I Thought I Hit Rock Bottem, Then I Went Underground

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I ran and ran until my legs hurt and my lungs begged me to stop for the life of me. I slowed down to a walk. Now, truly, my whole body was in pain.

I walked and walked. It seemed like hours.

I didn't know when I would turn around. I didn't want to go back. I just didn't. I knew it was a bad idea to come here. I shouldn't have ever came. Mom didn't even try to fix anything. I don't think she wants to. I honestly didn't care anymore. I just wanted to go back home. At this point I would be happy if I had to see Kelley again. Or any other bully from Michigan. I just didn't want to be in Illinois.

Darkness covered the roads. I looked above for the stars, and saw none. I missed Michigan more then ever. The moon even, was just a small little slice of silver. I used the moon as my light to get me back to the house. I turned on the street.

Red and blue lights were at the house. My eyes widened. What happened? The ambulance was in the center of it all.

I ran towards the house. I ran with all my strength that I had left. I ran up the driveway, in the middle of all the noise.
I ran up to Alice.

"Kyle! Thank goodness you're ok. We didn't know where you were. After you left. Melody ran out after you. A car crashed into her." Alice said.

My heart stopped.

I thought I had hit rock bottom. If I had. I had just gone underground.


Author's Note

Ok. Sorry for the really short chapter, but I kinda wanted to end it like this. Little cliff hanger?

Is she going to die? Or is she not?

I'll give you a hit. It's in the line above. :)


Word Count: 318

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