The Chronicles of Riddick: Reborn Part 1

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A/N: A chapter to go over Pitch Black's sequel.

Ever since Pitch Black was made and released in theaters, it hit the world like a storm (somewhat). It hit all kinds of dvd and home video sales, made a cult following and everyone (at least a lot of people), knows about our favorite criminal/killer badass Riddick!

The franchise was at its peak when the video game "Butcher Bay" was made as well as a short movie called "Dark Fury." But then......
That was when everything gone to trash as a huge miss, but the franchise managed to stay alive thanks to none other than Vin Diesel and his badass performance.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I honestly have no idea why everyone is well aware of Riddick, but just keeps coming at him and causing hundreds of mercs/other villains to pile up. But I guess the money and pride is too powerful for them to resist with actual logic and BACK AWAY from the one Dude you would never want to f*ck with.

Anyway, the franchise is one of the most unique and interesting ones out there. It's already set up as a sci-fi universe with advanced civilizations and space adventures, but it's only explored through the worst of us and in the world of survival/criminals/bounty hunters. But mostly Riddick.

The franchise was also extremely hyped up ounce. In Butcher Bay, there were several cutscenes with Riddick being given visions of his past and future conflict with the Necromongers as well as "Dark Fury" being entirely made to set up a little bit of backstory before the sequel.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(I couldn't find the clips, but in Dark Fury, there was a Mercenary character who was introduced as Toombs who woke up and basically vowed to hunt him down in the end, which obviously gave out more hype for this Johns knockoff to have a more vital role in the sequel)

My point is, there was so much hype at that time, that everyone believed the movie would be the franchise's very peak. Something that was very rare like Terminator 2, Aliens, and The Empire Strikes Back when better than the first movies while common franchises only have the first movie at its peak.

So what the hell happened when the sequel BOMBED compared to the other two movies and video games? Was it overhyped and everyone got sensitive when they got disappointed?

Did it have too much attention on Riddick and gave away all his backstory instead of leaving behind the mystery that defined his character as an interesting space criminal/survivor with primal instincts? Or..... Was it the opposite? Did it have too much lack of attention on him?

Who knows? You can watch the movie yourself to find out, but for me. I will fix what went wrong with the movie and create a Reborn version to restore what could've been, the very peak of the franchise.

In this movie, it will obviously be Rated R. As every other installment (both game and movie) were Rated R while this movie was PG-13 for some reason. Not only to show respect for what the movie was going for with mature audiences and the aspects of how this franchise seems relatable to realistic criminals/Mercs/cops in space, but because the movie deserves better than a p*ssy rating.

Anyway, the movie begins without the reveal of the Necromongers. Toombs and his crew come to an icy planet in order to capture Riddick, who has been in hiding from mercs for five years after the events of the first film and Dark Fury. With his survival instincts and multitude of skills, he kills the entire crew and interrogated Toombs before ditching him on the frozen planet for dead.

(There's no armada of tall ships with three faces, nor are there Necromongers with faces seen. They only wear helmets cloaking their faces from being seen besides the helmet faces. But the fighters still do exist as do their religion to seek the Underverse and their Half-living/dead purple technology. They now are practically indestructible to most men, rather than being strong by numbers and they still have one glassed eyed soldiers who shriek and click, but neither are their faces ever seen behind the purple glass)
Meanwhile, a city is under attack on a random planet by an armada of black ships swiftly flying from a massive thunderstorm cloud, in the perspective of an innocent woman where a government is easily destroyed, the citizens taken by black armored ghostly knights or killed violently, and she attempted to escape before getting caught with a knight's blade slicing her head clean off. And right after that, her head would be seen on top of a pike with other severed heads on pikes in the city in ruins. With the ships returning into the clouds and the thunderstorms departing into the atmosphere.

Back to Riddick, he heads to Helion Prime where the bounty originated and eventually finds Abu al-Walid, an Imam who he escaped with in the first film and revealed that he gave the mercs his location in order to lure him to this planet (much to his displeasure at betraying his trust). Of course, Riddick doesn't kill him and decided to listen to him since he came all this way for at least something to get in return. With the Imam revealing that Jack has long left to find Riddick and is currently imprisoned on a harsh subterranean prison moon, much to Riddick's disappointment of Imam failing to watch her. While Imam also explains rumors and legends of a race of religious fanatics called the Necromongers, who seek nothing more than to destroy or convert all of civilized life to their religion of death and conquer the universe to bring about an Era of Eternal Damnation.

They hunt worlds when no one expects them and destroy civilizations with no mercy, they steal hundreds of helpless people into their ships and always come or leave in the form of pure light like an Angel of Death. Only to descend into the skies of their prey's planet in the form of darkness.

(There's no Arabic people, no Elemental and no existence of Furyans since its better to make Riddick more unique as a man with Humanity's primal instincts)
The Imam wishes for Riddick to save his family and home from the talons of said unstoppable force as well as all planets that may fall if Helion Prime falls, having just as much faith that he will put an end to them as his own religion. But the criminal denies this, saying he only kills people and is a survivor, not a hero or knight in shining armor. That was at least until the Necromongers arrived in the form of large thunderstorms.

As fighter ships come out of the dark clouds, Riddick decided to at least help Abu al-Walid escape the capital with his family before the Necromongers take it over in one night. The planet's government and military tries to fight back, even call for help by sending distress signals. But no one came due to a strange interference in their communications link, shortly before their tower is destroyed by a powerful laser shot from within the clouds.

And as done in the original movie, Riddick fights off some Necromongers, managing to kill them and the security forces while helping the Imam and his family escape. The only thing that's different is that the Necromongers don't speak and they barely do anything but fight or get killed while Riddick would find one of the Necromongers' faces revealed after getting killed with their helmet destroyed. Eventually, Riddick finds Imam murdered on the ground and ultimately decides to take on the entire Necromonger Army, since killing a grunt would not stop them from their crusade of death and madness.

He first starts with taking Imam's necklace and wears it as a way of remembering him. He then leads his family into a cruiser ship where the remaining citizens of Helion Prime are being evacuated, and departs after the little girl asks if he will fight the new monsters and says after saying, "Not before I tell them goodnight."

He goes back deep into the capital and plans to hijack one of the fighter ships to infiltrate what he could tell was a mothership cloaking itself by using weather devices to conceal it within massive thunderstorms. By hiding in the dark and using his night vision, he sneaks inside without being detected. Taking out several soldiers with ease and was about to take out the third soldier guarding a fighter ship. Until a mysterious rocket blows it up and the soldier while Riddick gets shocked by a plasma blast after attempting to escape. Of course, the identity was revealed by a cloaked figure coming out of the dark and takes off his hood to reveal himself as Toombs. Who used a tracking device in his brain to be picked up by more mercs and hired himself another crew.

Without any resistance, Riddick allows them to capture him and take him up the same ship, he stole in which was found with a tracking device. They take him to the prison planet, Crematoria where he place him in a prison for an hour so Toombs and his crew can make a deal for their pay with the prison guards. Of course, escaping a prison like this was nothing new for Riddick and he spends most of his time exploring, planning until he encounters Jack, who grew up and is now like him. (Except she's trying too hard). Riddick, of course, gets p*ssed at her for doing exactly opposite to what he told her to do and the two eventually reconcile when she admits her problems.

Toombs and the mercs get greedy when they demand more money, but eventually manage to make a deal with them until one of the guards shoot a merc dead after finding out they captured Riddick. (A man they call, a "bad luck charm").
They duke off into a gunfight, the guards end up winning and storm off while closing the prison behind them with their money before they believe Riddick could get to them. While the guards are fighting each other for freedom, Riddick finds Toombs hiding and told him he should've ghosted him while he had the chance. Before throwing him to be fed alive by the two Hell Hounds. (Who have snake eyes instead of silver eyes)

He leads Jack out of the prison like in the original, but without the whole Sun burning the surface of the planet thing. (Because then it's just Pitch Black, but reverse and feels.... stupid)
When the guards make it to Toombs' ship and were about to get in, the lights go out and the last voice they hear was, "You're not afraid of the Dark, are you?"
They shoot all over the place, meanwhile, the perspective is mostly in Riddick's silver eyes as he slaughtered each one and uses the darkness to his advantage. Ounce he finishes them off and turns the lights back on with the doors opening, Jack still gets a little fussy over not finding anyone who can get her those kind of eyes, but Riddick claims it's better if she doesn't waste their time in looking for them anyway.

They soon leave the planet and head back to Helion Prime, while the reborn movie switches to the Necromongers where a group of military leaders (still wearing helmets) are reporting the statistics and events that occurred on Helion Prime. Their leader, the Lord Marshal (still no face revealed beneath his Tri faced helmet) comes off his throne and explains that if all life on the planet will not join their religion, then they will destroy it like all other planets and opposing life until Underverse come. This prompts the military leaders to order the planet's destruction and they go into orbit as Necromongers set off their most powerful weapon, the World-Ender Cannon (Cannon with multiple faces on the sides) to burn the entire planet's surface to a crisp, wiping out everything that was ounce on the very planet.

Riddick and Jack soon make it to the Helion System and find Prime to be completely burned, all remaining signs of life gone with Jack feeling a bit guilty for leaving Imam on that planet. Riddick says nothing and glanced at the shark took necklace he's wearing, then he turns the ship to his right and heads off to Helion Two. Having remembered that if Helion Prime falls, so will all the other planets in the Helion System.

They soon make it to Helion Two where a rogue comet arrived in the planet's orbit and soon changes into a massive black silhouette entering the planet, revealing what Imam meant by arriving or leaving in the form of light before descending in the form of darkness, which the ship showed lightning sparks around to cause the atmospheric sky to stir a massive storm around it to keep itself cloaked. Riddick flies right in behind, using a drone inside the ship as a decoy to pass through the clouds while the decoy gets destroyed by a drone flying swiftly out of the storm to blow it up to oblivion with several purple lasers.

Jack, of course, would feel a bit nervous and ask, "What happens when we get inside their ship? If there even is a ship inside the storm."
Riddick would be paging attention to the storms and shifted his goggles before placing his hand on the lever. "Hold your breath." He would reply and push the lever straight forward, jettisoning the ship at full speed through the atmosphere and into the storm.

(To be Continued....)

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