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Today was the day I had to give that presentation about me. Mr. Green hadn't said a word to me, but he just sat there judging for two days.

Melody and I had spent two hours after school on Tuesday in the school library working on it. Melody said (quoting here) 'it must blow away his mind. It must be weird and different. Oh and it had to make him feel stupid.' Her words not mine. Let's remember that.

I walked into the room. I opened up Google Slides and pulled up the presentation. Not too bad. I had to say. Let's just say that Mr. Green had his jaw to the floor when we finished.

I was banging a stick on the board at each word, while Melody read. It was... Something.

One Melody didn't know about the slide I added about her. Her faced turned red and she refused to read it. She tried skipping the slide, so I just pointed to each word and hoped people bothered to read it.

Advisory ended just as we finished. Mr. Green didn't say a word. As soon as we were the hallway Melody started.

"Kyle i-don't-know-your-middle-name Forest! I'm going to kill you!" She said throwing her hands in the hair. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't put that stuff in? I don't know, but I knew Melody wouldn't stay mad at me for long. I took out a sheet of paper. Wrote something quickly and handed it to Melody.

Small school. No one will even remember tomorrow.

"Still." Melody mumbled.

The rest of the week went by fast. School really isn't that bad if you have a friend. And Melody isn't too bad of a friend to say so my self.


Sorry for the short chapter. 😩 Just wasn't anything else I could put in. It took forever to write though, because yes. I had to make that Google Slide too. I know the pains. If you're still reading. Thank you!

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