Untitled Story Part

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Hey! Sorry that it's been so long since I updated any of my stories, especially this one. I'm going to try to get the next chapter of It Started With a Wish up today was well, but we'll see if I have enough time. If you haven't already, please check it out. I won't be able to update much after this, I'll be away from my computer until August starting Tuesday. I'm also going to try to tie this chapter in with one that I already had written. If I can I want to get three chapters of this up, but I guess we'll have to wait to see. Welp. I hope you all enjoy and are having a better/longer summer than I am!

Disclaimer: I only own my OCs. Nothing else. not even the main plot. If I did, Kailor would be official already.


After getting the Scythe of Quakes, we moved onto the Shurikens of Ice, then Nun-chucks of Lightning, and finally the Sword of Fire. That was a fun experience. Kai had heard Nya whispering to him in the night, so he followed an illusion of her. I had been cuddling with him because I was having nightmares again, so naturally I went after him. I don't know how I new it was an illusion right away, I just did.  It's like knowing who the guys were before Sensei even said a word. 

Anyway... Kai and I followed, falling right into Garmadon's trap. Well, he didn't expect me to come along, but still. Well, he had Nya chained up and hanging over a pit of lava. She tried to free herself to no avail. The only way she could be freed was by Kai taking the Sword of Fire and cutting the chain. He did so, and then tried to fight a shadow. I don't know how, but I tripped one of them! It was really funny, especially since I tripped Kai in the process. Still don't know how I tripped two people just by thinking it, but I can always ask Sensei later. Right now I need to finish my story telling. 

So, after a little bit, Kai was being overpowered, but Sensei came in at just the right time. Fighting shadows with his shadow. Then Garmadon got mad and awoke the Dragon- which I instantly knew Kai would name flame because it looked just like his old stuffed dragon by the same name- who then blocked the exit. Sensei grabbed the sword and went to the underworld, Garmadon following. We, the Smith siblings, were then stuck with a dragon. Thankfully Nya remembered a story that Kai used to tell us- dad had told him and Nya when they were little- about how the dragons were from both worlds and if you earned their trust, they can be your transport. 

Well, we earned Flame's trust- yes, Kai did actually name him that- and he let us out. The other three were outside of the temple looking for us. Cole hid behind a wall once he saw we were riding a dragon, but Zane and Jay were in awe. Jay even more so once he saw Nya. He couldn't talk, so Zane was a translator when he asked if she liked blue. Of course, it's her favorite color, so he was pretty happy. They had to go to the underworld, so they dropped Nya and I off at the blacksmith shop. After putting the candle in the window, we decided to have some fun by attempting to spar with two of Kai's swords. 

We had gotten bored of sparing, so we played a few games of Uno, then went on to play a game of Phase 10. We had just finished-Nya won- and we were now staring out the window waiting for them to come back when we heard wings flapping. We looked at each other before running out to hug them. We enveloped Kai in a sibling hug before Jay yelled out "My turn!" and I went to Zane and Cole. Cole gave me a giant teddy bear hug and then lifted me on his shoulders, tickling me a bit in the midst. Everyone was happy, and so the guys decided to do the most stupid thing ever. They put the weapons together, and we were all blown back. It was pretty funny, but they agreed to never do that again. Nya grabbed her bag and we started making our way to the monastery. 


I closed my diary after recounting that day. A lot had happened, but I didn't have much time to write in my diary. I was just now able to write what happened after we found the Scythe of Quakes. At least the big thing. I still have to write about the Serpentine being released, the fangblade search, the Samurai x and Mini X, the Green Ninja fiasco, the actual Green Ninja- none other than the son of the Dark Lord the he's supposed to fight, Lloyd Garmadon, who also happens to be my best friend- and Jay's parents! We're actually going to visit them, so I'll have more to write about them. The first time we met them, Zane had shown us Destiny's Bounty the night before and we had all cleaned up the place. I only had to clean three rooms, Mine, Sensei's, and Nya's. 

I had enough time while the guys were all getting showers to write, so I took it. I had gotten ready while they were training and Nya did my hair before getting herself ready. She curled the ends of my hair and did a waterfall braid. My outfit was a purple cold shoulder dress with black leggings and flats. I also had a purple bow in my hair and a necklace that Kai and Nya got for my tenth birthday. 

They spared no expense, and I'm still not sure how they could afford it. It's real diamond and Silver and they also have my name and birthday engraved on it. I only take it off when I have to, it's to special and expensive for me to loose. 

Well, Nya just came to tell me that we're heading out, so I guess I better stop internally monologuing. Bye!!!


So, my plan is to add a chapter I forgot last time after I upload the next few chapters. All I have to do it copy and paste it from MTTS. And make sure that it's in the right spot before getting the next one up. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! There are three hints to future chapters- one of them being the next one- and if you can find them, please comment! I will try to add a few more hints here and there, so keep your eyes peeled! Anywho, I should probably get to editing the next chapters. See ya soon, my fwiens!!!!! 

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