The E.D.S.

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I'm finally writing something! Sorry about the delay, I go through phases of motivation for certain things, and right now, this is that thing! Yay! Also, I've actually written chapter outlines! That's a first for me, but I'm hoping that it will get the story moving. Well, I hope you enjoy this!


I woke up with a start as screams filled the night. Exiting my room, I head towards the back of the hallway. Now, I know what you may be thinking. 'Nya, shouldn't you be getting ready to save people?' Well, no. Because this isn't a scream that you hear when someone is attacking. Nope, this is the scream of a night terror. One of Alex's night terrors, to be exact. She's had these since she was three, even though the doctors told us she would grow out of it quickly. 

"You got this, or do you think she needs both of us." Kai calmly asks as everyone gathers around us. You can tell that we've experienced this before. Everyone looks at us with confusion on their faces that turn to looks of horror as another scream -this one more violent than the last- fills the silence around us.

"I think-" I pause long enough for the third break in silence to fade, "- she needs both of us. It sounds really bad." He nods and heads to Alex's room. "The rest of you can go back to sleep. We'll explain this at breakfast. I promise." I look to Jay as they all turn to go back to bed. He lingers as the others close their doors. 

Turning to look at me, he has a sympathetic look in his eyes. "I used to have night terrors." He states with a solemn tone in his voice. "I was told they would only last a few years. Had 'em from seven to fifteen." I hug him and he kisses my forehead as he continues. "Tell Alex that I'm here if she needs to talk to someone with similar experiences."

"I will." I kiss his cheek before going to join Kai in calming our sister down. "I love you."

"I love you too." I hear the door close as I enter Alex's room. Kai is sitting on her bed, holding her as close as he possibly can while she cries. Quietly joining them, I start to stroke Alex's hair and sway. We learned early on that she does better when nothing is said. Even though we know what to do, it's still an hour before I hear the soft breathing of someone sleeping. But it's not just Alex who fell asleep, as Kai has now started to snore. I  chuckle under my breath before getting them in a more comfortable position and pulling them both close to me. Slowly, I drift off into a peaceful, uninterrupted sleep with them.


"While Sensei may have told you what each weapon is, you still need to know it's history, what it's used for, and how to care for each one." Alex was put in charge of teaching Melody about the weapons we were given, with Kai and I adding anything important she forgets. Perks of being blacksmith's kids. "Now, some I don't know much about because we didn't make them, so you're only getting what I know." They both move to the end of the table that the scythe is propped up against. "All I know about the scythe is that it was originally used to cut grass and crops. Also, we'll each be showing you how to care for them later. It would take too long otherwise.

"Shurikens actually have two historical variations; the bo shuriken and the hira shuriken. The Shurikens of Ice are hira. Bo shurikens are straight and have one to two sharp edges. The word shuriken also translates to hand release blade." As they go through the rest of the weapons on the table, Kai and I input some information that Alex deems 'unnecessary'. Like how the longsword is more of a two handed weapon whereas Katanas can be dual swords. The others were sitting around -minus Jay and Lloyd who were working on math in the kitchen- listening to Alex's history lesson. "And last, but definitely not least is the tessen. Or as they are more commonly known as, Japanese war fans. They were mostly used to deflect arrows and were made of iron designed to look like regular folding fans. The art of fighting with war fans is called tessenjutsu."

Alex then picks up one if the smaller knives on the table and throws it at the door. Sensei, Jay, and Lloyd had just gotten to the top of the stairs as she did, and you could see who was expecting that. Obviously Sensei knew she was gonna do that. He probably asked her to. Everyone stood at attention as Sensei Wu walked to the center of the Bounty. "That was excellent, Alex. Thank you for being willing to share what you know. Now, on to your assignments for the day." We all relax and wait for our instructions. "Zane, you will be giving Lloyd and Alex their lesson in biology today. Kai, you and Elisia will be acquiring the medical necessities that we have run out of, as well some regular household items. Cole, you will be working with Melody on her strength. I trust you to only work on that until I tell you otherwise."

Melody's face starts to go red and Cole nods, trying not to be embarrassed. "Yes Sensei."

"As for Jay and Nya; I would like you two to try to figure out a way to find the last two elemental masters. And possibly a way to keep last nights adventures to a minimum. That is all, I will be in my room should you need me. You are excused."

We all disperse and head to our separate areas with our assignments in our minds. Jay grabs my hand as we head to our workshop -which is across from the indoor training room- where our many projects are waiting to be finished. Comm links, sparring bots, auto pilot upgrades, anything technological that we may need. Including something we thought of last night after supper. A system that will detect and track elemental properties all across Ninjago. We only worked on the general idea last night, but I think we could have it done in a week if we have the parts.

"So," Jay says as he wraps his arm around my shoulder, "I know that we should get working on our assignment, but I think we should finish the comm links first. That way if we get called on a mission, at least some of us will be able to communicate with each other." I kiss his cheek and pull out my chair, the blueprints, and an unfinished comm link while he gets the parts for another one. So far we have two finished and tested products, but we'll need at least ten.

"That sounds like a great idea. Maybe we could get five done now then work on the Elemental Detection System?" Perhaps I could convince him to call his parents so they can give us advice on how to sync it to elemental properties. "That way Sensei Wu won't discipline us for delaying our assignment." As Jay collects the last few parts, he sits in his chair, rolls over to the bench next to me, and kisses my cheek. He doesn't say anything as he starts working on the comm link, but I know that he agrees with me. It's so cute how he gets instantly focused on a project. Everyone complains about how loud he is, but they just don't see the side of him that I do.

Kai would never get how we can stand to work in silence together like this, but that's because he gets frustrated easily. This has always been one of my favorite parts about living on the Bounty. Just sitting here, working next to each other, helps me know that I'm loved. Growing up without your parents doesn't just affect your maturity level, but what you need later in life. Kai needs someone that will smack him when he does something stupid, -which is pretty often- Alex has mental disabilities that you need to tend to everyday, and I just need someone that will just be there for me, even when I push them away. We also have trust issues. But that just comes with people threatening to separate us, or saying that we don't deserve to raise our sister. 

"So, you gonna test that one, or are you just gonna stare at it?" I look over at Jay and he's smirking. Tossing a wrench at him, -missing, obviously- I connect the comm link to the other two and test it. "We should probably work on the Elemental- nope, that's too long. How about the... E.D.S.! Or Ed's. Keeps the same name, just a whole lot shorter!" The way his face lights up makes me giggle and, swoon? That's not quite how I would explain it, but it's as close as I'm gonna get.

"The E.D.S. I like it. Alex will probably call it Ed's though." Like she calls skeletons 'skeletal people', katanas 'super swords', and boyfriends 'walking closets.' Everything has a different name with my sister. "But yeah, we should start on it." He grabs the blueprints and I grab the tools. "What parts do we still need?"


"Well, that was easier than I thought it would be." We just finished putting the E.D.S. module on the bridge computer and testing it, so now we get to wait for everyone else so we can add their elements to the system. Jay had the brilliant idea to add a tracker, so once an element is added to the system, we can find the holder with just the signature. We're hoping it works through vengestone, but we can't test that part without a supply of vengestone ourselves. And why would we risk someone using it against us?

"You wanna do something while we wait?" Jay looks at me expectantly. I think I know what he wants to do, but I'm kinda on the edge about it. "Like, I dunno, talk about why Alex carried a knife around all day yesterday?" Not what I was expecting, but I can roll with it. And I know he wants to talk about last night, he's just making sure I know it will be on my -or Alex's- terms.

"Honestly, I don't know the full story, only that Kai offered to wake her up and apparently did it the wrong way. So she decided to threaten him with a steak knife all day." If only I could say that yesterday had been the first time something like that happened. "Why are my siblings so weird?"

Jay just chuckles and puts his arm around me, leaning into me. "I don't know, but I can't imagine them ever being even a smidgen normal." He looks at me and I look back, he as that genuine smile that I love so much. We kiss and just enjoy each other's embrace. If only this moment could last forever.


Yay! I thought about having someone interrupt their moment, but decided against that. (Okay, I just couldn't decide who I wanted to interrupt them.) Also, in my notes, I literally wrote 'Jaya cuteness". So this is what happened. I really hope that you enjoyed this, I worked hard on getting this done and out before my trip. Have a great week and I'll see Ya'll soon! Bye fwiens!!

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