Alice Meets Melody

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I've only been at Green-Heights Jr. High for a few weeks, but I feel more at home here than I ever did at the old home. Michigan is simply the best. Melody has certainly helped things. I asked for one friend, and that's the friend I got. A weird one, but in a good way. And she doesn't care that I don't talk, she talks enough for both of us. And if I really need to, there is this thing called paper and a pencil. Amazing right?

I've told Alice a few times about Melody. She was happy I made a friend and didn't really push things.


I ran into the kitchen on Friday morning. I had 10 minutes to eat before the bus came. Alice handed me three pieces of toast (with butter) and I started gulping it down.

"Kyle I was wondering, if you wanted to invite Melody over?" Alice asked looking a little worried about my reaction. I looked up surprise. Crumbs all over my face. My face in pure shock. "You know, just to be nice. Besides I want to meet her. It's not like you've made a whole ton of friends." Alice said a little faster. I shook my head and went back to my food.

I listened to music on the bus. I texted Melody asking if she wanted to come over after school.

Melody: Yeah, I asked my mom and she said yes. Can I take your bus home?

Me: yeah sure. c u at school.

I closed my phone and started up the music again. I pull up my hoodie as I walk down the bus. I go into the small school. Melody gets driven to school, so she's already opening up the lock to my locker.

I walk up to her and point at the lock confused.

"Oh, I saw you do it once. By the way. You forgot the math homework Mr. Green gave us in your locker." Melody said. My eyes winded. That means a detention. I had already not done it twice (forgotten to do it, but still), and not turning in homework on time three times means detention.

"Don't worry. I did it for you while I waited." Melody said. Never mind I love Melody knowing my locker code. I was betting my face showed how relived I was.

"Yeah I know. I'm the best." She said. At this point. Yeah she kinda is.

Classes took forever!!! Like forever!!! But they ended. The weekend was finally here and I couldn't be happier.

Melody was waited by my locker. I opened it up, grabbed my backpack and homework and went outside to the bus with Melody. I hoped in my usual seat and Melody after me. I pulled out my phone, without even realizing it. My earbuds were still tangled around it.

"You usually listen to music on the bus?" Melody asked. I shook my head yes.

"What sort of music?" She asked. I handed her one earbud, as I took the other one. I started playing my favorite play list.

"Who sings this. I like this one." Melody said after a few songs. I opened up my phone and showed her the screen.

"Luck, by American Authors. I like it." Melody said. I put my finger up, telling her to wait and switched the songs. Another one by American Authors. The song started playing. My favorite song. Melody took my phone and entered the password. She knew that one too, what password didn't she know?

"Believer." She said. "Your favorite song." How she knew I didn't really know. Maybe she could tell by the way I acted, or it was a lucky guess. But ether way she was right.

We spent the rest of the bus ride listening to American Authors. Good music I tell you. Good music.

When it was my spot I motioned for Melody to get off. I put my phone and earbuds in my pocket and hopped off the school bus after Melody. We walked down the long, dusty, dirt road. Woods covered both sides of the road.

"Do you live completely in the woods?" Melody asked. I shook my head no. Not really I guess.

"Near them?" Melody guessed. I shook my hand, kinda. I mean they're my back yard. I stared running and waved my hand for Melody to follow.

"Hey!" Melody yelled, but started running after me. I ran and ran. Melody caught up, but started running slower. She was tired, already.

"Kyle stop." She said. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me to a stop. "Next time I'm just letting you run on your own." Melody said laughing. I couldn't help laughing too. Nether of us said anything.

"Kyle? You know how you can't talk?" Melody asked. I shook my head. A question like this was bound to come up at one point. This time though, it didn't really bother me. Because I knew Melody. Knew she doesn't care that I don't talk and doesn't make a difference from it. "Is it that you don't want to or that you can't? Because like people who like can't talk, like can't make any noise ether, but you can." Melody continued. I heard up one finger. It took Melody a few tries to get what I was trying to say.

"You don't want to?" Melody asked. I shook my head. Even Alice didn't know beyond that point. "Ok." She said.

In seconds we had reached home. My wonderful home. I unlocked the door and walked in, Melody after me. Alice appeared, walking out of the kitchen. She had her baking apron on and a bit of flour on her cheek.

"Hello you must be Melody." Alice said to Melody.

"And you must be Alice." Melody said.

"Yup, that's me. Let's go to the kitchen. I just made brownies." Alice said. Alice went in the kitchen. Melody and I took our shoes off and chucked them in a corner. We followed Alice into the wonderful smelling room. Alice handed us a plate of brownies. Melody and I each took one and ate it in seconds. Alice had made around 24, they were gone in minutes.

"Geez Kyle, your sister knows how to make brownies." Melody said. I shook my head. I couldn't agree more. We sat in silence doing nothing. I was looking out the window, I into the woods.

"You wanna go outside?" Melody asked. I shook my head yes. We ran outside, not even bothering to tie our shoe laces. Melody pulled me closer to the forest where a creek ran through.

"Look Kyle. There's unicorns and Pegasus in the woods." Melody said full of amazement. I looked into the woods but saw nothing. Melody wasn't done. "And look! Dragons too! Do you see the fairies and elves too?" Melody asked, looking at me. I didn't see anything. I shook my head no. Melody came up to me and put her hands over my eyes.

"Let the magic pull you in Kyle. Just look closer. Look beyond the forest." Melody whispered. She took her hands from my face and I looked at the woods once more. I smiled.

I could see them too.


Authors Note Here!
Hello! Thank you to the people who are reading this, it really means a lot to me. I wrote this one longer because the other one was so short and boring. By the way is this story getting boring? It's not all based off of a real story. I heard a real story about it, a little clip and decided to make a longer story out of it. I actually really like writing this and I really like it, and I hope you do to.

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