Chapter Six

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The words that broke me.

     "Your mom needs surgery and we need two million for the surgery" the doctor said."And we need the surgery done quickly.I feel ultimately broken and I just begin crying. Where in the world would I get two million dollars from?

  I don't even know where to start from.Life, when better to throw in this problem than now?

After crying for about an hour I get up and go.

   I board a taxi and after some minutes we arrive at the place, I pay the driver and then I see the name of the place written in bold letters in the gate STONES PUBLISHING COMPANY.
I enter the building and I spot the main door, I enter and see a woman behind a counter.

   "Hey" i greet her with a weak smile.

    "Please I would like to see Mr Curie"

  "Do you have an appointment?" She asks.

  "No,I don't but it's an emergency,  you see I'm the daughter of the lady who works for him and she's sick and in need of surg..............

   "You still can't see him without an appointment " she interrupts me.

  "Yeah,I know but it's an Em...."

     "  You still can't meet him" she says slightly annoyed.

  "Ok,why don't you call him and ask him, just tell him I'm the daughter of Mrs Smith "

  "Ok but if he refuses to see you, you leave immediately okay?"

  "Ok"I say.

  I stand there as she calls him and I can't hear the conversation between them. After awhile she comes back with a smile.

  "He doesn't wish to see you" she said simply.

      I look around a bit and spot the elevator. I then did the only possible thing right now.

  I ran and the woman called the guard to follow me but there were too late, I was already in.

  I pressed 3 on the elevator controls because that is the floor his office is in.

I reach the floor and the elevators slowly open. I run to his office and I spot the guards hot on my heals.  I reach the door and knock in the door just then two guards grab me forcefully.

"Hey release me!!!!!" I shout attracting some people's attention.

   "No,keep quiet or else I'm gonna beat you to a pulp" he says with a scowl.

  "Please,please, please release me ,I need to speak to him, please just a minute" I begin to shout again with my voice slightly cracking.I begin screaming and shouting until almost everyone is gathered around while that dragged me to the elevators.
Just then, Mr Curie opens his office and comes out.

     "What is going on here" he said

  "Please I need to speak to you." I say with my strength slowly dissipating.

   "Guards release her,now what do you want?" He says with a scowl
The guards release me and I slowly move towards him.

"Out here?" I ask looking out the crowds gathered.

   "Yeah,there a problem?" He asks

    "No "I Mutter. "The thing is I'm the daughter of Mrs Smith and she is in need of immediate surgery and I was wondering of you could please give her an early pay this month,please ?" I say with the last strength in me.

He looks at me blankly for some seconds.

   "No" he says simply

   "Please you know it's an Em...."

  "Hey shut up,I don't care if it's an emergency or not or anything..."he was saying and I see the crowds moving for one single,handsome,tall,powerful stranger I shift my gaze back to Mr Curie.

"What is going on here" the stranger asks nonchalantly I am confused by everything and suddenly I feel pissed off by everyone and everything and most of all by the question asked.

"You know what,fuck you" I said to the man.

"Fuck everyone and everything around here , you guys are all evil,you don't fucking care about anyone except yourselves . Thats how you rich people are,all you care about is yourself and you family, you don't fucking wanna help anyone in need and I'm tired of it all so GO TO HELL"
I said out loud. I dont even realise I'm crying until I finish.



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