Oh Boy

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You know what. It was a Wednesday when I went to my new school and met Mrs. Kim. One, we still haven't gotten that butter. Geez, what's a boy got to do to get himself some butter. Two, my week past like ThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday. Now it's going like Moooooooooonnnnnnnnnn, and I'm not done with this day.

I pulled on the first things I saw a t-shirt, and some jeans. I pulled on my hoodie. The one I'm never going to leave behind, pulled on my shoes and ran into the kitchen. I grabbed some toasted bread (with no butter may I add), waved goodbye to Alice and ran to the end of the street where the bus now had to pick me up.

The bus came minutes later. You know what? I'm starting to wonder why Alice couldn't just dive me, of yeah she has her own school to get to.

The school bus door opened with rattles and creeks. I walked on the bus. I kept my head down trying to find a open spot. I found one near the back. I sat down and put my legs to the back of the other chair in front of me. I took out my earbuds and stated listening to music from my phone. I didn't really use it more than that.

Alice had gotten it for me the second day in Michigan. She kept going on and on that if I was going to stay home alone I was getting a phone no question. Again, how is Alice paying for all this?

All of a sudden the earbuds were ripped away from me. A big kid stood in front of me. About my age. 8th grader.

"What you doing in my spot?" He growled. I shrugged. How was I supposed to respond to that? Next time let's stick to yes and no questions. I grabbed my earbuds back and started listening to music again. The kid grabbed them away from me again.

Now, usually I would feel scared. But today, I was tired and wanted nothing more but a few minutes of peace before I had to deal with more people. The kid looked like he wanted to say more, but then the bus driver started yelling at him. The kid sat down in another seat.

"No one messes with Jaxson punk." He said. Who talks about themselves in third person?

"No one punk." He said again. Oh great I'm not even at school and I'm already on the bad side of things. Great.


I walked into my new advisory. The school was easy to follow. About four hallways. All lined up. One for 6th grade, one for 7th grade and another for 8th. The other hallway connected them all, which had the office, lunchroom, gym, art room, music room, and all that fun stuff.

"Hey, new kid. You the kid Kyle?"the teacher asked. I shook my head. "I'm Mr. Green your advisory teacher. Why don't you tell us something about yourself?" All the students sat down looking at me. I felt the urge to pull the hoodie lower on my face. I naturally said nothing. Mr. Green just looked at me. Didn't he know?

"Well Mr. Gilbert if you don't want to say aborting I'm sure you can make a whole presentation and present it to us on Wednesday." Mr. Green said coldly. "Find a seat."

I did find one all right. Right in the back corner, hopefully so no one would see me. Mr. Green let us out 10 minutes early to gather our things and such. I went into the hallway to the new locker I had gotten. I already had all my stuff, so I just stood by it.

"Hi." Said a voice from behind me. A girl with wavy blonde hair stood in front of me. "I'm Melody. That wasn't very nice what Mr. Green did. He's always like that, but you get used to it. Do you need help finding your classes?" She asked. I didn't really know what to do, so I just shook my head yes. I took out my schedule. She took it from me and looked at it.

"Oh cool, we have the same classes. Well other than gym, girls and boys are separated in there, but same period." Melody said. She went on talking and talking about who knows what. Geez girls talk a lot.

"You're really quite. Can you talk?" She asked. "Sorry, I didn't mean it-" I shook my head no.

"Wait you don't talk?" She asked. I shook my head no.

"So that's why you didn't answer Mr. Green." She said. I shook my head yes.

"Don't you like want to learn sign language or something. Isn't it weird?" She asked. I shook my head no to both of those.

"Well, if you don't mind it I won't ether. I'll do enough talking for both of us." Melody declared. "Come on, our first class is this way."

Classes were classes. Boring as usual.

At lunch I sat with Melody. She didn't have any other friends I noticed. I had carried around a notebook, writing down things Melody asked me that weren't yes or no questions. Melody had explained to each teacher that I didn't talk each time we entered a class room. She talked softer, so the other kids wouldn't hear. I was wondering why.

*snap* *snap* Melody was snapping her fingers in my face.

"Hello? Earth to Kyle. I would like to speak to Kyle please." Melody said. Oops I guessed I zoned out.

"Where you paying attention?" Melody asked. I looked down trying not to smile.

"Kyle this isn't funny. I'm trying to explain to you the classes." Melody said. I pretended to yawn.

"You're right. School is boring. But we have to put up with it ether way." Melody said, forgetting about what she was just talking about. I scribbled down something on my notebook and handed it to Melody.

Don't you have any other friends? Like you're sitting with the new kid, not that I'm complaining.

Melody looked down on her lap and started playing around with her fingers.

"Well actually. No. I've been going to this school since 1st grade, but any friend I made never lasted long." She said. "I bet soon you'll find another group of boys that don't talk as much and go off with them." She said looking down. I was full of surprise. Melody, yes she talked a lot, but she was the friendliest person I've ever met. Not any person walks up to the new person at the school and starts talking to them like they've been best friends forever.

Well get this, you're my first friend. And I kinda want to stay friends with you.

I wrote. Melody smiled.

"You know what Kyle?" Melody asked. "I think I want us to be friends too."

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