Chapter 5: Ghosts Of The Past

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I do not own any of the Mortal Kombat Characters, places, weapons or anything regarding Mortal Kombat. All rightful properties belong to their true owners.

While everyone was on their own preparing for the rest of the tournament Me, Lui Kang and Raiden approached Johnny Cage.

"Now where'd that hottie go?" Johnny asked rubbing his hands together with a small smile.

Before he could leave however me and the other two stopped him to congratulate him.

"I'll admit you fought pretty decently. Not as good as us but still I'm impressed." I said while shaking his hand.

"Thanks. *Looks at Raiden* Nice hat." Johnny said complimenting Raiden.

"You should be more respectful of Lord Raiden. He is the Protector of Earthrealm, the God of Thunder, the-"

"The SECOND God of Thunder." I said to Lui Kang with a smirk.

"Look I don't know what kind of role-playing you guys are into but count me out." Johnny said while trying to walk the other way to get past us.

"This tournament is more than a chance for personal glory. We are fighting for the very survival of Earthrealm." Lui Kang said while stopping Johnny in his tracks.

Johnny looks at me. "English please?"

"*Sigh* The last one you fought is named Baraka. He's a Tarkatan which means he was born just as ugly as how sharp his blades are." I explained.

"Yeah. Those things are real." Johnny said while pointing with his thumb to the unconscious Baraka.

"That man represents Outworld. A realm which is different to the one you live in. If you lost then The Emperor Shao Kahn would have come closer to physically absorbing our world into his. You see The Elder Gods created the 'Mortal Kombat Tournament' to give Earthrealm a fighting chance. But if we lose even once... Well let's just say you can forget your career as well as possibly your own life." I explained to Johnny.

"Dun Dun Dunnn!" Johnny said dramatically. "Look guys. I'm an actor. I save the world for the cameras. If this Emperor is really a threat. Then call the military."

"He IS a threat!" I shouted at Johnny with my eyes glowing bright with my fist clenched tight.

"Right. Uh... Sure... Anyways uh I've got a date with a blonde. Ciao!" Johnny said nervously while giving me a pat on the arm.

Johnny jogged in the direction the blonde left to in order to go on their 'date'.

"What do you two see in him?" Lui Kang asked me and Raiden.

"He is a hero Lui Kang. Though he may not yet know it." Raiden explained.

Lui Kang looked at me for your answer.

"It's like I've said before. Even a rusty blade can be forged into a blade of power. It all just depends on how you use that blade." I explained.

There was a moment of silence until finally I broke it.

"*Sigh* I should probably save her if we are gonna save Earthrealm. I'll be back soon." I said preparing to teleport to Sonya Blade.

"Y/N!" Raiden called out to me.

I looked at him.

"I'm the first God of Thunder. You are clearly the second." Raiden said referring to what I said earlier.

Lui Kang couldn't help but smirk while I let out a small chuckle. Before I left I could've sworn I saw Raiden smile.

When I managed to find her she was at the pit. She was close to the edge and had a walkie talkie with her.

"*Static*... Triangulating your signal for evac but... There is no island...." A man on the walkie talkie said.

"*Annoyed* I'm standing on it. Just lock on to my wrist comm!" Sonya said annoyed.

"*Thoughts* Maybe I should see if I can help." I thought as I walked over to her.

"*Static* Understood. What is your current status?"

"They have Jax. And if I don't fight in this crazy tournament they'll kill him. I'm gonna try to-"

"Sonya Blade good to see you again. Do you require assistance?" I asked her.

She looked at me and I noticed she seemed to be eyeing me up and down. To be fair not everyone wears Armor like what I have on but she seemed to be looking at more than just my Armor.

In order to stop this from getting any more awkward I cleared my throat to get her attention.

"Oh sorry. I'm just not used to seeing a lot of people wear that kind of Armor." Sonya said apologetically.

I called it. I saw a small blush on her face which was almost invisible but I still saw it. I took her for one of those people that are hard to even engage a full on conversation with.

This surprised me even more seeing as how I simply asked a question and she immediately blushes.

"If you'd like to have a closer look than you may examine it closer if you wish." I said reassuringly.

She nodded and began to take a closer look at my Armor. The first thing she touched was my chest plate which was made of reinforced steel. My clothing beneath it is a sleeveless shirt which ended at the bottom of my shoulders. Over my shirt was chainmail to stop daggers and even arrows. My shoulder plates were shaped like that of dragon heads. The cloth that covered over my chest plate had the White Lotus symbol on it. My muscled arms are exposed.

My lower area wasn't that interesting as I had obviously worn pants but had chain mail over it. I had some simple looking knee plates and Greeves.

My gauntlets had a flame pattern engraved on them.

And finally Sonya put her two hands on each side of my helmet. My helmet had a visor with two eye holes and a couple small holes on the lower part of it for me to breathe better through.

I suddenly realised that Sonya was looking at my eyes. When she was looking at them she saw only stars because they were very bright. But she thought they were beautiful.

She had to compose herself and stop looking before it got awkward but when she had her hands on the side of your head, was really close to you and when you saw her eyes you also had to straighten yourself out.

"*Clears throat* so uh who's Jax?" I asked.

She suddenly remembered what she was supposed to be doing but before she could say anything you felt a powerful blast go through you luckily missing Sonya.

You looked down to see you had a hole blasted in your stomach and you felt light. As if you were no longer in control of your own body. You felt as if you were made of air and you fell down the pit.

"Y/N! *Looks at Kano* You Monster!" Sonya yelled at Kano.

You could hear punches landing on flesh and lasers being shot out. You were still falling and you looked behind you to see where you were gonna land. Unfortunately you were going to be impaled on a spike.

But before you could even feel the spike impale your body you were suddenly in a room completely white there was fog everywhere blocking your vision. There were no sounds, no birds... No wind.

"Hello? Anyone here!?" I asked only to hear myself echo.

"Daddy?" A familiar voice was heard from behind you.

You looked behind you and what you saw shook you to your core. You couldn't keep your legs up from the shock and fell down to your knees. You quickly took your helmet off and you still saw what you had seen previously... Your daughter.

"S-S-Sweetie? I-Is that you!?" You asked the girl in front of you not even caring about the tears that were coming out of your eyes.

The girl walked up to you and since you were kneeling you and her were at eye level. She immediately put her small arms around your neck and hugged you. You were in so much shock that it took all your strength to wrap your arms around your daughter and return the hug.

"I love you so much sweetie. I'll never let you go. Daddy is here." You said to your daughter.

"But you need to go dad. Your not ready yet. *Whispers in your ear slowly* He must win." Your daughter said to you.

You looked at your daughter confused and at this point you had a million questions that needed answers. But before you could suddenly you were being pushed back by some unknown force and you couldn't do anything to stop it since you had nothing to hold on to.

It was then you were brought of wherever that was and in the pit once again. You were impaled on the spike and despite being at the bottom you could hear a conversation at the top of the pit. From the sounds of it. Kano won the fight.

"So Kano... Not man enough for a fair fight?" Sonya asked.

"I don't do 'fair'" Kano answered.

Kano blasted Sonya which got a grunt of pain out of her.

You started pulling yourself off the spike.

"No need to get up love" Kano said while blasting Sonya again which got another grunt of pain out of Sonya.

"*Grunts in effort* Come on Y/N! If you can't get off a spike then how are you going to kill Shao Kahn?" You asked yourself as you struggled to get off the spike.

"So tell me... How are things at command?" Kano asked.

Not even giving Sonya the chance to respond he keeps blasting Sonya repeatedly.

"Bastard!" Sonya cried out in pain.

"Gullible b!#ch. Just had to point you in the wrong direction. Couldn'ta done it without ya!" Kano said proud of himself.

"Don't call my Sonya a B!#ch you ugly Australian pirate!" You said while still pulling yourself up.

Suddenly you stoped when you realised what you said.

"MY Sonya? The hell is up with me? This has never happened." You said to yourself.

"S.F is on the way. You won't get far." Sonya said.

"Oh I got a knack for survival. You on the other hand are gonna die here." Kano said chuckling.

Kano realed his fist back for a punch and Sonya prepared herself for the incoming blow. But it never came. Instead Kano got something small and sharp impaled in his cyber eye which sent him screaming in pain and ran off to live another day.

Sonya was understandably confused but then she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Need a hand to get up?" You asked her with a hand out.

She immediately took it and got herself up.

"How the hell are you alive?" Sonya asked confused.

"I'm not really sure. *Looks at her face* You've got a nasty bruise there. He most likely wasn't using his full power on his cyber eye." I explained.

"Most likely. I'll be fine." Sonya tried reassuring me.

"No, no, no, no, no, you are not going anywhere. Just hold on." I said while gently pushing Sonya back to the ground.

You took off one of your gauntlets and it suddenly became cool to the touch in ice cold wisps of air. You put your cold hand on the bruise on Sonya's face to help with the bruise.

She suddenly started blushing but honestly you weren't too concerned about that.

"T-thanks" Sonya said.

"*Looks at her and smiles under your helmet* don't mention it. Who was that guy anyway?" I questioned.

"His name's Kano. He was an informant in our Black Dragon investigation. They're Big time arms dealers. Turns out he was their leader, giving us the runaround. Lot of our guys got killed because of him." She explained with a fire in her eyes.

"I know what it's like to lose people. Unfortunately I'm the last of my kind." I said sorrowfully.

Sonya gave you a curious look so you decided to explain.

"Before I was turned into a demi-god I was a General. I commanded a small army for this village and everyone in it including my family and my men worshipped the elder gods. Always carrying out their work for them and praying they'd allow us to have a good harvest. Unfortunately Shao Kahn and his Army destroyed our village and slaughtered my men. But what happened next still haunts me. They killed my family in front of me and made me watch." I explained with tears in my eyes.

Sonya with a look of surprise and concern put her hand on my hand that was on her face in a way to try to comfort me.

"I'm sorry." Sonya said with worry.

"There's no need to worry. It was a long time ago." I reassured her.

There was a long silence but then you remembered your question from earlier.

"Who is Jax?" I questioned her.

"My C.O. He's locked up on this island somewhere. I have to find him." Sonya said with a determined look on her face.

"Hmm... *Putting your non frozen hand on your chin* I think I might know where to find him... But your not gonna like it." I said with a worried look.

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