Chapter 33: Valeriy Ayers - Shorts (Part VI)

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"...How many explosives do you have on you?" he asked, head tilting far too much for that question. Just stared like I had a few extra legs.

'What the hell is Eve rending for pants?'

Could have given me an ass's ass for all I knew.

"A lot?" I replied. "All the others will have Eve whining about it being expensive. Like the revolvers or bracelets, which I don't feel like removing another G.P.S. chip...."

"I do not whine."

Ignoring Eve, I asked Bucky, "How about we take a mental break?"

"Sure." A smile just barely tugged on the corners of his lips.

When he stood up and stretched, a pang of jealousy filled me. I missed being able to stretch and having it feel good. I missed it so much.

Then again, watching him stretch. That's a thing. Pretty lines and muscles. Even a satisfied sound escaped his chest. I could watch him do that all day.

'Time to introduce him to yoga or something.' Preferably something with pretty lines and movement.

"I'll go grab some pants for you," he said after a pause of staring at whatever was happening below my T-shirt.

"I can find pants later. Eve, mind making us some old ass ship simulation game thing?"

"Eve, render us an Eldritch horror game without giving her any idea what type you're looking for."

"That was so much f–"

"Eve, render us an accurate real time neural map of Val's brain activity without giving her sensors or access to said brain."

"Oh yeah, still had to use the –"

"Eve, render us this thing. Eve, render us that game."

'She is on an absolute salt train. Guess no old ass ship today....'

"Eve wonders what kind of ship is an old ass ship!"

"Pirates of the Caribbean kind of old ass ship?"

"Galleon. They're called galleons."

'Galleon.' I could probably remember it for a day before asking again tomorrow. 'Galleon.' Probably.

"...Give me five minutes. And I get to use you two as dress up dolls."


Eve's change of mind may or may not have had something to do with whatever's happening with Bucky's face.

His brow quirked up my way in question. Then his eyes practically sparkled. Then he was chewing away his lip, brows furrowed together in deep confusion. By the time Eve finished talking, his face had drained of blood. Eyes all wide. Smile long gone.

"Worse comes to worst you get stuck in a corset dress or something. Like Lizzie from the movie last night," I offered for comfort, which didn't go at all to plan.

Brows furrowed and bottom lip swollen, Bucky asked, "Elizabeth Swann?"

"Yup. Whatever you end up in, you'll look great. Eve sees no point in making ugly things unless she's sticking to realism or trying to unsettle people. Like with the zombies and those big bug things."

"I... I don't want to wear that suit again. I don't like feeling nothing but pressure," Bucky mumbled. Eyes to the floor, a sock covered foot toeing at it.

I reached up, wiggling my fingers at him. A few ticks of the second hand later, he took the two steps to me, tangling our fingers of one hand together. He straight up hid his cybernetic behind him.

"I can't say you'll never wear one again," I started, tightening my hold on his fingers just a smidgen. "But I'll make sure it's a last resort, 'kay?"

He gave a tiny nod, looking pretty damn defeated at the idea. As if it was only a matter of time before I would definitely be stuffing him back into the suit.

'Time to put together a team to create an alternative. Maybe a full body octopus skin thingy. With an internal feedback something or something....'

"I'm not planning to change your sex, Mr. Barnes. Though if I do, it would be nothing like the suit. The whole point of the Game Floor is to experience. It won't be much different from when you were a giant. You'll feel everything, but everything is rather different."

As much as the nanites of the Game Floor were an obvious solution to the fat suit, giving Eve that much freedom with them.... Even I wouldn't be that dumb, and convincing Gramps would be outing that Bucky's alive, which was just a big nope. Not going to deal with that mess.

"Am I making a crew to order around? Or am I the ship?"

"How's your sailing knowledge?" I asked Bucky.

"...I think I can drive a speedboat? Is there one that's black and... squishy? Or one that's like a motorcycle? But without the wheels...."

"Squishy is probably a Zodiac? And the last thing is a Jet Ski."

'And that's a no on sailing an old ass ship.'

"Eve, best you handle all the things and let Bucky do the wheel turning stuff."

"Sure thing. Wheel turning stuff. Sure. Alright..." emotion completely lacking in her voice. "And the water? How realistic do you want that?"

I eyed the still rather confused and lost Bucky. Coldness was out of the question. "We stay dry but maybe some fresh water mist for the splashing."

"Why not make it more difficult on me?" sarcasm dripping off every word.

At the lightest shift against my fingers that could almost be a squeeze, my eyes focused on Bucky's. "Hmm?"

"Are you...?"

"Am I?"

"Are you going to be swinging on the ropes? Like how Jack Sparrow did in the picture."

As tempting as that was.

"...You worry too much. But I'll save it for another time," I grumbled, pouting at the fact that I couldn't move freely.

"Galleon's near ready. Now arms up, you two. Dress up time," her voice going from deadpanned to far too much excitement. An eerie amount.

The eeriness wasn't helped at all by Bucky doing exactly as told as if he were a kid with a bazooka aimed at his face. Eyes wide. Muscles tense. Arms straight up.

"Wha – wait! My pants!!!" Bucky screamed, fading off from my perception except for his voice. "Val!?! Don't look!!!"

"I can't see you, and I sure as hell hope, I'm not being changed in front of you," I said as my arms were forced up from Eve yanking my shirt off. Winced from the tug on my flesh against the needles holding my bones in place.

"You're staring right at me!"

"That's not me. It's all white here. I swear I'm not watching you."

"I'll avert her eyes. There. Happy? I figured you wouldn't like being left alone on the Game Floor with me."

This was far from the first time Eve used me as a doll, but I still had that shiver go down up my spine. No matter what kind of material was rendered, I couldn't get used to the way the fabric was weaved right over my skin. Part of me wanted to move away as the fit tighten and loosen in places I would rarely let anyone touch.

'YAY!!! Pirate clothing!!!'

No floofy dress that weighed more than a fucking bowling ball.




Author's Note:

If you enjoyed this part, please consider leaving a vote. They're very much appreciated. ^^

And a big thank you to TinselA/Bunny Carrot ( and the Anonymous Fifth Beta for Beta-ing this chapter.

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