Chapter 8: The Welcome Party

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Ok so first off there's something that needs to be addressed...

I was not expecting this story to get this many reads already. Especially for my first time writing anything fanfiction related. So I just want to say thank you all for reading this story and it means the world to me that people actually like my writing and storytelling 😂.

Also I am so sorry for taking so long to update but I've been feeling a bit lazy and have been trying to rack my brain for ideas for this story and other ones I want to do so don't worry there will be more!
Anyways on to the story!

Mortal Kombat 9 was developed by NetherRealm Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. All properties besides Y/N belong to these companies.

With Y/N, Sonya and Jax out of Goro's lair Y/N was helping Sonya carry Jax by their shoulders and helping the injured Jax walk to hopefully find some place to put him down. They were also going to see what they could do to help with his wounds.

They ended up in what Y/N assumed to be some sort of meditation area of some sort.

Sonya: "Come on Jax! Move it! That's an order!"

Jax: "*Tired* Oh... So your in charge now?"

Sonya turned on her wrist communicator.

Sonya: "Special Forces Command. This is Sonya Blade! Where is that Evac?"

While Y/N and Sonya help Jax get to the ground gently the Special Forces Command was talking.

S.F.C: "*Static*... Blade they are en route... Coming to you..."

Sonya: "Affirmative! *To Jax* Your almost home soldier."

Jax was too tired to say anything else for now but just gave Sonya a nod.

???: "By order of Shang Tsung no one leaves this island."

Our heroes turned to our lefts to see two women approaching. They were the one's Y/N saw at the beginning of the tournament who Y/N had gotten their names after that fight with Shang Tsung after the beginning of the tournament. One was dark skinned and one had white skin.

(Sorry if that sounds racist but I have absolutely no idea how to describe anyone's skin who isn't white. It seems like different words affect different people so if you know a better way to describe them let me know so I can change it).

Both women were dressed in revealing clothes but the difference was in the colour of their clothes one was dressed in green with a Bo staff and the other was dressed in blue with fans that had sharp blades on them.

The soldier and knight stood up and readied their weapons.

Y/N: "I'll take the blue one. You take care of the green one."

Sonya: "Got it."



All four fighters charged toward each other with a Battlecry. Kitana tossed her steel fans at Y/N but he blocked them with his shield and attempted to throw a lightning bolt at Kitana but she dodged it  and somehow used her fans to bring Y/N in the air with a gust of wind.

Kitana used this opportunity to jump into the air, turn around and used her fans again to launch herself into Y/N's stomach with her butt and launched him a couple feet away.

Y/N: "What the hell is that woman's ass made of!?"

Y/N got back up and parried a strike from Kitana, bashed her in the head with his shield and tossed her over his shoulder slamming her into the ground.

Meanwhile with Sonya and Jade the soldier sent a couple of high kicks towards Jade but she blocked them with her staff. Jade parried the last kick and twirled her staff around 7 times hitting Sonya in the process and knocked her down. Sonya sent several energy blasts from the small device on her wrists but Jade glowed green and the energy blasts went right through her.

Sonya: "Well if I can't hit you with those...(Starts to get up) Then how about these!"

Sonya punched Jade in the jaw, ribs, gut, knees, cheek, did a cartwheel repeatedly hitting Jade in the head, did a handstand and gripped Jade's hips with her legs.

Sonya: "Y/N! Heads up!"

With her legs she threw Jade towards Y/N at high speeds. Y/N saw this, waited until Jade was close enough, teleported above her and dropkicked Jade in the back knocking her out cold on the ground.


Y/N: "If it makes you feel better... You put up a good fight."

Y/N looked over to Sonya and gave her a nod of approval which she returned.

Sonya: "Sure don't need any more surprises like them."

Y/N: "Then let's hope that evac of yours gets here soon."

Sonya nodded and the both of you brought your attention back to Jax. Sonya kneeled down to Jax to check up on him while you kept an eye out for any more trouble.

Sonya: "*To Jax* How you holding up?"

Jax: "I'm fine."

Sonya: "Liar. After I get you to base, I'm coming back. Kano's still here somewhere."

Jax: "*Looking at Sonya* Your obsession with him is gonna get you killed."

Y/N: "She almost did. If it wasn't for me she probably would've been toasted alive by Kano."

Get it? Toasted? Eh? Eh?... Sorry let's get back to the story.

Sonya: "*To Y/N* I had it handled"

Y/N: "If 'I had it handled' means losing miserably then you definitely deserve a medal for that."

Sonya just rolled her eyes while you lightly chuckled.

Jax: "So... Mind introducing your knight in shining armour? *Chuckle*"

Sonya: "This is Y/N. According to him he's the 'Knight of the Elder Gods' apparently."

Y/N walked over to Jax, kneeled down to his level and shook his hand.

Y/N: "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Jax: "Same here."

Y/N: "Sonya has already told me about the history between you two and Kano. You have my condolences."

Jax: "Thanks..."

Sonya: "You know what the worst part is? *Both Jax and Y/N look at her* I actually trusted him. The filthy snake."

Jax: "Yeah, we all did."

Sonya: "But I was the one he used."

Y/N: "We all make mistakes. But the best people learn from them and be better people because of it."

Sonya smiled at you and so did Jax knowing the truth in your words. However the moment is cut short when we hear the sounds of a chopper in the distance.

Sonya: "I think our rides here."

Sonya and you got up while Jax stayed on the ground to conserve his strength. Both of you waves your arms around your heads to let the chopper know your location.

However all of a sudden a huge fireball flew into the air and blew up the Chopper causing it to spin out and crash land in the distance so hard it affected all three of you. Jax was knocked over, Sonya used her hands to cover her eyes and you used your shield to block any incoming debris that came your way. When you and Sonya let your hands down there was a small mushroom cloud where the chopper once was.

Sonya: "No!"

To our right we heard a chuckle and so none other than Kano (With his eye repaired), Shang Tsung (Who had a fireball in his hand) and a now awake Kitana and Jade.

Sonya: "Damn you!"

Y/N: "What's the matter old man!? Ready for round 2 are you!?"

Shang: "You have a challenger. Kano."

Grunting in frustration Sonya readied herself while you did the same.

Shang: "You will be fighting alone. Y/N will not interfere or else he's banned from the tournament".

Y/N looked at Sonya and she nodded. Reluctantly Y/N backed away over to where Jax was.

Kano: "Sorry to say luv but sparky ain't gonna save ya this time."

Y/N: "*Smirk* I won't have to. In fact you can spare yourself the embarrassment and run away again like last time."

Surprisingly that got a small chuckle out of Sonya. Guess she can laugh after all.



Kano shot his laser beam at Sonya but she slid right under it and kicked him in the gut. Kano threw an overhead punch to Sonya but she blocked it and sent her own fist straight to Kano's face causing him to stagger back but he used his momentum in his other arm to uppercut her into the air.

When Sonya was coming down she kicked Kano in the head knocking him down. She kicked him but he blocked her, grabbed her leg, gripped her throat tight and slammed her to the ground.

However while she was still in the air with Kano holding her she gripped his arm with both of her legs and with the right amount of pressure broke his arm. This caused him to scream in pain, let go of her and hold his broken arm.

Kano: "You fuckin' bitch!"

Kano hopped in the air, span around like a cannonball and launched himself toward Sonya knocking her back. Kano threw a knife at her but she quickly got back up and kickflipped it away from her.

Kano attempted to do his Cannonball move again but Sonya quickly kicked him in the face before it could connect and launched him away from her. All those blows to the head must've done something cause Kano started standing wobbly and tried shaking his head to clear it.


However Sonya took this chance to end the fight once and for all by giving Kano an elbow to the face, did a quick jab, gave him a roundhouse kick to the side of his head, gave him a axe kick, did a handstand while gripping his head with her feat and snapped his neck.

Kano's neck is snapped while he coughs out blood.

While Sonya is still doing a handstand she launched herself in the air with Kano and repeatedly kicks him in the face. She grips the sides of his torso with her shins and slams him on the ground headfirst.

Kano's spine and skull are now shattered along with him coughing out more blood then before.

Sonya stands victorious over Kano.


Sonya: "You're comin' with me."

Sonya walks over to Kano to arrest him but a fireball from Shang Tsung that lands in front of her stops her in her tracks.

Shang: "Kano is not your prisoner".

Sonya: "At least help Jax. He needs a medic!"

Shang Tsung just laughs while walking away with Kano, Kitana and Jade.

Sonya: "Bastard."

Y/N: "And now you see why I like him the least."

While they're walking away Kano chuckles at Sonya, Kitana doesn't even look at them and Jade glares at both of them.

Y/N walks over to Sonya and starts whispering.

Y/N: "*Whispers* Umm... Do they not realise that they still haven't taken back Jax yet? I mean isn't that why they were chasing us down in the first place?"

Sonya: "*Whispers* They probably have better things to do. Either that or they've finally given up."

Y/N: "*Whispers* Well I think we can call this a win. *Not Whispering* Let's get out of here with him before they change their minds."

Sonya agreed and was about to help Jax up but before she could...

???: "There they are!"

Y/N was about to summon his sword to get ready to fight but when he turned around he saw Johnny, Raiden and Lui causing him to put his weapon away.

Johnny: "Hey you guys alright? *To Y/N* looks like you found her before me."

Y/N: "It's a good thing too. She needed saving as well as my help to get her C.O out of the prison cells."

Johnny: "*To Jax while doing mock salute* S'up Sarge?"

Sonya: "He's a ma- *Notices Raiden walking toward Jax* Hey, what are you doing?"

Johnny: "It's ok. He's cool."

Raiden kneels down to Jax and summons one electric ball in each hand that are connected to each other.

Jax: "*A bit worried* What the?"

Sonya: "Jax!"

Sonya tries to get to Jax but Y/N grabs her shoulder and tries to assure her that he will be fine.

Y/N: "Don't worry. Jax is in good hands now."

Raiden transfers his electricity into Jax's body and it's slowly but surely heals him of any wounds that he had previously. It's almost as if he wasn't hurt at all.

Jax: "That's amazing!"

Johnny: "Told ya! Turns out he's a god!"

Raiden and Jax walk back over to the other three.

Sonya: "Thank you... Raiden. You too Y/N."

Raiden: "gratitude is unnecessary. Me and Y/N have foreseen events, like memories of our future. They lead me to believe that you are all connected to Earthrealm's fate."

Lui: "What have you both foreseen?"

Raiden: "In my visions, Shao Kahn becomes invincible. He destroys all life in Earthrealm. We will all die."

Everyone shared looks of unease.

Raiden: "I believe these flashes are a guide to defeating Shao Kahn. But disrupting the flow of time have serious consequences."

Johnny: "I'm not worried. I bet you could win this thing no problem."

Raiden: "Unless directly challenged, I cannot participate."

Johnny: "What about Y/N? How come he gets to fight?"

Y/N: "Seeing as how powerful I am the Elder Gods needed to take some of my power away to make it fair and so I actually have a chance of losing instead of winning every single time."

Johnny: "Well what should we do besides standing around looking pretty?"

Raiden: "For now, the tournament must run its course."

Sonya: "All right then. We're with you, Raiden."

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