my slightly trained ears, hear Jay freaking out about something. I'm not trained enough to hear what it is, only that he's pulling a "Jay" again.

"Thank you for your help." Kai says as he walks up to Sensei and Nya and I slowly follow. "If it weren't for your twistitzu or your tornadzu, one of my sisters might have been taken." Oh my... I want to correct him so bad!

"Spinjitzu. Come! We must train, you must become a ninja." Yes Kai! Become an ninja! Let's go! I'll go pack! I fact, I'm going to do that now. But I probably shouldn't pack too many valuable- well, hopefully we'll have everything fixed by then and we'll be back 'home' soon. So, clothes, a few weapons, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hairbrush, Kai's hairbrush, his gel, his backup gel, his extra backup gel, my locket that used to be mom's, Nya's bracelet that used to be mom's, and my blankie and sassy.

"Hey, Alex- You're already almost done packing! How did you know that we were going to be leaving?" Nya asks as she finishes packing her and Kai's things. I just shrug and then we caught up with Kai and Sensei. Now all we have is the long, exhausting trip to the monastery. *Sigh* I miss that old place!


I'm watching Kai and Nya train because Sensei says I'm too little for the training course right now. Plus, it's more fun to see how oblivious Kai and Nya are to the guys. I mean, who can't spot them laying on the top of the wall watching us! And they're pretty loud for ninja.

"Why does Alex get to just sit back and watch?! Can't she train too?" Kai complains as Sensei takes him over the the spinney poles as I've always called them.

Sensei hits him on the top of his head while sighing. "Because, she is not ready yet." When will I ever be ready?! He told the actual Nya that when she suggested that Elisia start training me a few weeks ago. "She is still young. When it is time, she will train." I grumble as I head back into the monastery and to the room that Nya and I always shared.
I might as well beat Kai's           high-score on Fist to Face. It's really easy since he's not very good at it in this timeline.


I was sleeping quite peacefully until I heard a thump on the roof. Had I actually been my younger self,I would've woken Nya up, but I know that it's probably the guys with a plan to get time back on track.

"Time to play our parts." Cole says as Zane opens the bag they brought with them and everyone grabs a mask.

"We have to act quickly while Kai distracts his former self." And then they kidnap Nya. It must really be hurting Jay right now. It's not long before they have her tied up and in the bag. I quietly follow them outside and hide in the shadows until their former selves arrive. Hmm... I wonder what Kai's doing right now? Eh, doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is the fact the the guys are trying to get out of the monastery with Nya, but are now a little side-tracked. This is gonna be good!

Ya know, shouldn't they realize that instead of fighting themselves, they should fight each other's past self? I mean, they should know how hard it is fighting yourself after the whole thing with the clones, right? And for ninja who are supposed to see what other cannot, they're very oblivious to me sitting here with a giant straw in a half-gallon of chocolate milk... and popcorn. Never forget the extra buttery popcorn. Though I am confused as to why Sensei has giant straws. What does he use them for? Eh, who cares. I have free entertainment right now!

It's not much longer before Kai runs out with a mask on, complaining about time travel being difficult. He caught Nya as he did so, and tells the others to get out of here. They used spinjitzu to throw themselves off the roof and left. Why didn't they us spinjitzu earlier, I will- once again- never know. Sensei and Kai come out of the monastery, Sensei saying the words that'll- luckily- change the course of time.

"They took Nya!" I can physically feel the timeline change again as Kai kinda freaks out. I look up to see Kai, Zane, Cole , and Jay smiling as Sensei nods to them. I wonder if they could feel the change too? I'll have to ask them once this is all fixed. "But now, I would like you to meet your team."


It was night and the past team was sleeping after dancing most of the night away. Well, everyone but Sensei and I. I had one of my episodes-they've been happening a lot lately- so I was up, sitting on a branch with the guys of my timeline, waiting for Garmadon to lure Kai to the Fire Temple and tricking him to take the sword. It wasn't long before he did and we all followed. I had to go ahead of them because I may or may not have followed Kai the first time. You'd be surprised at how sneaky I am, and that's without training!

We got there just as Garmadon lowered Nya to lure Kai into taking the sword of fire. Kai grabbed it, using spinjitzu to free Nya. Making sure Nya is safe, Kai cautiously walks closer to the entrance, but I feel as if something is off. Especially as Garmadon appears.

"You can't hurt us! You're only a shadow!" Kai threateningly says, pointing the sword towards him. Wait, it's not Kai's shadow... he's a shadow of himself, this is  completely wrong I-

"This time, I'm actually much more!" Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. Oh boy, oh gosh, oh golly, oh darn. This is bad. This is very, very bad. I'm just gonna, ya know, not look? Oh! I can't! Now both Kais are fighting Garmadon. Soon, Zane and Cole join the fight while Jay is no where to be seen. All three of them get knocked back, and Zane explains how we could erase the events that have happened because of the Mega weapon's vortex. It takes a weapon of equal strength and just as Cole finishes saying that, Jay walks in, the other three golden weapons- well four because it's a set of shurikens- in hand.

"Like maybe the weapons forged to create it in the first place?"

"The Golden weapons!" Uh, yeah. What other weapons were used to create the mega weapon Cole?

"Yeah, I thought these might come in handy." Mr. Mouth-of-Lightning throws the weapons to their respective wielders, making sure that the Nun-chucks of Lightning stay in  his arms. I ready my collapsible boomerang  to knock the Mega Weapon out of Garmadon's hands. The boys all call out their elements and use their weapons to point the elements towards the Mega Weapon. There's only one thing I can say as I throw the boomerang at Garmadon.



The light from the mega weapons colliding start to fade and I can start to see our surroundings. I can't quite tell where we are, but I am seeing some objects start to form.

"D-did we just? Uh?" Someone started as I was re-adjusting to my body and learning how to breathe with the added weight on my chest again.

"Return to the future?" Okay, that was Kai... at least I can hear clearly now. And now I can see. Cole and Jay are closest to me, Zane and Kai opposite us.

"This feels familiar." Cole states as we get a look at our surroundings. "Weren't we training Lloyd?" Zane then speaks up, his words make me feel like I'm gonna cry.

"The future was altered and there was no Green Ninja!" N-no.. I-

"Sorry I'm late, guys. Are we ready to get training?" I breathe a sigh of relief and contain all the squealing and hugging I want to do so badly right now. Lloyd's here, he's okay. We fixed the timeline and I will never time travel again! I leave the room before I can't control my urge to squeeze Lloyd to death. I've lost too many people, I can't lose my best friend.

I hear the girls in the kitchen and head that way. They all tackle me in a hug as soon as I turn the corner and explain to me that the only one who didn't remember what happened was Lloyd. Though they did admit that they were confused at first because the watermelon that they just had on the counter suddenly disappeared. But it's almost lunch, so we all start cooking while I tell them what went on in the other timeline.

  Well, this is the last of the pre-written chapters. Everything from here on out will be brand new. I will try to update at least once every two weeks, but my life is slowly getting busier. But I really hope you've enjoyed this so far! Bye fwiens!

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