Chapter Five

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Several sleepless night,coming back home tired and hungry,and dozing of while reading and finally it is the end of exams.

"Yay" I scream out. "I'm so happy that finally we are done with exams" I say to Emily.

We were all gathered at my house."Yeah. I'm so glad we are done with hell aka exams.moreover you are not suppose to be excited we are done remember,you are like the most intelligent person I know." She says smiling at me.

I laugh at her discomfort towards exams.

"Oh,so we were writing exams?" Alex asks stupidly.

"Noo we were just creating each of our scavenger hunt list"Emily says sarcastically.

"Yes have,we were doing a list" I back Em up.

We look at each other and burst out laughing, Alex gives us "the look" and then quickly changed the topic.

"You guys remember how Em was going crazy last week at my place".Alex says laughing.

I cringe at the memory of the time we went to Alex house.

It was a lovely evening and we headed to Alex's house for the sleepover. Me and Em enter the house. Alex's house is a moderately sized house with the entrance surrounded with beautiful flowers I'm sure Alex's mom planted Alex's mom is a beautiful woman obsessed with flowers and anything nature. We park in the parking lot and get down from Emily's car. We walk to the front door and are welcomed by a man in his early 40's who leads us to Alex's room which we already know.

"Hey guys" he greets as we enter the door. "Welcome to my room".

I look into the room and it is the usual way.clothes scattered everywhere,different pairs of shoes on the ground,bed unmade etc.
Em cringed beside me,psst, she doesn't like scattered places they give her panic attacks.

"Why don't we go somewhere else instead?" I say smiling while giving him a death glare.

Alex lead us to the living room and we settle and start watching "Descendants" against his will.

1 hour later
We were all tipsy a bit and Em was drunk and wasted with Alex and Em dancing together,Grinding against each other. Alex had the idea of bringing vodka while we drank and got wasted.

Thankfully, Alex's parents were not home to see the state we were in.

Em was the worst,we played truth or dare and I dared her to take ten shots of vodka which she foolishly did .

"Hey Eleana,earth to El" Alex was snapping his hands in front of my face.

"Yeah?" I answer

"Your mom just called us,it's lunch time."

Me,Em and Alex walk to the dining table to eat.

After lunch,Em and Alex go back to their houses and I go to my part time job.

NEWSFLASH-I was fired from my job at the supermarket.

Well,turns out the man I spoke to rudely is a billionaire or something and got me fired but no worries I have four more jobs.

I arrive at the salon where I work as the hair stylist. I think I know how to do my job well.

"Hey darling" my coworker greets,he is also a pretty good hair stylist and make up artist.

"Hello" l answer." any thing I can help with?"

"Yes" he says."There are some high school girls.

"Okay" I say.

After about an hour I'm still on the second girl. They fucking don't even know what they want. I did the first ones hair with four different styles. I felt like chopping her head off with a scissors.

Just then Natalia barges through the door looking terrified.

"El!!,El!!, something is wrong with mom" she says with tears in her eyes.

I feel all the colour drain out of my face and I feel like all the oxygen is being sucked out of the room. I begin to panic as I literally zoom out of the salon with Nat got on my heals.

"Nat try to get us a taxi while I go fetch mom" I say as we reach the house.Nat nods and I enter the house. I see mom lying on the floor unconscious.

I begin to cry as I try to carry her. I barely am able to but I carry her out of the room, I see Nat and the taxi and we quickly enter.

"HOSPITAL!!!!!!" I shout at the driver

Hiiiiii my wonderful readers. Sorry for not updating for a long time poses forgive me.
XOXOXO I love you guysssssssss

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