Two friends and two dates

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Violet POV

At dinner, I ended up sitting with a SlushWing named Current, a dragonet from my group. He was pretty chill, and was actually a prince. Like, you would have never guessed he was of royalty from the way he ate his fish. So strange.

Down the table from us was a pair of FireflyWings (Hive/Sky), both with these beautiful flower-shaped, golden honey coloured patches along their necks. I assumed they were related, maybe cousins or sisters. Or FireflyWings just all had the same patterns. Either way, it was so beautiful. I envied them.

Current and I talked about everything, from our old friends back home to our favourite type of snow. You'd be surprised how many stages snow goes through before melting. We ended on the fluffy snow under the sun that compresses under your talons and is perfect to make a snow dragon with.

And all the while, I couldn't help staring into his eyes. His beautiful, blue-grey eyes. They would seem boring to anyone passing by, but when you look closer, you could see every silver fleck of colour, every spot where the blue shifts into a stunning green, like frosted grass. Sometimes I would get too invested in those perfect eyes and he would catch me staring. He'd wave a hand in front of my face and I would jolt back to reality, blushing furious.

And sometimes he would do the same, staring into my eyes while in another dimension. It was very adorable, and I almost didn't wake him up. He was too cute.

After dinner, he asked me to meet him outside the sleeping room thing at midnight. A little sceptical but trusting, I agreed. He smiled and said, "See you then. And be a little quiet, I don't want the whole room waking up." I grinned at this and nodded as we parted.

I didn't know where I was going after that. I glanced around at the dragonets around me, desperate to find a new familiar face, before remembering I didn't know anyone other than Current. Sighing, I fought the crowd and ended up in a deserted hallway. It was dark and eery, and I swear the lights were flickering.

"What are you doing here?"

I jumped at the voice. It was feminine but kind of angry and growling. "I- I'm sorry, I'll go," I murmured nervously, heart racing. I glanced around, looking for the source of the voice.

"No, don't go please. I don't have any other friends," the voice begged. I felt a bit of pity.

"Alright. Where are you, by the way?" I called out. She stepped out of the other end of the hall from a doorway. She waved sheepishly. "Right here. I'm Pepper, by the way. You?" She asked.

"I'm uh, Violet," I replied, looking at her scales. She was the oddest looking dragon I'd ever seen; her scales were a greyish white that were speckled with black specks. She had several scars along her snout, back legs, and belly. On her head were two light purple antennas. She had icy, sharp looking horns that spiked down her neck closely, and also covered her tail. On her head was a beautiful white rose crown that matched her light purple eyes. She was beautiful and had no discernible type of hybrid.

"Oh, right, I'm a tribrid. I'm part IceWing, NightWing and SilkWing. Can't really tell about the SilkWing part other than the antennas, but I'll show you," she offered. She lifted her left arm and twisted it so you could see the other side. There was a large, odd splotch of yellow and purple colour, like watercolours. It looked so out of place, yet so cool.

"That's so pretty! I love your crown, by the way haha," I gushed. She blushed, embarrassed. "Thanks. I like your violet on your ear, it looks so cute," she replied, pointing at my flower that my parents had tucked on top of my ear this morning. I giggled.

"Thanks. You're really nice," I smiled. She smiled back. "You are too. We should hang out sometime! I hear they're giving us a free day tomorrow, we could do something," she suggested eagerly. I nodded happily. "That sounds great! Here, let's go walk around," I said, and we began to walk back down the hall.

"So what were you doing down this hall?" I inquired, tilting my head to the side. She grimaced. "Oh shoot," she muttered, "I was supposed to meet my brother Frost down there. Crap, we gotta go back!" She declared, turning around and jumping into the air, to fly over the crowd. I immediately did the same, and we soared effortlessly over the crowd.

Once we landed in the entrance, I heard a loud shout. Down the eerie hall was a white dragonet with black flecks slightly larger than Pepper's dotting his scales. He wore large golden earrings and a simple metal necklace with a locket at the end. "Pepper! My moons, I was worried. Who's this?" He gestured to me.

"Sorry, I got distracted. This is Violet, my friend," she replied. I smiled. I had a friend. "Nice to meet you! You're Frost right?" I asked. He nodded. An awkward silence filled the hall, interrupted by the chatter outside. "Well, we should probably go. It's getting late," Pepper offered, turning around. I followed, Frost close behind. We exited the hall and parted at the end. "Meet you here, after breakfast tomorrow?" I asked Pepper before she took off. She grinned. "Perfect. See you!" I waved goodbye as she flew off.

I stood up and sighed sadly. Dragons were beginning to head back to their rooms, so I figured I'd do the same. A little lonely, I flew up in search of my room. The only thing that made me happy was knowing I'd made two friend and I'd see one in less than three hours.

A/n sorry I haven't been updating, I haven't had much inspiration lately and I'm swamped with homework, which sucks. I'll try to get more chapters up nowadays!

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