Never Forget

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Hey! Sorry that it's been over a month since I last updated... I've been having a few problems with my home life and it's affected my creativity. I'm going to try and update a bit more often and extend this book a bit longer because it's getting to the plot too quickly for my liking. I'm kinda stuck on everything right now, but I have pretty big things planned for this book. I just need to get to that point. I am making this a series because it would be way too long if I didn't. Anywho, I really hope you enjoy this chapter! TTYL, my fwiens!    


After the concert, my siblings and I pack up our things and head home for the feast that our maman (mother) prepared for us. Sadly Micheal's truck only had four extra seats, so all seven of us girls had to walk home. Well, with us Evans girls, it becomes an opportunity to have a mini dance party. But back to the point, as we were about four houses away, we all noticed that someone was leaning against the pillar at our front porch. I start sprinting towards them because there's only one person who would do that. 

"Hey, Mel-" I cut him off by jumping into his arms hugging him, and I may or may have not knocked him down in the process... Eh, he should know that it was gonna happen anyway. "Like I was going to say before you excitedly interrupted me, hey, Melody." His smile gives it away that he forgot something.

"Hey, Cole! Soo... what brings you back here after ditching the Marty Oppenheimer? And what did you forget? Other than visiting me on my eighteenth birthday like you promised?" He cringes as I sourly mention the promise. My sisters have now all caught up with me and started hugging Cole. Soph was just getting her chance to hug him when Haymitch- aka Mitchie if you're me- came out to tell us that dinner was ready and we had actual guests. Everyone runs in while I hold Cole back a bit. "What did you forget, Brookstone?"

He noticeably gulps before he finally answers me. "I may or may not have forgotten about your... uh... special ability? And it also may or may not be something that could ultimately decide the fate of Ninjago..." I sigh as we walk in, but I don't give up the chance to surprise him with a 'quick' kiss and walk off. Just like I used to before he left three years ago. When I look back, he has the same lovesick grin he used to when I did that. 

"Come on, Cole. I heard that my mom made gâteau (cake)!" I watch as his eyes light up and he starts running to the dining room. I start laughing and as I near the room myself, I hear more laughter-unfamiliar laughter mixed in. 

"Ah, Melody dear! Come sit and we can have proper introductions before commencing with supper." I smile, albeit annoyed with my maman's wording. She used to do it to impress the rich people that would sail on my Père's (father's) ship. The Sunflower was one of his prized possessions. If only we still had it, and him. But, my maman had forced herself to talk properly for so long that it's now the only way she talks. 

"This is my team, Kai, Zane, Elisia, Jay, Nya, Alex, and Lloyd. And this is Sensei Wu." They all waved respectively as Cole introduced them, and now it was our turn, let's see how well he can handle the mouthful at the end. "Guys, this is Micheal, Michelle, Melody, Harmony, Haymitch, Jeneveive, Jaman, Sasha, Sarah, Steven, Shawn, Sophia, and their mom, Emily." 

There were a few throats cleared, obviously jealous that he "forgot" them. "Oh yeah! And these are my siblings!" He stops there on purpose, but after I nudged him and he caught his sister's glare, he decided to continue. "Cierra, Chris, and Chloe. Can we eat now?" 


Supper went on like it normally does when we have the Brookstones over, Cierra starting a food fight with Cole, and my maman finishing it by smashing the cake in Cole's face. Well, he did get quite a bit in his mouth this time, but most of it was all over his face, resulting in everyone dying in laughter. As we were cleaning up supper, I had Sophia get the "surprise" that I had set out if (when) Cole forgot.

"So, Cole, what did you forget again?" (I almost wrote froget... whoops!) He pales as Soph came down with a wrapped box in her arms. I grin as he takes a step back for every step I take towards him.

"N-nothing?" His voice cracks a little as he runs into Cierra and she immediately grabs him and pins him to the couch, Jay- if I remember correctly- sits on his legs to keep him from getting up to run. "Okay! I forgot about a very important thing! Just get whatever punishment you have planned over with!" I nod at Cierra and she pulls the ottoman behind me as I yank his shirt off. Now that I have easy access to his back, I unwrap the box to show a home waxing kit. 

"No, that's not what I asked you, Cole. What did you forget?" I slowly open the box, making sure to make as much noise as possible. All his friends are trying not to laugh as I torture him, while his and my siblings are just laughing their heads off.

"Th-that you are a..." I show him what I'm gonna do to him and he gulps before he finishes what he was saying. "Uh, an elemental master?" I start lathering the wax on, in the shape of a heart because it'll be funnier, before torturing him even more.

"Of what?" He looks at his Sensei before closing his eyes at the feeling of the strip being placed on his back. I make sure it's on there good before I pull it off.

"Of Li- ow! Why do girls put themselves through this pain?" Everybody but me laughs as I get the next spot ready.

"You didn't answer my question. I guess Cierra will have to help me with this next part..."

"Light! Jeez! You were the one who ripped the thing off while I was talking!" I giggle a bit before pulling off the next strip- with him yelling at me of course- and notice that his friends haven't said anything since I forced him to say my element. "Are you done ye- no. No you're not."

"So... You're the master of light? He's known who the master of light is this whole time, and we only just now know?" Mr. Hedgehog- I think his name is Kai- says as I press the fourth and final strip to Cole's back. "Wow, Cole. Can you wax his legs too?" I smirk at his suggestion, but sadly he pushed Jay off his legs and glared at Hedgehog. That's his official name now. Hedgehog.

"Kai, we have more pressing matters to discuss." Sensei Wu chastised him as I finish wiping off the access wax on Cole's back to calm him down. He has a nice red spot in the shape of a heart on his back now, I'm proud of my work. "Melody, ho long have you known of your element?"

"Since I was seven." I actually thought that I was a fairy when I moved light for the first time. 

"And can you control it?" Everyone looks at the old man while I have yet to break eye contact with him.

"Yes, my Papa taught me everything he could." which was everything he knew... I miss him.

"Would you be willing to join our cause and become the Kunoichi of Light?" Everyone looks to me, waiting for my answer. I was actually quite surprised by how quickly he offered the position to me, but at the same time, you don't find many elemental masters of light around, do you?

"Yes, I will become the Kunoichi of light."


So... now that I have finally gotten that done, I should probably work on the next chapter. I have a character in mind that I hope you'll like and I might have to do the thing I hate doing most, a P.O.V. change. Just because it'll add to the story and make it longer than the 25-ish chapters that it was starting to become.  By the way, I have been having some really bad writer's block for everything, and today has been a day of inspiration. I have two paragraphs for an essay done when I was stuck on the second sentence for about a week, and I was stuck on the first paragraph for this, so I'm feeling really good. Thank goodness I'm a homeschooler though, because I would never be able to get anything done on time. Anywho, I really hope you enjoyed this and I might have the next chapter up soon. No promises though, because inspiration comes in chunks far apart. See ya soon, my fwiens!!!

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