Do ya Feel it?

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Okay, so this one took me a bit longer to edit because I decided to change some things. I really hope that you like this chapter and it doesn't seem too choppy. Please let me know what you think about the change!


My hometown decided that six music festivals wasn't enough, so now they have seven... plus they have small concerts for New Year's, Valentine's, Easter,  Cinco De Mayo, Mother's day, Father's day, Independence day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. All because of my parents! More specifically, my dad. But, that's beside the point. The point is, we're meeting up with my dad so we can see the Evans- the children of long time friends of my parents- as the final performance of the day. Of the entire festival, actually. A really big deal, if you ask me.

You see, the thing is, there's twelve Evans. Micheal, Michelle, and Melody are the triplets and oldest, then Harmony and Haymitch, Jeneveive and Jaman, then the quintuplets, Sasha, Sarah, Steven, Shawn, and Sophia. Their parents tried to make it a bit easier by naming each set with the same first letter, but Sasha and Sarah can get mixed up very easily. They all play instruments and eight of them took dance.

 Micheal usually plays electric guitar, Michelle bass, Melody just plays whatever she feels,- acoustic guitar and piano are her typical choices- Harmony plays the harp, piano, keyboard, violin, and organ, Haymitch also plays electric guitar, sometimes acoustic, and the cello, Jeneveive is clarinet, trombone, and flute, Jaman plays drums, Sasha does a bit of saxophone and violin, Sarah is the main saxophone, Steven and Shawn both play trumpet, french horn, and tuba while Sophia is pretty much a mini version of Melody. Quite literally. 

We just made it into the town when the questions come. "So, where did your dad say he'd meet us?" Kai asks me as we near the place I was told we were going meet up. 

"Right up here. He said he'd be there by now, so if we walk in, we should see him." Or hear him. I think. We walk into the cupcake shop that I used to come to every other day. And sure enough, my dad was sitting in the same table I used to sit at. So many good memories in this shop alone. Not including all the fun times we had at the docks... I miss it when we were younger and more free.

"Son!" We both smile and embrace each other. "It's so good to see you! I see you have another team member." I forgot that he hadn't met Elisia. We've both been so busy that we haven't talked since the night Nya became a kunoichi.

"Yeah, Dad, this is Elisia. She's our master of shadow. Nya's also an elemental master. She controls water." They both smile, and my dad, being my dad, hugs them. Then the waitress came out with my dad's order, which happens to be my favorite cupcake. He takes it, then we head out towards the stage where the main concert will be held. As we're walking down the sidewalk my dad hands me the cupcake and I immediately stuff it in my mouth, my dad chuckling as I do so.

"I'm sure your sisters will be excited to see you." I can feel everyone glaring at me. I may or may not have told them about my three siblings, especially the fact that two of them share my birthday... Oops? "Considering they haven't seen you since you supposedly left for the Marty Oppenheimer. Plus, Melody has been very lonely since you left. It was even worse after the... accident." It goes silent for a bit, but thankfully we hear the music of one of the new bands. The last one before the group that we're here for. After scanning the crowd, I notice a group of three going to the front. Then my dad starts walking towards them. Great, Front row. Again. We all barely have a chance get to our seats when the announcer lets everyone know that this is the last group of the night. Then, the smoke screen kicks in, the stage lights dim, and the spotlights find their targets... (You can play the video now...)

Melody: " Funktify

Micheal:'bout to do it like this
'bout to do it like this ya'll 

Quintuplets: 1-2

Harmony: When I sit back and imagine
Life without you, I can't fathom
How I ever thought I'd make it on my own

Haymitch: And there's at least a million reasons
I'm still standing here believin'
You're my comfort, you're my healin'
This I know (this I know)

Jeneveive: Well, you can't see the wind, but it moves the leaves
From the bottom to the top of the tallest trees
You are everything I will ever need
And they can't take that from me

Triplets and H twins: Oh, I feel it in my heart
I feel it in my soul
That's how I know
You take our brokenness and make us beautiful
Yeah, that's how I know (can't take that from me)

Michelle: Love came crashin' in
Never gonna be the same again
Yeah, You came crashing in
You wrecked me, You wrecked me

Micheal and Melody: Everybody talkin' like they need some proof
But what more do I need than to feel you
Everybody talkin' like they need some proof
But what more do I need than to feel you

Harmony: When I sit back and imagine
Life without you, I can't fathom
How I ever thought I'd make it on my own

Haymitch: And there's at least a million reasons
I'm still standing here believin'
You're my comfort, you're my healin'
This I know (this I know)

Jeneveive: Well, you can't see the wind, but it moves the leaves
From the bottom to the top of the tallest trees
You are everything I will ever need
And they can't take that from me

Triplets and H twins: Oh, I feel it in my heart
I feel it in my soul
That's how I know
You take our brokenness and make us beautiful
Yeah, that's how I know (can't take that from me)

Michelle: Love came crashin' in
Never gonna be the same again
Yeah, You came crashing in
You wrecked me, You wrecked me

Love came crashin' in
Never gonna be the same again
Yeah, You came crashing in
You wrecked me

That's how I know
That's how I know
That's how I know
That's how I know

Triplets and H twins: Feel it feel it feel it feel it feel it feel it feel it!

Triplets and H twins: Oh, I feel it in my heart
I feel it in my soul
That's how I know
You take our brokenness and make us beautiful
Yeah, that's how I know (can't take that from me)

Micheal and Melody: Everybody talkin' like they need some proof
But what more do I need than to feel you
Everybody talkin' like they need some proof
But what more do I need than to feel you  

Melody: Aww Bring it back now!
Do do do do doo do
do do do do do doo do
Do do do do doo do
do do do do do doo do 
Can you feel it?
Can you feel it now?
Can you feel it noow?"

Oh no.  I think as they say goodnight and walk off stage. She's gonna kill me. Or worse, keep her end of the promise. Ouch. Just thinking about what she could do hurts. I don't even want to know what it's gonna feel like what it actually happens! How could I have forgotten!


So, the next chapter is going to be pretty different and I will hopefully be adding even more chapters in during this process. I want to know what attributes you would like to see in a villain. The show doesn't give much to write on when you need certain events to happen, so I would like to see what y'all would like to see. Depending on what answers I get, I might already have a base for a villain like person. It has to do with a story I never got far on, my very first story, actually. I got really frustrated because I just wanted feedback to help my writing and I didn't get any. If you can't tell, I've improved greatly from then. But that's all behind me, while this is not. 

Anyway, I really hope y'all enjoyed this and I can't wait to see what input you have for me! TTYL, my Fwiens!!!!

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