Illinois Hospital

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"You can see her now." The nurse said. My head sprang up. She's ok. She's ok. Totally ok. I raced the room ahead of the nurse even.

A few hours had pasted and I couldn't be more scared. Melody's family had taken a two hour flight to get here. Mina was with them. They were getting here in half an hour.

I had waited for a few hours. When I was in the hospital I thought it was bad. I would have done anything to be in there and Melody right here. It hurts more to wait then to be stuck in there. It was boring, but at least I knew I was ok and I was going to be fine. Alice was worried sick. Melody had told me that if I did that another time, she was gunna get pretty mad.

I didn't care if she hated me for life. I just wanted her to be ok.

I opened the door softly and walked in the room silently. My heart started beating faster and my palms grew sweaty.

It was a smaller room then I was stuck in, in Michigan. The walls were white. The floor was white. The bed was white. Everything was white.

Melody was laying down on the bed. Her hair yet loose, not in the regular braids they usually were in. She smiled softly when I walked in the room. No one followed me.

"Hey." She said simply. I didn't do anything. Her right leg was in a huge cast, broken I've been told. Her right arm too was broken and in a cast.

I couldn't believe that had all happened, because I've been so selfish and ran out the door and ran to who knows where.

I sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm sorry." I said.


Author's Note

I've planned this since the beginning of the book, so I really hope that this is all Aok.

Word Count: 327

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