C H A P T E R 40

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Hey! I am extremely sorry for the blunder I made a couple of days ago. I was writing this chapter and it was only half done when my chubby thumb decided to push 'Publish'. Sorry again. And here's the chapter!


"Wow." I muttered as my eyes scanned the room. I was standing in my room, well, my room just for few days but still I was in my own fucking room which was no less than a princess room! I eyed the queen sized round bed covered with purple silk sheets, complimenting the violet walls. There were two white couches with a white round table in one corner. The whole room was simple yet classy.

"You liked it?" Regina asked placing her hand on my shoulder and snapping me out of my small reverie.

"Yeah. I loved it, thanks." I said running towards the comfy bed and with one long jump I landed on the bed.

"This is fucking cloud!" I exclaimed thumping arms above my head on bed while Regina just chuckled.

"I'll see you at dinner okay? In an hour." She said and left the room leaving me all alone in my own little Elysium. I closed my eyes for a second. I feel a little gratified by my workplace because I've been given off for a week. I don't think Alarick did it because he doesn't want to face me as the off was given to whole designing department. It was was a relief for me because I wanted to give my mind and myself a little break and I knew that seeing Alarick wasn't going to help at all.

I stared outside the window at the dark sky devoid of any sparkle, any star. I frowned when I realized how much I resemble to this gloominess. My soul was as dark as the night sky, devoid of any sparkle, any hope. But sometimes you adapt to your surroundings. You learn to live life, how it is being presented to you. You learn to take all the sorrows and then bandage yourself. You learn to accept that there's no one but you and your closed ones. And when you learn, you live.

I got up when I heard my phone ringing with 'All we know' booming around the room. I cringed when I read the name out loud, "Three dots."


I picked the call.

"Yes?" My voice came out stern.


"Mr. Knight? Is everthing alright? You called me at this hour even though it's my off?" I composed myself. I can't let him win again. He should suffer too. He should know the pain. I can't let him jump back into my life whenever he desires. I am neither his toy nor his slave.

"Stop it, Amelia." He sounded irritated, "I want to talk."

"There's nothing left to talk about! Why don't you understand?!" I clutched the phone tighter because I was already losing myself.

Losing myself to him.

"Please, I am begging you. Just once listen to me. Please." He pleaded but that won't make me change my decision. I remembered reading about him in one of those stupid articles, that he never apologizes, he never pleads. He gets things his way, and now here he was. He was doing this for me. For me. At one point, I was going to give up but then I remembered how he broke all his promises. How he made me the happiest person in this world and the next moment took everything from me. I can't let him in. That would be so pathetic of me. What does he wants to explain? That he was drunk and accidently banged some chick. Got her pregnant and is forced to keep her? And when the baby is born he will leave her for me? How will I live then? With such a burden? Letting him go is only fair.

And logical.

"No. I don't want to listen. Please don't call me again. Ever." A part of me wants to listen. A part of me is shouting at me not to be stupid enough to leave him without listening but that's the thing I've always done, I've always listened. It's not him. It's always me who goes back again and again. Now is not my turn. It's his. He has to come back. Come back to me. Make me trust him again. He broke me, now he has to fix me.

"That baby isn-" And then I hung up. I couldn't hear anymore.

I threw the phone on bed and made my way downstairs, leaving everything behind for a second.


(Two days later)

I squinted at Madeleine when she frowned at the sight of peas but quickly composed herself feeling my stare.

"Regi, can you please uhmm skip peas. I am not very hungry." She murmured and Regina chuckled. It was routine. Asher loved peas and it was included in every meal. Although, I didn't dislike peas but right now after eating them three times for past three days was making me cringe a little on its sight.

"Sure. You can eat what you want." She tapped on her shoulder.

"So you are taking the leave, right?" I nodded at Asher who happened to arrive a few minutes ago.

"I met your boss a few days ago." Asher said taking a bite of his food.

"Of course." Regina rolled her eyes, "Sometimes I think its him who's your wife and not me."

Asher chuckled, "He's just my friend. How could you feel jealous from him?"

"I am not jealous! I just feel like you both spend a lot and I mean a real lot of time together." She scrunched her nose up.

He shook his head humorously, plopping another bite in his mouth. He stared at Regina and she stared back smiling a little. They were so in love. I sometimes feel jealous. "Anyways, Amelia he was asking about you." I stiffened at his words. He didn't tell him anything, did he?
It's been two days since our talk.

"W-why?" I asked stuffing my mouth with rice. Of course make me feel nervous and then place food in front of me! Disaster. I can't stop my hand nor my mouth in such a situation!

And here I was, still stuffing my already stuffed mouth with mashed potatoes. Woah potatoes are heaven. I mean how can be something so perfect? Potatoes are amazeballs, no matter in which state they're. Mashed potatoes...potatoes in gravy...baked potatoes...Fries...Garlic mayo fries...cheese fries...Masala fries...

"He's not wrong." Asher said breaking my chain of amazing and mouthwatering thoughts, and stood up finishing his last bite. I frowned. He knows.

"What are you talking about? Who's not wrong?" Regina asked while I was sitting in my place with my mouth stuffed with food and another spoon full of heaven still ready to go in my mouth.

"Nothing, babe. I'll go check on Liam. Come on, Made." He kissed on her cheek and giving me a small smile, walked away with Mady behind him.

When finally I was done eating and embarrassing myself, I got up. I was walking towards the staircase when I heard the door knock.

Ughh when are they going to put up a doorbell?!

"Amelia, please take the door!" Regina called out from kitchen and I ran towards the door before the person break their knuckles.

"Hel-" My words lost at the sight. This was the least expected person here. Least expected person in the least expected condition.

There stand my father. A person who made my life, living hell. A person who took my innocence. A person who took my mother, my world from me.

"Amelia, dear." He breathed out.

"What are you doing here?" I managed to sort my words out.

"I want to talk to you. Please listen to me." He pleaded but all I could see in his eyes was a lie. I couldn't see anything else even if I wanted to. My grip on the door hardened.

"Who's i-" I heard Regina from behind and turned to see her. Her face was as pale as mine.

"What are you doing, Amelia?!" She walked towards us, "Asher!" She called out and in no time he was there, anger written all over his face.

"What the hell! Who the fuck let him in?" Asher's voice boomed around the house but before he could do anything else. I stopped him. I didn't know what came into my mind. Maybe I wanted to hear the reasons. The reason of him being such a father and a killer husband. What he did in past was unforgivable and I wasn't going to forgive him either but still I wanted to hear.

"Let him in. Please, I want to know what he wants. What he wants to leave me and Madeleine alone. Please." I said clutching Asher's arm. He was still eyeing him. He hesitated a bit but nodded when realized what I was saying.

"You have five minutes." Asher said pointing at him, "Five minutes. Say whatever you want." He crossed his arms over his chest and continued glaring at him.

"I've changed. I am no more a sadistic dog. I want to ask for your forgiveness. You both are my family. I know I have lost the right to claim you as my daughters after what I did in past but still I want to protect you-"

"Protect? You want to protect us? That's bullshit." Regina spat.

"That's not a way to talk to your dad." He said. He looked malnourished and weak like he would collapse in no time. His jeans were ripped and dirty. The buttons of his shirt were missing and it seemed as if he hadn't washed his face in years. His once green eyes were pale and his hair were even whiter.

"That's the only way!" She gritted through her teeth. In the meantime, Asher was by her side clutching her arms and pulling her into his chest.

"I don't have much time. Amelia, Regina. I am dying. I need to tell you something important before I go. Maybe I would be able to leave this world peacefully. Maybe." He seemed lost in his thoughts, "Amelia. It's important."

I could barely nod. Asher allowed him to come inside and he took his place on the couch near heater.

"What is it? What do you mean you're dying?" My throat constricted as I took a seat opposite to him and Regina sat beside me. Her eyes fixed on him.

"When I was in cell, I was diagnosed with acute lung cancer. It has worsen with time. I don't have enough money." He said as tears strolled down his face.

"You want money?" Regina burst out and I held her hand calming her down.

"No. My disease in no more curable. I don't have many days left. After few weeks of diagnosis, a girl came to me. She bailed me out. I knew there was a reason behind all this so I went to ask her. First she denied, but at the end, she agreed. She wanted me to kill you. Amelia, she wanted me to kill you, and take Madeleine with me, so, I could do the same to her, what I did with you." His breaths were rough. It was visible how bad his health was, "I couldn't do it to her. Now, when I am so close to death, I've realized what wrong I have done. I can't make it right, now. But I thought, maybe telling you all about this would relieve me a little. You don't have to fear me anymore. I won't harm you anymore. I can't even walk straight!"

"Is this all? Do you think your sorry will make it all good? Do you think your apology will make us forget what you did to me, to Regina?" My own tears were now freely flowing along my already reddened cheeks.

"I know. I know I have no right to even apologize, but can I do anything else? I am trapped. Trapped in the hell made by myself. My deeds. I am burning and I can't help it." He gripped his knee.

Regina spoke up,"Right now, we can only say that its okay, but I don't know if we'll ever be able to forgive you. Maybe a year later. Or tomorrow. I don't know. We need sometime." 

"I can understand." He nodded rubbing his face with the back of his hands. I glanced at Asher who was sitting still in his place. He didn't utter a word. His hands were clasped in his lap and a frown was etched across his forehead.

"Who was that girl? Who bailed you out? Was it Phoebe?" I asked.


"Why did she want to kill me?" I asked searching his face for any lie or confusion.

"She is carrying Knight's future. A son or that's what she says." He shrugged shaking his head a little. He looked up at me, "No, it's not Alarick's. It's his brother. He died a four months ago. Phoebe was his one night stand. She lied to his mother that she's carrying a son while it's a girl. Tiana, Alarick's mother is a great woman. She would accept the baby no matter what the gender but Phoebe chose to lie. Tiana is forcing Alarick to marry Phoebe, so that they can get the boy. Tiana thinks that this baby is the only thing, his son, Andrew left for her. Alarick doesn't want to marry her because he is interested in someone else. Phoebe thinks its you. She found you a hurdle in her way and wanted you to be removed. She asked me to do the deed but I can't do this again. I can't hurt you, my daughter, any more."

His words were no less than bombs crashing down on me. Air was sucked out of my lungs and I felt a little dizzy. Guilt flushed through me. How could I do this to Alarick? How could I do this to us? He didn't lie. He never lied to me. He wanted to explain but I decided that it was not my turn to listen. That I had done enough listening. My hands were shivering. I had to go back. Go back to him. Will he ever accept me again? Even after I mistrusted him?

"I think we should tell Tiana then." Regina said rubbing my back. My words were still caught in my throat.

"It's upto you but you don't have any evidence. I know this because Phoebe was one of the girls who worked for me in the past. I just wanted to tell you this last thing. I am sorry. Sorry for what I did. I know it would be difficult for you but still I hope you will forgive me." With this he stood up stumbling a little, "You won't see me again. But before I go I want you to remember that your father changed. He came to know his results. He suffered and died. He died." With these last words he strode out of the house. Leaving us in a great big shock.






I now feel bad for Owen😔....wait...no I don't😬. He deserves this? What do you say?🤔


^Going to name that little star 'Owen'.



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