Just another Day in Ninjago

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Quick note, this is Nya's P.O.V. 


"And here's the picture!" Edna said as she pulled out a picture from a nearby drawer. I had seen it a few times already, I've visited Ed and Edna a lot since mine and Jay's first date. Most of the time it's without Jay because I need more supplies for my mech. We all laugh at the picture of Jay kissing his pillow, (yes, the rest of the team finally got to hear it.) and Jay's face acquires the color of Kai's gi.

"Aw, little Jay is so cute!" And that, my friends, is what happens whenever one of the team sees a picture of another one when they were young. It's usually Cole or Jay because Zane doesn't have any baby pictures, (for obvious reasons) I didn't have enough time or space to bring Kai's, and the only ones Sensei had of Lloyd were lost in the fire. Although, I do have an idea on how to get the attention off of Jay. I just gotta wait a few more seconds...

"And he still sleeps with Mr. Cuddly Womps!" Kai jeers next.

"If you want to see an embarrassing picture, I always have my favorite one of Kai and Alex with me. If I can just find it..." I look in my purse and found the exact picture I was looking for. Kai was eight and Alex was five months. It was just a few weeks after we found her. Kai had gotten up to take care of her in the middle of the night, but she wasn't so happy that he was the one who came. She flailed her arms so much that she ended up punching his eye, giving him a black eye. I thought it was funny, so I had him hold her while I took this picture.

"Nya, why is this your favorite picture of us?" Kai says, obviously annoyed with the fact that I'm showing it to the team.

"Because you two are so funny together!" I join in laughing with the others as Kai's face starts to gain some extra color. Alex is giggling, then starts to tell everyone about the time Kai dropped her out of a window. Second story window that happened to be right above a rose bush when she was three. They never really got along very well.

Everyone then decided to exchange stories which made everyone laugh harder and harder. Cole was just retelling the story of "the pink ninja" when I started laughing so hard I was crying. It also started raining at the same time. Jay, Ed, and Edna looked at each other, confused as to why it was raining.

"It shouldn't be raining." Jay commented. Ed nodded his head in agreement while Edna looked out the window.

"And there aren't any clouds. Rain in drought season is weird in itself, let alone no clouds." I heard a hum near me and looked to Sensei, who had made that sound.

"Sensei, what do you think about it?" I ask our wise teacher. He looks to me with a face that tell me there's something he hasn't told us yet. And it must have something to do with me. Could my "laughing tears", as Alex calls them, have caused this rain? Could I be... no! It couldn't be that! Could it?

"*Sigh* There is more to the Green Ninja prophecy that I haven't told you. You already know the first part of the prophecy, so I will tell you what is in the other scroll..." Everyone scooted to the end of their seat to hear Sensei's tale. "The time will come when the masters will rise. Fire, Earth, Ice, Lightning, Wind, Light, Shadow, and Water. Then, after these eight have found power within each other, Energy and Life will work together to defeat the ultimate evil."

"Wow." Is all that was said for a while. I looked at everyone, wanting to see if I could tell what they were feeling. The last person my eyes landed on I decided something as I looked as those vibrant facial features. I will tell Jay at the first chance I get, but right now I noticed that he was in deep thought. He face lit up as he jumped up from he seat.

"Nya! It's the only explanation! Her element must be water!" To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I was absolutely flabbergasted! "You know how each of our personalities match our element?" Everyone nods and Cole can't resist to add in a comment.

"Yeah, sadly."

"Look at Nya's personality! She can be calm and peaceful at some times, but at others, she's a raging storm!" I love it when he gets so passionate, but I can't be the master of water! I'm not that kind of person, I'm not cut out to be a ninja. I'm a samurai, not a ninja.

"Jay's right! She does have the personality of water! Sensei, could it really be? Could my sister and brother both be elemental masters?" Alex, please don't! I'm not a ninja!

"I have been examining her persona, and I have come to a conclusion. There is something that I never told you three." He said, looking at Kai, Alex, and I. "It involves your parents." We all gasp. I was three when they disappeared and Alex was four months when we found her. Kai is the only one who has any memory of our parents.

"What about them, Sensei? How did you know them?" Kai asks impatiently. Typical Kai.

"How I know them will have to be another story for another time. We have more pressing matters. Your parents were both elemental masters. Fire and Water." I guess what people say is right. Opposites do attract. "All of you are descendants of the original masters, and they have passed their abilities down to you. Some of them have skipped generations, but others, as we see in Kai and Nya, have not. Nya, you inherited your mother's ability to control water. When I saw how much you are like her, I knew you were the one who inherited it. Nya, will you accept the challenges and hardships of being a part of this team? Will you accept the title of Master of Water and first kunoichi?"

I think over everything he has said. Can I do it? I look into the expecting faces of this group. They're all waiting, but I can read three faces very easily. Alex is exited because it would mean that she'd no longer be called "Mini X" and would be able to brag to me about sleeping in. Kai looks worried like the overprotective brother he is, but also proud. The last one I can read is Jay. His face shows his slight worry, but also his confidence in me. He knows that I am strong enough to take care of myself, but he also knows that if I need help, I will ask for it. He does know that stubbornness runs in the family, so everyone will have to be careful.

I made my decision. "Yes." I say with confidence, "I will become the kunoichi of water." Everyone cheers and then we decide to make our departure. Edna came up to me to hug me and whispered something in my ear. "I made you double chocolate chip cookies to take home. They're in the kitchen on the counter, and you can leave from the back door if you want." I had learned that they had a door installed in the kitchen in case of a fire when I came a few weeks ago for a new solar panel. My X cave ran completely on solar power because it was pretty much free, minus the fact that I had to "pay" for the solar panel. All I had to do was stay for dinner and promise to visit again soon, which I did.

After saying goodbye to Ed and Edna, I made my way into the kitchen, grabbed the cookies, and left out the back door. No one noticed that I went into the kitchen except Sensei and Jay, and since I was riding with Jay, (I had no say in this, Alex immediately asked to ride with Zane, Sensei was riding with Cole, Lloyd wanted to ride with Kai, and Sensei wouldn't let me bring my mech. Jay would've been my second choice anyway if I had gotten to choose. Zane would be my first because he's the most careful) he would smell these delicious cookies, so I'd have to spill my "secret" and share with him, which I'm planning on doing anyway.

We left after everyone had said their goodbyes and sure enough, once the hatch closed to Jay's "nun-chuck jet", as Alex calls it, (everyone else picked up on it soon afterwords) Jay knew I had a batch or two of his mom's double chocolate chip cookies. But, I told him he'd have to wait till we got back home and we could eat them privately. It would give me a chance to talk to him too. I really need to tell him what's going through my head. And I know that he'll listen. Even though he talks a lot, he's a great listener when you need to get something off your shoulders.

Once we made it to the Destiny's Bounty Jay and I went into my room and opened the container of deliciousness. We both grab one to start with and I decide that I need to tell him now. So, I start with the best ice-breaker I know right now.

"I love it when your mom makes us cookies. She really knows how to get to someone's soft side. Just like you." His cheeks become flushed as he gives me that wonderful shy smile of his.

"Y-yeah, she does." Is all he says. He knows I'm about to say something serious. He's definitely right. I hope I don't mess up though.

"Jay, I need to tell you something." He looks right into my eyes as I start my speech. "Ever since you asked my if I liked blue, I knew we had a connection. When we were on our first date, even though we weren't being honest with each other till the end, I knew something was growing between us. And earlier when you figured out that I was the master of water, I realized something big. It might change us forever... I... I love you, Jay Walker. I really do. I just wanted to make sure I told you as soon as possible so that I still had my courage, and your mom's cookies helped me!" I added the last part with a laugh which, thankfully, Jay joined in on.

Once we caught our breath, Jay and I looked into each other's eyes. "I love you too, Nya Smith. With all my heart." Slowly, without either of us really noticing, we both leaned in, causing our lips to meet. I don't know who enjoyed the kiss more, me or him, but I do know that somehow I got the taste of his mom's cookies mixed with blueberries. I'm guessing that he had something with blueberry flavor or blueberries in it. He broke this kiss before taking another bite out of his cookie, not quite savoring the taste like he had been before the kiss.

"I should get to the room. Kai will be so mad if he finds me in here with chocolate all over my lips."

"Yeah." I say before giving Jay a quick peck on the lips. "Goodnight."

"Night, Nya. Tomorrow is sunrise exercise and Sensei did say that's when you start training with us as an official member of the team!" I giggle at his enthusiasm, not quite wanting to have to wake up before sunrise, just to train. We kissed one last time before he left my room, closing the door behind him. Does this mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend? I'll ask him in the morning. I need to get to sleep or else I won't have the energy for my first day of sunrise exercise! Yay! Not.

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