Melody Gets Centered

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I made sure Melody had a blanket on her before pulling out another blanked. I laid down on the air mattress and pulled the blanked over me. I figured the best way to pass the day was to sleep.

I closed my eyes and feel asleep quickly.

*1.5 hours later*

I rubbed my eyes and sat up in the bed. Something was wrong. Melody wasn't in the bed. My air mattress was pushed against the mattress. Our bags were on the edge of my air mattress. A little square of space was left for the door to open and close.

The door was wide open. I had closed the door before I had taken a nap. It was wide open, even Melody had enough sense to keep the door closed, and this is her first time in this house. I sat up straight and bolted to the door. I ran through the hallways and ran downstairs.

"Hey Kyle, want to cook some food for us?" Mom asked. I didn't pay attention to her. I raced through the whole house. No Melody.

I hadn't checked three rooms. Jillian's, Nicky's, and Ashley's. I ran back upstairs. I promised myself I wouldn't let anything happen to Melody and here we are.

I ran into the main diva's room. Nicky's room. I slammed open the door. Melody's hands were tied and her mouth was tapped. A thing they did to me on a regular basses. Nicky tried jumping on me, I pushed her aside in mid air. Michigan had taught me a few things. Let me reword that. Kelley taught my a few things. Never thought I say those words. Jillian started screaming at me, about how this wasn't fair, yeah I'll say, you're holding my best friend hostage in your room. I pushed Jillian aside. She started shrieking on how I had broken her nail. Ashley walked to the side, claiming I was too gross to touch and her nails would get damaged. I undid the yarn around Melody's hands and she pulled the tap off her face.

"You stupid!-" Melody started. She tried pouncing on Nicky, but I stopped her. I took her hand and lead her back to my old bedroom.

"They are such divas and stupid idiots!" Melody bellowed in the room. I shook my head agreeing. Melody rubbed her wrists were the yarn had dug into her wrists. Her wrists were bright red.


I wrote down on a paper and handed it to her.

"Yeah. Let's go. Nothing better to do here anyway." Melody said. We walked out of the bedroom. Jillian was waiting at the end of the hallway. I pushed her aside, but she still tripped me. I landed on the side of my face. Pain rose up my nose. She kicked me in the ribs and went back to her room. I stood up and Melody took hold of my shoulders.

"Hello? I would like to speak to Kyle?" Melody said. Confused, I did nothing.

"Kyle. In Michigan you started standing up for yourself. At school sometimes, and you fought back to Kelley. Now that you're back here. You let them push you around like you're a stuffed animal." Melody said. She shook my shoulders.

"I would like to speak to Kyle now. The Kyle I know." Melody said.

Nicky raced raced down the hallway and pushed Melody down the stairs. I tried grabbing her, but my hands didn't reach her in time. She thumped loudly down the stairs. She fell with her back down the stairs and landed face first on the floor. She stood up, not bothering to fix her hair or her clothes from the weird angle they were. Then she said somethings that should not be repeated.

But what I saw on her face, got me even madder at Nicky. Melody's eye was swollen up and her lip was bleeding. She had a scratch on her face that was bleeding. I turned to Nicky and waited no longer.

I pounced on Nicky and broke into a full fight. She hit my nose a few times, but at this point I didn't care. I punched her and hit her. She pulled on my hair and bit me a few times. I didn't care what happened anymore. Mom and Alice came up and pulled each of us away from each other.

"Kyle. Why did you do this? Nicky has never done anything to you-" Mom started. I didn't bother listening any longer. I pushed everyone aside and ran outside. I didn't even bother closing the front door I ran and ran.

My face hurt, my nose the most. All the places on my arms that she had bit me hurt. I felt my eye getting swollen. I didn't care. Someone could hit me again. I was so tired of all this. I felt bad for fighting back, even starting the physical fight, but I didn't know what to do anymore. I was so tired of this bullying. I just wanted it all to stop and go away.

I wiped the salty tears that kept running down my face. "Boys don't cry." I remembered my mom telling me ages ago. "It's ok to cry sometimes, even I cry sometimes, happy or sad tears. Boys can cry too." I remembered my dad telling me years and years ago.

Then I cried. And I cried good.


Author's Note

I hope you all are learning how Kyle feels about his dad now. And how his mom has always been tuff on him.

Thoughts on Kyle's step sisters?

Word Count: 933

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