07|| "Maybe I Know Who She Is."

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Lilac Carter

With that advise of tae, we both walked upstairs to our rooms. He was standing at the door step of the room which I labelled as his. Yepp he had a room in my mansion too. Before, we used to be at each other's place soo much that we have extra pairs of cloths, and all our necessities in each other's places. That's the reason he has a room in my mansion.

He was at his door step and I was at mine. There was not a lot of distance between each other's rooms but these few steps felt alot for me today. The reason is still unknown I guess.

He waved at me with that bread-cheeky tight smile and i could see tiredness taking over his body. His eyes were drowsy. I waved back at him and saw him walking into his room. I stared his vanishing back and done... The door of his room was shut.

I glanced his closed door from mine and a deep tired sigh left a mouth. I felt all lonely even when someone was just few steps away from me.

Ignoring this, i walked into my room and plopped myself on the soft mattress of my bed. I crawled my body upwards to reach the head of my bed with a lot of pillows on it. I rested my head on one and hugged another pillow. One of the cushions were near my feet.

I closed my eyes trying to sleep. Which i couldnt. I opened my eyes and turned to check the time. 1:54 am..

What the actual freaking fuck!? It were only 2 mins of struggle!?

I again closed my eyes and tried thinking of sheeps to count them. Who the fuck says you can sleep while doing this? Cuz sleep is nowhere to be seen with this trick.

I was again and again tossing and turning to find the dearest of dears.. my sleep!!

Hey babe.. where are you my soulmate sleep..?

I groaned and sat up looking at my clock 2:04am... Woah 10 mins of struggles were more than an eternity to me.

I got down my bed with my pillow and walked out of my room like a kid going to her mom in the middle of the night. But i was going to my brother.

Standing in front of his door, i didn't even think that i would be disturbing him. I knew Tae would never scold me for disturbing his precious sleep.

I knocked on his door thrice and the door flung open with a sleepy tae opening it. "I can't shweep" i said in a baby voice while he was trying to see me. He was continuously rubbing his eyes and once he heard my problem he spread his arms out for me to hug him.

"Let's cuddle hm?" He said walking me to his bed. He layed down on the bed with me in his arms. "Happy nighty." He said and kissed my temple. I threw my hand across his torso and he had his hand on my waist. We happily got cosy in that warm bed. And this time i actually fell asleep.


"Lily..." I suddenly started hearing Tae's voice which I ignored. "Lily... Get your ass up!" I heard it again. He was removing the blanket from me which i again covered myself with. "Lily it's late! You have a company to run Ms.Boss Bitch!" He again said making me groan. Suddenly harsh rays of light stabbed my eyes for which i literally cursed Tae. I digged into the pillows for protecting myself from those killing rays.

"Ok then. I'm leaving. I have a meeting to attend." He said which made me sit up quick. "Whyyyyy??" I whined for which he walked to me and kissed my forehead. "You heard me. I have an important meeting to attend he said while i was busy adjusting my eyes to those sharp sunlight. Once I was all ok, I looked at that dashing tae in his office attire.

"Ok then... Byee" i said being all pouty and recieved another peck on my head. "Bye sissy!" He said walking out of his room leaving me all alone. I smiled to myself remembering the moments we created yesterday and today. JaeYoung is really really lucky for getting Taehyung. That's a sure thing.

I got up from the bed and walked to my own room. Tae was correct, i have a wholeass company to run. I got into the shower and got ready for my office in not less than half an hour.

Coming out of the wardrobe, I was going to walk out of my room, but the crumbled card on the table caught my eye. My legs without my permission made its way to that table and my hands grabbed that half ruined card.

My eyes glistened with some unknown feeling and the corner of my lips tunred up into a small smile. A smile which I never thought it will be for him, becuz of him.

I unzipped the small pocket on the side of my purse I was taking today and kept that card in carefully. A small smile on my lips all the time i was doing this. I don't know what is happening to me.

Skipping the breakfast like usual I walked towards my garage and randomly selected a car's key. No partiality between my babies.

I started driving and not a lot later i was infront of one of the best coffee shops. I got my iced americano and walked into the office building. Whatever that happened yesterday were repeating. Everyone were giving a way for me and I had a spot light as usual.

I took my steps to the elevator and pressed 27th floor botton which reaches my office. In the whole floor, it's only my cabin and the security rooms full of the documents of my important deal. It also had all of my data, stats and information and formulation of my products which is highly confidential. That's the reason my floor has extra security 24/7.

With a special keycard that can access my floor, i walked into the floor with guards bowing for me.

With the same keycard which only I, Tae and Emily has, i came into my room. My eyes forrowed on the fact that something was different about my room.

The spotless white table piece near the couch set was having some kind of dust on itself. The cleaners didn't come yet? I thought and slowly walked towards the table on which my precious 'Peace Lily' plant resting upon it.

The white ceramic pot of the plant was soiled making the table filthy. I placed my purse on the couch next to it and bent to the level of the table.

I ran my fingers upon the dirt and noticed the soil of the plant a bit displaced.

Something happened yesterday night.

I ran towards my desktop turning it on. "WHAT THE FREAKING FUCK!?" I screamed out when I noticed the USB-C port hanging out of my desktop.

As an response to my scream, Emily came running into my cabin. "Is something wrong ma'am?" She asked panicking seeing me like this. "Who were the guards yesterday on this floor?" I asked while she clicked a few times on her iPad.

"Ma'am, John and YeonSuk." She said trembling. All those files I had in my desktop where still in there. But... Ofc those people would have copied them. I ran to the security room to check all the files. And yep, they were in the place. I then rushed to Micheal, the person who is in charge of security cams.

"Check the security cams of yesterday night. Around 11." I ordered while he did some clicks. "Fuck" he muttered when the security cams particularly on my floor were hacked. But it only happened after I saw a figure just entering the floor and then all went blur. Maybe I know who she is.

I always knew that she was a suspicious person. Now
that I know what she did, I need a proof to
Kick her out of my office.


You can check out my youtube channel where I'm currently on hiatus.


(One of my videos, which will lead you to the channel)

Thank you for reading Mr & Mrs Ceo
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~Inha Choi (A/N)

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