Guess What? I'm In The Hospital

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I opened my eyes slowly. My nose was all bandaged up. Alice was in the corner of the room on a coach.

"Kyle! You're awake!" Alice said happily. She hugged me really tight.

"I know you have questions. Way too many." Alice said. She handed me a notepad and pen. "I'll answer them all." I took the notepad and pen. This was going to take a while.

Where are we and what day is it?

"We are at the hospital. It's January 2ed, 4:00 PM." Alice said quickly, still looking happy. My eyes popped out. What in the world happened. I just missed like almost two days of my life.

What happened?

"Well first, how much do you remember?" Alice asked. "The doctor said you might have some memory gaps."

I remember the fight and little flashes after that. Not too much.

"Well, after that fight you had. Melody's parents got really mad at you, saying it was all your fault." Alice said. My eyes grew wide. My fault? Sure I did some, but it wasn't all me.

"They were screaming and stuff. Then Albert said that it wasn't your fault really at all and Kelley was more to blame. Zach and Melody backed up his points too. Then Melody's parents apologized and insisted on paying for what ever Kelley did to you." Alice said. "Well this whole hospital visit wasn't cheap, yet they still want to pay for it. Even though I said they don't have to. Kelley got in huge trouble. But Zach called Max during all this, since my car wasn't starting up. Max got here and took you to the hospital with me. Then we went to the hospital and they fixed your nose." Alice said.

How long do I have to wear this bandage on my face?

"Two weeks about. They said you were lucky." Alice offered. That would mean I would get this off my face around January 16. So I would be at school. I would get teased about this too. Great. Just great.

Why am I wearing a dress?

"It's not a dress." Alice said.

Sure looks like it. Can you bring me some sweat pants and a t-shirt please?

"Fine I will tomorrow." Alice said. "It's not a dress." She added again.

What ever makes you sleep at night. But it sure looks like one.

"Any other questions?" Alice asked.

Can I have some butter?

"That's what you think about. Even after all this. Butter." Alice mumbled, but still handed me some pre made toast and butter.

"I have to go, is that ok? I'll be back tomorrow around 2:00 PM. Ok?" I shook my head. Alice packed up all her stuff quickly and left.

I watched some TV and tried sleeping.

"No miss, he's not allowed to have any visitors other than family." Said a voice from the hallway.

"I'm his cousin." Said a voice I knew well. Melody. Cousin. That's new. Especially since we look nothing alike.

"Really now, so if we ask Kyle he'll say you two are cousins?" Said the same voice that was talking to Melody.

"Ummm." Melody started.

"Let's go ask him." Said that voice. The door to my room flew open and a nurse and Melody walked in.

"Do you know this young lady?" The nurse asked. I shook my head yes.

"Is she family?" The nurse asked looking at Melody. I shook my head yes again.

"Really now," the nurse said looking at us two. "are you two cousins?" I shook my head yes and held up three fingers. The nurse didn't get it, but Melody sure did.

"We're 3rd cousins and best friends. Now that you know that we're related can you please leave?" Melody asked. The nurse scanned us over one last time. I could tell she didn't believe us, but left the room ether way.

Melody sat on the edge of the bed I was on.

"I would ask if you're ok, but I'm more wondering why you're wearing a dress." Melody asked. I took one of the pillows I had and threw it at her.

"Ok geez, sorry I asked. I would throw this pillow back at you, but I'm worried I'll like hit your nose or something." Melody said. "And let me guess Alice is going to bring you sweatpants?" Melody added. I shook my head.

We talked for a few hours on and on.

"Miss, visiting hours are over. You will have to leave now. You can come back tomorrow at 8:00 AM." Another nurse said.

"Ok." Melody said looking at the nurse. She turned back to me.

"I'll bring books, paper, and some toast?" Melody asked. I shook my head yes.

"Ok! See you tomorrow Kyle!" Melody said smiling. Melody left the room with the nurse and I was left alone again.

I pulled the blankets up and wished for the hundredth time that I had a t-shirt and some sweat pants.

I got comfortable and fell asleep seconds later, not even getting to turn off the TV that had never been turned off.


Author's Note

Hello! How was this chapter? I hope it wasn't boring or anything. If a chapter is ever boring tell me so I can fix it please.

Also, just saw that this book had around 200 reads. WHAT! Thank you! I honestly didn't think that would ever happen. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much. It means a whole ton to me.

If you all are looking for another book to read Emily7822 has good books that you all should check out.

Also, hey I need help with covers. He he. I can't make myself covers, but I can make covers for others. Is that normal? Not on this book, but on a lot of my other ones. So if you can make covers please comment or just PM me. Thanks!!!!!

Word Count: 1053

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