Night of December 31

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"Happy New Year!!!" We all shouted. We all blew our horns and paraded around the house. Alice and I were at Melody's house again for New Years.



Went our cups. We had glass cups of red grape juice.

"We have wine!" Jake, Jack, and Jazzy said parading around the house.

"Sweethearts that's grape juice. Like the juice from the juice box." Melody's mom explained to them.

"Ohhhhhh..." They said. "We have grape wine! We have grape wine!" They paraded around now with their new chant.

No one bothered correction them this time.

"Let's play twister." Zach said. Melody, Albert, Kelley (sadly), and I made our way to the other side of the living room where we set twister up.

"I'll be caller." Zach offered.

"Yeah. I guess you have to do it." Kelley said. "It's not like Kyle could do it." I didn't let myself get mad at Kelley. I've been teased a ton of times and I wasn't going to let Kelley ruin my night.

"Shut up Kelley." Melody said.

"I guess that's the only thing Kyle can do." Kelley said. Melody glared at Kelley. I didn't do anything.

"Let's just play the game." Zach suggested. Two of us stood on one side, and the other two on the other side. I was next to Albert and across from Melody.

"Right hand yellow." Zach said. We each did the command.

"Left foot red." Zach said again. It went on like this. Melody was the first one out. Then Albert fell over. It was only Kelley and me left. No one looked happy about that.

"You're going down loser." Kelley said. I wanted to say a few things at the moment, but I didn't even want to think about them right now. Kelley is just a little diva jerk.

We continued playing on and on. Kelley didn't fall and nether did I. At one point she was under me and all I wanted to do was fall on top of her.

"Well you guys have been doing this for 10 minutes." Zach said. "You guys want to quite?" I shook my head no strongly.

"Well since Kyle said nothing, that's mean I have all the say so I pick yes. Do that means I win!" Kelley said. She stood up and pushed me to the floor. "See? I win!" She put her foot on my chest and held her hands up.

"Loser." She whispered, so only I could hear. I wrapped my hands around her ankle and pulled her to the floor. Her head banged on the floor, but she didn't let that stop her. She punched me in the jaw. Blood filled my mouth. I slapped her face. She stood up and tried jumping on to me. I moved away, just as she was about to hit my. She landed face first on the floor. She punched my nose and blood flooded out of it. That was it. I tried not hurting her, but I was loosening too much blood at this point. I punched her in the nose. Hard. Dark red blood poured out of her nose. More than mine.

"You stupid idiot!" She shouted. "You're a weirdo! Get lost already! Go back from where you came from loser!"

Words at this point didn't mean much to me. She punched me in the nose again. I heard a snap. And pain rose up to my nose.

"I hope that broke and it hurts so much that you can leave forever!" Kelley shouted. All of a sudden Melody was in the middle of the fight. She punch Kelley square in the face.

"You're hitting your own sister you stupid idiot! Get the other one!" She shouted as she pulled Melody's hair out. Melody slapped Kelley.

"A sister doesn't put photos of her sister on the Internet and encourage people to bully her." Melody said. Kelley said nothing, but bit Melody. Melody cried out in pain and moved away from Kelley. Blood was pouring down Melody's arm. Teeth marks, like an animal's, were shown on Melody's arm. The marks turned purple and they got swollen. Alice was by my side.

"Kyle what in the world." Alice said. She tried to touch my nose, but I moved away. "I think that's broken." Alice added. I looked over at Melody that was a few feet away. Her parents were around her. Kelley was no where to be seen. Rose, Jake, Jack, and Jazzy were crying at the sight of that much blood. Albert and Zach were trying to calm them down and lead them out of the room.

Alice was looked like she was trying not to cry. My vision was turning blurry.

I didn't remember anything.

Another blackout.

When I started remembering things again I was in someone's arms.

"You're going to be ok Kyle. We are going to the hospital right now." Said a voice.

Next thing I knew I was in this place with white everywhere.

Another time people in white were all around me.

And then.

All black.


Author's Note

Hello! It's me. Down here. How was this chapter? Please give feedback because I really appreciate it.

So, what are you're thoughts on Kelley?

Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 884

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