C H A P T E R 41

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Author's note at the end is IMPORTANT. Please read it :)


Façade. That's what our lives are. A beautiful, bedazzling façade that lures everyone after us. People fight. Fight to build up the best façade around them, trying their best to make people envy their veneer.

Deep down in your heart, somewhere in the dark corner, you realize how fucked up your life is. How fucked up your façade is, but you just shrug off that little realization and continue trimming your hollow veneer. And then someone run into your life, thrashing down the weak walls of your exterior that you spent your mendacious life to build up, and the worst part is, that you let them. You let them destroy you. You let them destroy you, until you are lost. And when you are lost, you find yourself.

That's what Alarick did to me. He broke, destroyed, spoiled me to the extent, that I lost myself and ultimately found me. In a world, away from right doings and wrong doings. A world where there was no pain, but peace. A world where there was me and him.

Just me and him.

I spent my full deluding twenty four years of life in this illusionary world. And what did I get? Let's go through it.

1. I lost my mother when I was a minor, and began hating her for leaving me all alone until I realized why she left.

2. After grieving for the loss of my mother, my father started beating me, drunk 'cause he couldn't get his shit together. He began gambling, drinking and using me as his way to get into the pockets of rich men. He began selling me for few dollars.

3. When I turned eighteen, I tried to get away but he began blackmailing me about my little sister, Madeleine. I kept doing those whorish acts so, I won't lose my sister too. When finally my father got prisoned for his illegal acts, I held my little sister's hand and ran away. No clothes, no money in hand. I wandered around the streets, looking for pieces of bread in the park bins.

4. When finally good days came, and I got a decent job in a cleaning staff of a mall, waitress at a night club and a papergirl in the morning, I began saving money.

5. Got an apartment, sent Madeleine to school, began tutoring little kids in home. Got enough money from the kids and left all the three previous jobs.

6. Wanted to make a career and got a job in Knight Industries.

At this time, I thought maybe I was not living a life as bad as I think. That made me happy. Maybe that turn out was going to be the sliver lining for me in the dark dense cloud.

7. Then came Alarick Noah Knight, sweeping me off my feet. One moment, I found myself thinking about choking him with fancy wires in those TV shows and the next moment found myself dreaming about him wedged between my legs kissing me possessively as there was nothing left on this fucking planet.

8. When I was all set with this man, there come a witch, Phoebe Richard, claiming my Alarick as him and the baby in her belly as his. I was no less than a lumpy jealous potato at that time. I couldn't see any other woman beside him, in his arms or anywhere near him except me. Although, he never considered me his, but I was cosidering him as mine, and that was all to make me all possessive about him.

9. I was still not over the fact that, Phoebe was carrying Alarick's baby when my father came in front of me dropping a massive hydrogen bomb on my head. All apologizing and making me feel bad to even think about killing him at the moment.

10. I finally found out how fucked up I and my life was. Alarick had done nothing wrong. I had broken his trust all because of my stupid assumptions. My father was dying and now here I was sobbing like a chubby girl standing in front of candies aisle in a lush shopping mall begging her mom to get her the big round colourful lollipop.

"You look like a red tomato. A chubby red tomato." Of course, Madeleine wasn't one of those smart ass children who comfort their elders when they're crying and say things which are way too mature to even understand for people like me.

"Made, go back to your room." I controlled my sobs and tried to glare at her. At any other circumstances, this very glare would've scurried her away but with my face red as tomato and nose running like a freaking tap, this glare was no less than stupid thing for my own self. And as I thought, Madeleine began laughing in my face. I groaned. I couldn't yell at her. Not now. So I wiped my tears off and left the room. Regina wasn't at home and nor was Asher. I simply left the house and trotted towards the backyard. I found a swing in far corner and sat my arse on it.

Tears began stinging my eyes again. I was messed up. I know, I am always saying that I am messed up but this time, I mean it. I am messed up. I can't even decide what to think about. Alarick or my father?

I know my father treated me like shit, but it's also true that he's regretting everything. His apology was true. He wasn't lying. Sometimes, people, when near death, realize their mistakes. They realize what a perfect illusion was this world. They know it has nothing to offer but temporary happiness. They know they're not going to take all that money and even happiness with them when they're being buried six feet under the ground. And then they repent. Yes, they can't go and knock on everybody's door and ask for forgiveness. They don't mostly remember who they had hurt intentionally or unintentionally but they do remember the people they hate. And those people are the only ones, whom they had hurt more than anyone.

I can't forget what my father did to me or to my mom. But I can forgive him. It may be difficult but I know someday, I will forgive him and remember my father as one dear man in my life. He was dear to me when I was younger. I could just skip the years between and remember the good times.

Or maybe that would be one way to forget his atrocious deeds.

I closed my eyes as the cool breeze kissed my face. Suddenly, I felt strong hands grip my shoulders from behind. I was going to shout and thrash around when I realized and froze. His spicy cologne lingered around me. I relaxed under his touch. Just then I felt hot breath against my neck.

"Missed me?" His voice was firm.

"Alarick." I whispered. In an instant, I was up and walking towards him. My hands went around him, hugging him tightly. This was the moment, I could say my life depended on him. It felt if I released him, I would collapse on the ground right then and there.

"Yes. Yes, I missed you." I whispered again unable to control the sobs that left my mouth. He hugged me back, crushing me into him.

"I am sorry. Sorry. I didn't trust you. I didn't listen." I croaked out. He rubbed my back. Just then I pulled back. A frown playing on my forehead.

"Aren't you mad at me?" I checked his face for any tint of annoyance or irritation. But nope, nothing, nada. He was as calm as the sky before storm.

"Yes. I am mad. Totally. Mad. At. You." He scratched his stubble which I realized was new to his face. "And right now, I want to spank the fuck outta you for being a dumb little cucciola but no, not here. Maybe we should go inside and complete the task?"

I was dumbstruck. I pulled back and stumbled a few steps.

"Who are you?" This was the dumbest thing coming out of my mouth.

"Didn't see this side? Don't worry, there's more to come, kitten." With that, he grabbed my wrist and threw me over his shoulder. I was as horrid as a deer caught in lights. First, I couldn't think of what he was doing until I heard the gates being opened.

I began thrashing.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I bellowed from behind occasionally hitting at his back which I knew, he couldn't even feel.

"Put me down! You big meaty hulk!" I heard the car door open and I was thrown inside with Alarick following me.

"What are you doing? Madeleine is alone!" I began struggling with the door but he pulled me back.

"She has been taken care of. Now its just you and me." He said in a stern voice.

"What are you? A Rutalian Mobster?" I rolled my eyes and mimicked him, "She has been taken care of!"

"Quiet." He said ignoring my protests. And I did. I didn't have a choice. I was the one who didn't trust him in first place. He had every right to be mad at me and well...spank the fuck outta me.

I crossed my arms calmly and relaxed in my seat while Alarick began talking to someone on phone. Not after few minutes, we were outside his house and few steps away from my flimsy apartment. The two beefy guards nodded at him and opened the gate.

"For the first time, I don't have to walk to your front door. You know how difficult it is to walk to reach those doors. Really. First time, when I came here, I was literally breathing like a fat dog in summer."

He ignored.

"What are we going to do?" I asked him still looking out of the window. I knew he wasn't listening.

"Fuck." I heard him mutter and quickly turned my head towards him only to realize he didn't say anything to me. He just cursed at his phone. Still, I decided to play along although, he didn't give a damn about what I was saying right now.

"Umm...how? Straight or that doggy style?" I tapped my chin pretending to be in deep thought.

"Sideways." That jolted me out of my little act. He was listening.

I grinned quickly mustering up my comeback,"That'll be fun."

The car stopped and he stepped out with me following him. He knew he didn't have to swing me over his shoulder like a little child again. He lead me inside the house to the living room. He stopped right at the bar and began making himself a drink while I sat awkwardly on the couch. God knows what was going to happen next.

"I'll just have water!" I called out because I didn't want to make it any awkward and part of me was a bit thirsty with all the crying I had done earlier.

Soon enough, Alarick came back placing a glass of water in front of me and sitting down beside me sipping whatever he made for himself.

"Amelia Primrose." He said staring at the glass and tracing the rim with his finger. He looked in deep thought and I knew he wasn't thinking anything good. That frown etched on his forehead confirmed that.

"My dad came." I said which drew his attention towards me, "He said he was dying. He has a lung cancer. He regrets everything."

"Do you forgive him?" He asked, I couldn't miss that scowl on his face clearly at the mention of my dad.

"I don't know yet. But I have no choice. Damage has been done. He can't make it right nor I can. So what will be the reason of this stupid grudge. That would bring me no good. Maybe if I forgive him, he would die peacefully. I can't let him leave this world writhing in regrets of his past."

He nodded.

"What about Phoebe?" I asked and he visibly tensed.

"I don't want to talk about her." He said gulping the contents of his glass in one go.

"Why not?" I asked turning myself towards him and resting my elbow on armrest.

"She pisses me off. Don't ruin my mood." He shrugged.

"You don't understand. We need to talk about her. You totally know how I feel towards you. I know you heard me when I comfessed my feelings to you. I am not going to back off now. I still love you with all my heart." I took a deep breath before continuing, "But I feel like a home wrecker when I am sitting here with you when she's not around. She is not here. Is she?"

"No she's not here. I don't feel anything towards her and I am not going to marry her no matter if she carries my brother's baby or not. Which she is certainly not having but-"

"She is not having his baby? Then who's the baby is? Who's the actual dad?!" I was literally confused. Please some one tell me who hooked up with this slut?!

"I am sure its not Andy's because he wasn't that type of guy. He was anti social nerd. And when he died he was a virgin as the reports said but mom don't believe it. She thinks there must be something wrong with the reports. I am currently working out on this and believe me, this is easy. The day this kid comes into this world. My brother's innocence will be proved. Thanks the tech."

"Oooh." Was all I could say. Now everything was sinking in.

"What shall I do?" I asked staring far away into the expensive Turkish carpet.

"What do you mean?" He asked now tilting his head aside to see me.

"To make you believe in me again." I whispered.

"I believe you." He said quickly and I looked at him, "I believe in you, Amelia. Whatever happened few days ago wasn't your fault nor mine. It was just misunderstandings. They happen. We can't end everything on mere misunderstandings."

Just then something clicked in my mind, "What are we?"

He stared at me for a moment.

"I don't know." He muttered, "I don't know what we are, but I know that we're something. Something good. I have spent my whole life but trust me, Rose, nothing has ever happened to me as good as this something. I can't name it because, fuck, I don't even know what it is, but I like it and I want to live it. Live it with you." He stared at me for a second and then his lips came crashing down on me.

And this was the only thing, I wanted right now.

Me and him.






Hola ppl!!!🖐🖐

I want to request you something.🙂 Please share this book as much as you can on Wattpad as well as other social media sites. If you share it on Instagram, then you can tag me. My user name is your_sassy_queen I am making a facebook account for you people. We can make a facebook group and chat about everything there! You can send me banners and covers for this book there. That will be fun, no? Do tell me if you think that'll be fun and how many of you people are on facebook?

And yes for snapchat, my username is shanza_01. I don't usually talk about Wattpad there because its sort of private account but still if you want to know more about me then add up!😃

So till then,



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