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Author's Note
Yeah, the authors note is up here today. Idk why. But it is. Thank you for the people who are reading, voting, and commenting on this story. It really means a lot to me. Thank you to Emily7822 for the new cover! I love it! Shoutout to her, because she's amazing and has awesome stories. Now, back to the story.

I fell on my new bed. Alice had told me she had come earlier and gotten in furniture. She told me she didn't have enough money for paint yet, so we would have to wait a few months. I didn't really mind though, the whole house was painted a cream color. It could use some pop of color, but it was fine for a few months.

The house wasn't bad at all. It had three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a room like a library (Alice said it came with books too), and another room in the front. Like an entrance room. But the yard. The yard was amazing. It was two acres of plane open grass. Then another three point like five of woods. It was amazing. I don't know how Alice is paying for all this, but she is. And it kinda rocks.

We now live in this small little town, around the edge of it Indiana. The nearest town with stores is about 30 minutes away by car. This is my dream home.


"I'm getting butter Kyle! Want to come?" Alice called.

I pull on my gym shoes and ran to the front door.

"And I was thinking we could visit the school?" Alice asked. It was 1:00 school was still in. I looked at Alice. Her eyes eyes filled with hope. Alice had been juggling collage, and work all week. All so I could stay here. I shook my head yes. Alice hugged me.

"Thank you Kyle. Thank you." She said. We hoped in the car. The school was a good 20 minutes away. In a plain green pasture. A forest behind the school. Not too bad.

"Ready?" Alice asked. I shook my head. We climbed out the door and entered the school. It wasn't a big school, which I thought was better. Less kids to deal with. I followed Alice into the office.

"Hello, you must be Alice Gilbert." The lady at the front desk said. I noticed how she used Patrick's last name as Alice's.

"Actually is Alice Forest." Alice said. They shook hands.

"I'm Mrs. Kim." The lady said. "I work in the office." No duh. I didn't flinch or anything.

"This is Kyle." Alice said pushing me forward a bit. I waved, but did no more.

"Young man, do you go by Mr. Gilbert or Mr. Forest?" Mrs. Kim asked. Forest no duh.

"Forest." Alice said.

"I think Mr. Forest can speak for himself." Mrs. Kim said looking at Alice, not me.

"Actually." Alice said hesitantly. "Kyle doesn't talk." Mrs. Kim's face changed a little. How could Alice have not mentioned that? What if they doesn't even take me in now? My heart started pounding inside my chest. This wasn't looking too good.

"Oh." Mrs. Kim said shortly not really knowing what else to say. I flashed a fake smile. "I'm sure Mr. Forest will still make new friends and enjoy Green-heights Jr. High." Well by the looks of it. It just looks like i might be another weirdo here at this school too. I took a deep breath. One friend. That's all I'm asking for.

"He has always fit in, I'm sure he'll be fine." Alice said. Now Alice, lets not go telling lies.

"Alright. How about we start Kyle up on Monday?" Mrs. Kim said.

"That will be great." Alice said. We walked out of the room. I refused to meet Alice's gaze. How could she not tell them? I'm going to walk in that room and everyone is going to wonder why I'm not talking and soon I'll be a freak. Again.

"I know you're mad at me Kyle." Alice said on the drive home. So much for butter. I didn't meet her gaze.

"Kyle come on. I didn't think it would matter so much." Alice tried again. I didn't do anything. Alice didn't say anything for a few minutes.

"Kyle are you ever going to talk again?" She whispered. She had stopped the car. I looked down. "Does this have anything to do with," Alice started. She didn't say anything for a few seconds. "Dad?" That hit me square hard. How had she known? My reaction must have told her, because she started driving again.

We didn't say anything else before we reached home. Alice turned off the car, but nether of us moved.

"Kyle, remember I don't care if you talk or not. I just want you to be ok." Alice said. She ruffled my hair and kissed my forehead. I meet her eyes and smiled.

How could I stay mad at her?

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