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Hiya! So its almost been two years since my last update and i just want to say that I'm really sorry for making you wait this long. My life got really crazy and now we're living through a global pandemic. But when will I have a better time to write then now?


After Melody's quick but thought out answer, we gave her a tour of the Bounty and she -as well as her younger siblings- gave us a tour of their house. It's huge! They have seven bedrooms, two of which are en-suite, four bathrooms, and three half-baths. And a ballroom, sitting room, parlor, giant dining room -with an equally giant table- that has a beautiful chandelier, a music room, a living room, theater room, and a basement. Sophia, Melody's youngest sister, and I have exchanged some ideas to show our love to our siblings. AKA, pranks.

But all that was a few hours ago, and I'm now sitting in my bed staring blankly at the wall. The clock on my nightstand is reading one thirty-four in the morning. This is a usual occurrence, but tonight I woke up from something other than a nightmare. I'm not sure what woke me up, all I know is that I can't move. I've been trying to lay back down for over ten minutes now, but my body just isn't cooperating. And I also can't move my eyes. It's like something is controlling me. Thankfully, by one forty-nine, I can finally move again. Though since I've been up for so long, I decide to get a drink of water before attempting to go back to sleep.

This is not the first time this has happened, but I still haven't told anyone about it. Nya would make sure I'm never alone, Kai would just freak out constantly, and everyone else would probably pity me. I don't need any of that and I also don't need anyone worrying about me. I'm twelve now -it's my birthday today, but I don't think anyone will actually remember- and I can take care of myself. They don't need anything else to worry about, we have two more kunoichi to find and then a dark lord to defeat. And that's not including all the training that has to happen.

As I make my way to the kitchen, I notice that the light is on and there are some -very familiar- voices coming out of it. Cole and Jay, and I see Zane's elbow against the door frame. Hopefully Zane either can't sense my distress, or he won't mention it. I really don't want to bother anyone about it. But as soon as I walk through the dining room door, I see that the only ones not awake are Sensei, Lloyd, and Melody. And they all stop talking as soon as they see me.

"Hello, Alex." Zane calmly greets me. "Would you like a glass of water?" I look around, everyone is looking at me, as if I interrupted them. I stop to look straight into Jay's eyes, knowing that he doesn't do well under pressure.

"Yes, please. Thank you, Zane." I say as Jay shifts and looks away from me. I keep staring, just to make him as uncomfortable as I possibly can. Not because I want to get information, but simply because it's so much fun! Kai and Nya catch on to what I'm doing, one trying not to laugh and the other attempting to scold me with their eyes. Zane hands me my water and I say goodnight before heading back to my room. They all seemed too preoccupied to ask why I was awake, so I decided not to chance it and get out of there as soon as I could. Maybe we will be too busy in the morning for Kai, Nya, or Zane to interrogate me.


My alarm went off about five minutes ago, but sleep paralysis kept me from getting up right away. At least, I think it's sleep paralysis. It could also be the thing that woke me up last night, but I don't want to worry about it. Today's my birthday and I'm determined to have a great day, no matter what happens. After getting up and out of my bed, I think about all that I have to do today. I have a lesson about the elements with Sensei today, plus Zane and Elisia are going to start teaching Cole how to cook. I can't miss that! I smile at the thought of all the chaos that's going to be in the kitchen today as I round the corner to the dining room.

And that's where I realize what everyone was talking about this morning.

"Surprise!" They all yell, throwing confetti and blowing some party blowers. The entire room is filled with balloons, streamers, gifts, and sweets. Everyone has party hats, and Lloyd puts a 'Birthday Girl' hat on my head. "Happy Birthday, Alex!" And the party blowers are going again. I can't believe that they would take the time to do this for me when we have an already busy schedule today. It's so amazing that i have tears in my eyes.

   "When did you set this up?" Looking around the room, I see how big and genuine everyone's smiles are. Especially my siblings' and Lloyd's. "When did you even get all of this stuff?" I have so many questions, but I'm still so shocked that I could barely ask the ones I did.

   "We got the supplies when we went grocery shopping a couple of weeks ago, and set it all up about half an hour after you interrupted us." Jay replies with a a mischievous smile. "Kai and Nya mentioned that twelve is an important age in Ignicia, so we thought we'd throw a big celebration!"

   After a big, and very delicious breakfast, -prepared by Zane, Elisia, and Nya- we all went out to the deck for Sensei to give us our assignments for the day. "We are changing our day a bit today. As we have much to celebrate, we will only have our morning training."  No one says anything, but you can tell that we're all excited about that. "Cole will still be helping Zane and Elisia in the kitchen, Melody, Lloyd, Kai, and Nya will be working on weapon techniques, and Alex will be having her lesson with me. But first, we must stretch."

  We all get into position and follow Sensei in our stretches. You can tell that Melody is a dancer, she's the most flexible and balanced on the team, despite this being her first day. The only one that's close to being as flexible as her is Jay, simply because his parents had him take gymnastics until he was thirteen. As soon as we finished, everyone went to their respective places.

   Sensei Wu went to his room to grab the scrolls and I quickly went to the game room for our lesson. I'm learning about the lost element of time today. The last masters of time were twins-Krux and Acronix is what Sensei told me their names were- that went rouge and had to be stripped of their element. The time blades that now held the element of time were used to create a vortex that would send them to different points in time. The twins decided that they would follow and were never seen again.

  "Now, until every shinobi is here and ready for the lessons about all the elements, you are to save this story for later." He tells me cautiously. I nod, and make a silent promise to him. "Now, I was told that you are not allowed in the kitchen as they have another surprise for you, so I have job for you."

   "Yes, Sensei?" Genuinely curious, I try to think of what he would want me to do.

   "As I'm sure you know, Lloyd's birthday was last week, but we had much to do that day and then the boys and your sister had to stop some criminals in Ninjago City."  He pulls out a bag that I-somehow- didn't see. "I have a few things here for you to make something for him. As long as you don't mind sharing your birthday party."
   Of course I don't mind. Especially when it's about my best friend. And he's also twelve now, so it's only fitting that we celebrate his birthday like this too. I tell Sensei this and he nods while handing me the bag. "Very well, you are excused until lunch. Thank you, Alex. This will mean so much to Lloyd." He leaves the room and I quickly go to my room to get started. I hope that Lloyd really likes his little surprise.


   It took me a few hours to complete Lloyd's present -it took so long because I had to stop for lunch- and now all I had to do was give it to him before I opened all my presents. Surprisingly, there were quite a few in the table when I arrived for supper, and a feast set out as well. There were also two cakes covered as to keep their decorations hidden. I'm assuming that one is for Lloyd, and the other for me.

   It doesn't take long for Sensei to say the blessing and is all to dig in. Melody looks slightly out of place, but Cole see this and gives her a reassuring smile. Soon, we're all done, Kai and Jay are cleaning up our plates and getting the dessert plates out. Nya and Zane surround my in all the gifts and the one for Lloyd is directly in front of me.

  "Here, Lloyd. This one is for you." I hand it to him and start to explain why. "We were kinda busy on your actual birthday, so a few of us figured that we could celebrate it today! So, happy belated birthday, Lloyd!"

   The surprise in his face says it all, and it's something I will never forget. Especially the way his smile keeps getting bigger as he opens the- mostly empty- scrapbook and sees all the pictures that we've taken as a team.  "Thank you, Alex! I love it and can't wait to add more pictures to it!" He comes around and hugs me before handing me my first present of many. This is a day we will all remember forever!


Well, I've finally finished it!!! This was kinda a filler chapter, but it's too important to leave out, as I've included some hints about some things. I will say, mentioning the tone Twins was not in my plan at all, but now it seems like an important detail that I can't get rid of. I do have a few questions for y'all though.
First, who's POV do you want next? There's plenty of characters to choose from, so you'll have a huge impugn the next chapter.
Second, who's your favorite villain, from pilot episodes to prime empire. (I'm not very far into MotM yet.)
Third, how are y'all doing I'm this pandemic? I'm personally getting tired of all the lies being told here in the US. I've kinda given up on believing 99% of what I hear.
Anywho, I hope you all have a great day and are staying safe!!!
Bye my fwiens!!!!

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