Chapter 33: Valeriy Ayers - Shorts (Part V)

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"Drive! Drive! Drive!!! Bloody hell! Drive!!!"

"That's what I'm doing! I'm driving! I'm driving!!!"

A sharp turn almost chucked me right over the side of the open jeep. If this wasn't the Game Floor, I'd probably be curled up on the fake rubber mats in a ball of pain.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit! Pew pew! Fuck, pew pew! Where did pew pew go!?!"

"What's a pew pew!?!"

"Mr. Barnes, I believe the words she's looking for is dart revolver."

"Use mine! Sorry!! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry!"

"I'm fine."

I grabbed onto the pew pew, trying to get my stupid fingers in the right place. Couldn't even find it in me to care that the pew pew collided with my head. Wasn't real. Eve had full control of the force.

And the stupidly massive horde of giant, screaming wind scorpion charging right at us. Long legs skittered across the tunnel surface as if they weighed nothing, going as fast as a car. Our car.

One of them almost snipped the bumper in half with its giant meaty pincers. Definitely going to keep my hands out the reach of those things.

"Nononono! Why are you slowing down?!"

"The formula!!!"

I could not shoot fast enough. So, so many of them. No end in sight.

The tunnel walls no longer existed. Just hairy moving lumps of bleh. Hairy lumps of bleh climbing over each other with their legs. So many legs.

Having to stare at this disgusting horror of writhing bugs was one thing. But feeling like they're crawling all over me was a whole other matter. And now the fucking formula said slow down.

This was one eyeball shooting game I did not like. Not one bit of it.

"It's getting into the jeep!!! Oh my god!!! They're getting into the jeep!!!" I screamed, desperately removing a headrest.

"You're hand!! Stop that! You're going to hurt your hand more!" Bucky yelled over his shoulder.

"Bashing at them isn't going to kill them...."

"What the hell is she seeing!?!"

"Get out!" I screamed, avoiding the pincers and impaling an eye with one of the metal prongs.

But it didn't disappear. It just kept climbing its way closer to us. No matter how many times the metal prongs broke through the exoskeleton.

"One slip or miscalculation and you spend an eternity in the tunnels, Mr. Barnes. Val's screams are effective enough of a distraction."

"I don't need to be babied."

"Very well then."

A shiver raced down my spine and my blood went cold at the tip of a hairy fat leg thing pressed against my cheek.

"Don't touch me!!!" I screeched, stabbing at the bigger than me bug with everything I had.

Injuries be damned. Couldn't feel them when all I wanted was for that monster to be dead. Nothing else mattered.

"What the hell is that!?!" Bucky screamed over me.

"Just drive!!!!!" I snapped back.

A dart hit one of the eyeballs and the monster faded.

Bucky's doing.

He found the pew pew I dropped.

More darts flew through the air. Each made a new home in a beady fist sized eyeball.


"Yup! Yup! On it!" I scrambled to load the darts into the empty chambers of the pew pew he held out to me. "Get the back of your seat down!"

The second the back of his seat hit the back seats, I climbed over, right next to the window. Almost smooth how he took both pew pews and I slipped into the driver seat.

2014 07 30 15 08 + jeep = straight at 75 km/hr.

"There's too many of them!" Bucky pointed out, dual wielding the pew pews.

"I've got an idea! Just keep them away for a bit!"

"Where are you keeping the darts?!" His hand blindly patted down my sides until they found what he was looking for. The touch kept light and gentle. "We don't have enough darts!!"

2014 07 30 15 09 + jeep = left at 50 km/hr.

Fumbling to get the battery out my phone, I shimmied out of my shorts.

"Oh no," whispered under Bucky's breath. "The formula."

"Oh shit."

2014 07 30 15 10 + jeep = reverse at 35 km/hr.

"I think I'm going to throw –" His words disappeared into his dry heaving.

A glance in the rearview mirror told me why. He must have tried to punch one of the wind scorpion with his cybernetic and the arm sunk into it. He was half covered in goop.

Didn't help that the jeep going in reserve was splattering more of them.

I reached behind to give his back a comforting pat only to have him almost violently flinch away. "Sorry."

"I'm fine," he said. A tad too green in the face.

'Time to end this.'

Twisting the wrapped up battery between my hands, I threw the bundle into the moving mass of hair lumps.

Fire engulfed the fabric. The flames spread onto a wind scorpion. It let loose a high pitched screech, legs twitching violently. The fire spread as fast as they moved, jumping from one to the next. Lit up the tunnel behind us with thrashing bodies.

As glad as I was that they weren't coming after us... it's still utterly unsettling.

I could only hope that Eve had the sense to fade to white for Bucky far before she did for me.

"This lasted less than seven minutes. Mr. Barnes knows how to shoot, and Val knows how to use the formula. Switching defeats the whole purpose of this game."

"What did you light on fire?" Bucky asked, ignoring Eve as we sat on our asses in a room of pure white.

"My shorts?" I said, watching as those blue eyes went to the ceiling. "Liquid lithium batteries are finicky."

His shoulders sagged with a sigh. He looked exhausted, but not completely horrified. His face wasn't drained of blood, nor were his eyes super wide or blank. So either Eve spared him of her rendering of burning monsters or he was numb to that sight.

"...How many explosives do you have on you?" he asked, head tilting far too much for that question. Just stared like I had a few extra legs.

'What the hell is Eve rending for pants?'

Could have given me an ass's ass for all I knew.

"A lot?" I replied. "All the others will have Eve whining about it being expensive. Like the revolvers or bracelets, which I don't feel like removing another G.P.S. chip...."

"I do not whine."




Author's Note:

If you enjoyed this part, please consider leaving a vote. They're very much appreciated. ^^

And a big thank you to TinselA/Bunny Carrot ( and the Anonymous Fifth Beta for Beta-ing this chapter.

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