Interview with Frostbreeze(FrostStar)

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Crazystar: Hi, Frostbreeze, thanks for joining us here today! So to start off this interview, do you believe in cheese ponies?

Frostbreeze: Well, it depends, only if I see them hurt other cats.

Crazystar: What do you mean?

Frostbreeze: Like if they come out and bite their tails.

Crazystar: I'm still slightly confused....but onto the next question. What do you think of the Jayfeather and Birchfall chase? Who do you want to win, and why?

Frostbreeze: I think it’s funny to watch and all but Birchfall needs some sense that we do not have courts or police and for the winning side I will take Jayfeather’s because he can drive blindly.

Crazystar: Have you heard about the latest Jayfeather and Birchfall story where Jayfeather drove into the lake, supposedly looking for some cat by the name of Fallen Leaves?

Frostbreeze: No, I have not. Why would he do that to a brand new monster?

Crazystar: I don't know. LionheartPublishing told me that Jayfeather had driven the monster into the lake, and that they had published a chapter about it in More Ways to Make Blackstar Hate You Forever. Anyhow, the next question is, who do you think is a better cook, Mousefur or Smudge?

Frostbreeze: I would say Mousefur because I love her pizza and as you can tell, Smudge burns his pizza.

Crazystar: I would agree, but I’m not supposed to take sides…

Next question is, who do you like more Lionheart or Firestar?

Frostbreeze: I like Firestar better because he has Patchpelt following him everywhere.

Crazystar: Speaking of Patchpelt, what do you think of him?

Frostbreeze: Well Patchpelt can relate to me a lot sometimes but he is a funny and weird cat to meet.

Crazystar: What do you think of his best friend, Brackenfoot?

Frostbreeze: Well for one thing I cannot understand him and another thing, he likes to say weird things.

Crazystar: Have you heard the Cloudtail apparently has magical powers?

Frostbreeze: I have and it sounds like he can make cookies poof up everywhere.

Crazystar: Is it true that Mousefur is grumpy most of the time, unless you're paying her for pizzas?

Frostbreeze: Oh yes she is very grumpy, to avoid her being grumpy I'd advise you buy a pizza or two.

Crazystar: What's Smudge like? I've heard he's not grumpy, but he's annoying and stupid....

Frostbreeze: Smudge is weird and he sleeps all day and barely checks on his food he makes.

Crazystar: What’s the weirdest thing about Smudge?

Frostbreeze: Well Smudge says names for us really weird for example: Fire-Fire-cat.

Crazystar: I thought that was Patchpelt...

Frostbreeze: Oh I’m sorry I’m not thinking. Smudge is weird because he has donut and cheeseburger guns and I don't even know why he is in StarClan at all.

Crazystar: What did you think about the incident that happened almost a whole year ago between Smudge and Hawkstorm?

Frostbreeze: Well I thought it was pretty funny.

Crazystar: What do you think the funniest thing that's happened in StarClan in the past year is?

Frostbreeze: The funniest thing was when you and Smudge were fighting and he started shooting a cake gun.      

Crazystar: I remember that! He couldn't even get it to work for, um, like, 15 minutes or something! So, who makes the best burgers in StarClan?

Frostbreeze: Well I really don't know since I don’t like to eat burgers that much.

Crazystar: Do you remember where StarClan had a vote on whether they wanted an Italian restaurant or a steakhouse? If you had been able to vote, which one would you have chosen and why?

Frostbreeze: I would have chosen the steakhouse since I like to eat steak.     

Crazystar: And last but not least....what do you think of the book covers LionheartPublishing created for Ways to Get Kicked Out of ShadowClan and More Ways to Make Blackstar Hate You Forever?

Frostbreeze: I think the covers are really cool.

Crazystar: Thanks again for your time Frostbreeze. I'll send this info to Lionheart so that he and the rest of the staff can get this published ASAP!

Frostbreeze: Your welcome =^.^=

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